Bronner Brothers Hair Show in Baltimore, MD


New Member
Has anyone been to the Bronner Brothers Hair show in Baltimore, MD? It takes place in May and I was thinking about buying a ticket. I am pretty sure it isn't half as big as the show in Atlanta and I was wondering if it is gonna be worth it. If you buy a ticket by March 31 it's only $30.
I have not been. I was planning on attending the Natural Hair show the 26th and the 27th of this month. It is only $15. Is the Bronner Brothers show larger than the one coming up?

I probably can get my fix for $15.
I'm not sure, but I think this is the first or first in a long time that the show has been in MD; however, I will be there.
im going to the one next weekend. didnt know about the one in may but knowing me ill stop buy.
Where is the Natural Hair Show happening? If I can go to that and get what I want I may not NEED to go to the BB show. I went to the one in ATL once and it was awesome, I wasn't even a real PJ at that point.
Okay I am buying my ticket tomorrow. I really want more of a variety of products than just natural. I should probably start saving now. I am super excited. Maybe we should have a meet up while there, hmmm....
I'll be there!!! :yay: I'm very excited! Charz told me about it! :D ....when is it again? :look: The one in May, I mean...??