Brittle Hair (Help Me)


Well-Known Member
Ladies :

I feel like no matter how much I moisturize, parts of my hair just remain brittle. What do you do to combat this problem? Thanks!:)
I have the same problem in the crown area...let's just say its just as dry as the sahara desert:lachen:.

I just keep applying moisturizers to it. Also I clarify once in a while b/c buildup can keep moisture from getting inside the strands. Also I am 2 months post relaxer and that may contribute to my drier strands as well.

Tonight I am going to use a moisturizing deep conditioner to combat some of this issue!
I have the same problem in the crown area...let's just say its just as dry as the sahara desert:lachen:.

I just keep applying moisturizers to it. Also I clarify once in a while b/c buildup can keep moisture from getting inside the strands. Also I am 2 months post relaxer and that may contribute to my drier strands as well.

Tonight I am going to use a moisturizing deep conditioner to combat some of this issue!

Thanks for the tip. I'm 3 months post-relaxer and I'm trying to transition (we'll see how this goes). I will take your advice.
When you shampoo, use a good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner for deep conditionig. Also maybe you could consider dcing under a hooded dryer for 20 mins or so.
We need to know what your current regimen is before we can help you pinpoint a solution...

I moisturize each day with a mix of castor oil, jojoba and a moisturizer creme (UBH). I usually keep my hair in an updo, I don't comb until it's wash time.

I wash once/week (sometimes twice) and deep condition with each wash. If I wash 2 or more times a week, I conditioner wash. I thought my regimen was simple, but my hair is still so brittle and dry and it's breaking. I know the weather is getting colder, but I think it's just unhealthy???
Ok I'm natural and coloured my ends were always brillo pad dry no matter how many co-washes/ baggying etc I did. I followed the foil treatment in this thread and poof! nice smooth cuticles, I've never had this and actually would trim every few months because my ends were so dry and frizzy especially when I straightened....I used to think it was the colour but I did the last treatment almost 3 months ago and coloured about 2 weeks ago now and my hair is smooth, also ACV helps to maintain my hair's cuticles
When was the last time you used a protein treatment. My brittle ends have to stay bathed in protein because without protein hair can't hold on to moisture. Try that.
When was the last time you used a protein treatment. My brittle ends have to stay bathed in protein because without protein hair can't hold on to moisture. Try that.

I was just about to say what GymFreak said! Protein baby.
I like to prepoo with protein, like ORS Mayo, or ORS Replenishing Pak - and then follow up with a moisturizing deep condish.

I also like to mix Motions CPR with my Nexuss Humectress and do nice protein/moisture combo deep conditioning. Other lighter faves: Aphogee Two Minute Reconstuctor, cholesterol, Fantasia or Motions have reconstructors too. I do combo deep conditioning with the lighter ones or a prepoo protein treatment and my hair loves it.

Or if the prepoo or lighter proteins do not do the trick, try something a bit more intense, such as Nexuss Emergencee or Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair.
You are getting some wonderful responses...the only thing I would add is to maybe do some oil rinses...see Sareca's post:

I have really dry hair...I did my motions CPR protein treatment as a prepoo then washed my hair with Keracare Hydrating Detangling shampoo and then did the oil rinse with Amla Oil (you can use EVOO too). I would not use Jojoba but only for sealing purposes because it seals in the moisture, preventing any from getting in or leaving (see the post on penetrative oils vs nonpenetrative oils). This helped my dryness alot. Hope this helps. Is your shampoo a hydrating one, not too detergentee?
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I was just about to say what GymFreak said! Protein baby.
I like to prepoo with protein, like ORS Mayo, or ORS Replenishing Pak - and then follow up with a moisturizing deep condish.

I also like to mix Motions CPR with my Nexuss Humectress and do nice protein/moisture combo deep conditioning. Other lighter faves: Aphogee Two Minute Reconstuctor, cholesterol, Fantasia or Motions have reconstructors too. I do combo deep conditioning with the lighter ones or a prepoo protein treatment and my hair loves it.

Or if the prepoo or lighter proteins do not do the trick, try something a bit more intense, such as Nexuss Emergencee or Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair.

