Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon consult


New Member
How many of you all bring your own stuff to the salon?

I am going to buy some seamless combs from and after I get them I am always going to bring them to the salon when I get my hair done. I'm esp. buying a small tooth comb so that when they use that to do a roller set they won't be ripping out half of my hair!

Next week I'm going to try a new salon and get a relaxer touch-up and I'm thinking about bringing some products, well mainly a good deep conditioner for them to use on my hair I'm thinking about bringing my Elucence Extended Moisture Repair Treatment. Don't you think if you bring your own deep conditioner you shouldn't get charged for it? I'm also bring the creme of nature scalp protector and my Keracare Leave-in.

Before I go to this new salon I'm going to do a telephone interegation and maybe an in person consultation as well before I get anything done.

These are some of the questions is there anything you'd add?

[*] What type of relaxer do you normally use on customers?

[*] Do you use the same relaxer on all customers?

[*] Do you base the client’s entire scalp before relaxing?

[*] What product do you use to base; can I bring my own basing product?

[*] When you do a relaxer touch-up do you extend the relaxer past the new growth?

[*] Do you use any product to protect the previously relaxed hair from being over processed?

[*] After you’ve applied the relaxer what technique do you use in the smoothing process?

[*] Do you use a timer to time the total relaxation process?

[*] What do you use to neutralize the relaxer?

[*] How long do you leave on the neutralizing shampoo/agent before you rinse it out?

[*] Do you trim with every touch-up? I don’t want a trim with every touch-up, is that okay with you?

[*] Can I watch you do someone else’s touch-up before I get my own done?


[*] Could you not use a small tooth comb to comb my hair?

[*] Could you not put spritz on my hair after styling?

[*] Could you always use a leave-in conditioner?

THanx in advance
You could handle it this way Kenesha, and if it's what makes you most comfortable, do....but I prefer to lead my salon mostly by example and action...

Some of your questions seem a little leading as give the response you expect before they answer in the question - and that's not what you want. You want them to do what the
you tell them top do when you're there....

In my experience, they'll tell you whatever you want to hear to get you IN the's after you get there that's the real test.
I'm not saying you shouldn't call and ask questions. But maybe if you conceptualize it as an informational session rather than an interrogation
you might fare better. Even a good stylist might hang up the phone and be like "wait til that girl gets in here..."....

I did some alternative dispute resolution below in red...

Again - just my opinion...I think I know what you're getting at - I just don't want them to be lying to my girl...
Just because you ask doesn't mean they'll come clean. They are stylists - after all.

Don't you think if you bring your own deep conditioner you shouldn't get charged for it? I'm also bring the creme of nature scalp protector and my Keracare Leave-in.

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="red"> They may still charge - and rightfully so IMO - you are using their electricity and their labor to apply the conditioner if you go under the dryer. They might ask for a $3-5 fee for that. Again - I don't have a problem with it. They shouldn't charge you for the actual conditioner tho....but that's just my (very unpopular!
) opinion. That one is up to the salon. May the force be with you. </font>

[*] What type of relaxer do you normally use on customers?

[*] Do you use the same relaxer on all customers?

[*] Do you base the client’s entire scalp before relaxing?

[*] What do you use to neutralize the relaxer?

[*] How long do you leave on the neutralizing shampoo/agent before you rinse it out?

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="red"> I'd begin by asking them to give a rundown of their relaxing process from start to finish, step by step. If they leave out any of the above, THEN ask them details. Offer suggestions if they miss things completely and see how they respond. If they look or sound like "This girl is so extra" - you know you're in for it. Run! </font>

[*] When you do a relaxer touch-up do you extend the relaxer past the new growth?

[*] Do you use any product to protect the previously relaxed hair from being over processed?

[*] After you’ve applied the relaxer what technique do you use in the smoothing process?

[*] Do you use a timer to time the total relaxation process?

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="red"> Again - you should get the answers (hopefully the correct ones
) from simply asking what, if anything, they do to protect against overprocessing. No stylist is going to admit to overlapping over the phone whether they do or they don't. A stylist will bring a relaxer full to the ends of your hair and call it a "corrective" relaxer.
I just call it overprocessing. Tomato ultimately know what you want to hear. The answer is no. They'll say that, is my feeling, whether they do or they don't, because a stylist that overprocesses rarely will have a real sense that this is what they are doing. They know, but they don't know?

[*] Some stylists trim with every touch up. I don’t want a trim with every touch-up, is that okay with you?

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="red">I changed this a bit because I feel you can simply state this affirmatively. This part of the process is optional, unlike, say, neutralizing
and if they give you a hard time when you get there (which they will do if they are going to do it, whether you talk about it before or not - get up and leave. Punto Final. </font>

[*] Can I watch you do someone else’s touch-up before I get my own done?