Yes Yes!! ORS has saved me from so much....I should buy stock. When everything even my pantene and aubreys fail me, ors replenishing or mayo seem to work. I might use one tonight now that you mentioned it.
Yes Yes!! ORS has saved me from so much....I should buy stock. When everything even my pantene and aubreys fail me, ors replenishing or mayo seem to work. I might use one tonight now that you mentioned it.

lol, you kill me gym :lachen:it's like you are just WAITIN' for an excuse to use your products!
sorry, my above post was pretty OT, so here is my contribution:

I found that adding light oils (vatika or avocado) to my pre-poo or deep conditioning treatments helps my hair retain moisture (surprisingly does not lock it out). In the heat of the summer, avocado butter saved my hair from being dry as the desert... I'd apply it right after washing and spraying my leave-in. Then, I'd airdry and my hair would stay moisturized for days.
I say clarify. Check ur conditioners to make sure that they are cone free. i had the same problem a few weejs ago and it was a silicone build up that was my problem. I washed the strands of my hair with VO5 lime clarifying twice and then used a moisturizing conditioner with no cones. Then moisturized and sealed. Worked very well.
lol, you kill me gym :lachen:it's like you are just WAITIN' for an excuse to use your products!

You know it.....This is the perfect excuse for me not to go out tonight. A friend wants me to go with her and her "Girls" to the club but I really don't feel like it. :cool:
When was the last time you used a protein treatment. My brittle ends have to stay bathed in protein because without protein hair can't hold on to moisture. Try that.

Thanks for the tips ladies! Do you have any suggestions for a good protein treatment?
Ok I'm natural and coloured my ends were always brillo pad dry no matter how many co-washes/ baggying etc I did. I followed the foil treatment in this thread and poof! nice smooth cuticles, I've never had this and actually would trim every few months because my ends were so dry and frizzy especially when I straightened....I used to think it was the colour but I did the last treatment almost 3 months ago and coloured about 2 weeks ago now and my hair is smooth, also ACV helps to maintain my hair's cuticles

Thanks for this advice! I will check it out!
Ok I'm natural and coloured my ends were always brillo pad dry no matter how many co-washes/ baggying etc I did. I followed the foil treatment in this thread and poof! nice smooth cuticles, I've never had this and actually would trim every few months because my ends were so dry and frizzy especially when I straightened....I used to think it was the colour but I did the last treatment almost 3 months ago and coloured about 2 weeks ago now and my hair is smooth, also ACV helps to maintain my hair's cuticles

:look:...Never heard of this...sounds interesting:scratchch...
sorry, my above post was pretty OT, so here is my contribution:

I found that adding light oils (vatika or avocado) to my pre-poo or deep conditioning treatments helps my hair retain moisture (surprisingly does not lock it out). In the heat of the summer, avocado butter saved my hair from being dry as the desert... I'd apply it right after washing and spraying my leave-in. Then, I'd airdry and my hair would stay moisturized for days.

Oils are great to add to prepoos. My fave is: EVOO, coconut oil, coconut milk, honey, and a condish. LOVE this!
Oils are great to add to prepoos. My fave is: EVOO, coconut oil, coconut milk, honey, and a condish. LOVE this!

Now that you mention honey :lick:... I've been trying to figure out how to work this into my regimen b/c I hear it has humectant properties and provides shine. Do you notice a difference in shine when you use honey?
Now that you mention honey :lick:... I've been trying to figure out how to work this into my regimen b/c I hear it has humectant properties and provides shine. Do you notice a difference in shine when you use honey?
Here! Mee! Honey definately adds shine to my hair. Between that and White Rain Coconut conditioner my hair feels sooo soft and healthy after prepooing.
Ladies :

I feel like no matter how much I moisturize, parts of my hair just remain brittle. What do you do to combat this problem? Thanks!:)

brittle ends needs a lil protein love

try the avocado protein treat once a week until hair is better (hugs)

cos i know how upsetting brittle ends can be.

mix an egg, a tablespoon of olive oil, water and an avocado (hass is better) blend all together, and slather on dry hair.

leave for 30mins and shampoo out as usual

also overmoisturizing could be another reason

also, tying hair up too much is a definate no no

have you hair down at home, and wear a vest top of something backless so hair ends wont rub

hope that helps x
Also, make sure you aren't just slathering on the conditioner, hoping that it's covering everything. Apply in sections to all of the hair and then saturate your ends and any extra dry areas afterwards with the conditioner. That can make a huge difference.

I thought this technique was only good for thick haired folks, but I was wrong :look:
Ok I'm natural and coloured my ends were always brillo pad dry no matter how many co-washes/ baggying etc I did. I followed the foil treatment in this thread and poof! nice smooth cuticles, I've never had this and actually would trim every few months because my ends were so dry and frizzy especially when I straightened....I used to think it was the colour but I did the last treatment almost 3 months ago and coloured about 2 weeks ago now and my hair is smooth, also ACV helps to maintain my hair's cuticles

does acv work on natural hair as a replacement to shampoo? please help??!!