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="red"> </font> Good Question! Smart girl!


[*] Could you not use a small tooth comb to comb my hair?

[*] Could you not put spritz on my hair after styling?

[*] Could you always use a leave-in conditioner?

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="red"> Girl just hand them your stuff and smile and INSIST that they use it. Say you're allergic. Say you break out in hives from rat tail combs....but I can say unequivocally that asking them overall if it's alright if you bring your own products and a special comb you like to use should be enough for a stylist who isn't planning to give you a hard time. The ones who will, will do so anyway, whether you ask in this kind of detail or not. Just hand them ish and smile with an "I mean business" look on your face. I wag my finger when they pick up something I don't want them to use
works like a charm!

Good Luck chica! And let us know how it turns out!
I've taken my products to stylist and have gotten discounts on the over all charge. As Tracy has stated, I had to recognize the stylists labor and expenses for applying my products which was fine. I also felt uncomfortable in bringing my things due to the overall attitude (smile in you face and talk about customers behind their backs) of my previous stylist. I long for the day when I can do my own relaxers.
That's a lot of questions... LOL

I'd also ask if it's ok to bring your products, some salons only use certain lines and won't use your "brought in" stuff cause they can't guarantee thier reliabilty.

I go to JCP and I bought in my JAY cause I don't like thier harsh shampoos and they would'nt use it saying their liable for you hair, which makes sense, but dang it was only shampoo.
I've brought my own Shampoo and Conditioners, but that was only because my used that brand sporadically since it isn't available in our area. Most of the time though I trust my stylist enough to use products that she thinks are suitable for my me that is very important.

Tracy, you brought up some great points and I'll ask more blanket questions and see if they really know what the heck they're doing! My favorite part of your post was [ QUOTE ]
Girl just hand them your stuff and smile and INSIST that they use it. Say you're allergic. Say you break out in hives from rat tail combs

[/ QUOTE ] I was
I'm going to print out your post because I'm calling them today, in fact I may just ask everything in person so I can see if they're making any dayum faces when I ask my questions and then I can BOUNCE!!!

Thanks everyone for your advice and suggestions!
Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

I have been bringing all my stuff to my hairdresser for
over 10 years. I have my touch up bag. It has combs, scalp protecter, deep conditioner, detangler,blow dry lotion etc.
She knows that I am serious about the products used on my hair. One day I just brought them in with me and asked her to use them. She picked up the bag and the rest was history.

One time she was on vacation and I called another salon. I told the stylist that I bring my own products. She said she was a pro and would decide what products I needed. I told her that I would not be making an appointment. She hesitated and said there are exceptions to every rule and I should explain to her why I want her to use my products. I told her I don't explain my reasons. I hung up. The next salon I called had no problem.
Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

One time she was on vacation and I called another salon. I told the stylist that I bring my own products. She said she was a pro and would decide what products I needed. I told her that I would not be making an appointment. She hesitated and said there are exceptions to every rule and I should explain to her why I want her to use my products. I told her I don't explain my reasons. I hung up. The next salon I called had no problem.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hey Fletgee
Geez. There was no reason why she had to be so foolish about you bringing in your own products. Heck. I would have hung up on her too. Besides, you know your hair better than her.
Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

Kenesha how did the inquiry go babycakes?

Is it a go?
Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

I've been with my hairdresser for 3 years now and she uses great products. I've never felt like I need to bring anything in. If you do bring in your own product, I think it would be right for her to still charge. Taking into consideration her time, skill and application.
Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

Hey everybody

Tracy babycakes is so sweet, I actually use that term of endearment.

Anywho it went great! I got Affirm which was $85, the other relaxers were $65, but I trust Affirm. The stylist did all the steps for the Affirm, which is one of the reasons why I love Affirm. Also my hair was not relaxed bone straight and when I left I didn't have that flat stuck to my head look! I also got a roller wrap and she did just that, unlike most stylists who feel that after all that they need to use the curling iron as well. Of course she said I needed a trim (pre-relaxer) and I was like okay we'll see. Then after she relaxed me I told her I didn't want a trim and she was cool with it.

Three days before I applied castor oil to my scalp and new growth resulting in dramatic itching, the day of my touch-up my new growth was soo dry and tangled I think it was the castor oil. I have to look into whether it's a humectant because maybe my house was so dry it didn't have enough moisture to suck up and just took it out my hair!

Tomorrow I'm doing a wash w/ an ACV rinse as well. The shampoo I plan on using is Elucence Moisture Benefits and conditioning after the acv rinse with the Elucence Extended Moisture Remedy Treatment and follow up with either the Keracare Humecto or the At One with Nature conditioner.
Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

That's one of my fav terms of endearment Kenesha
it gets reserved for people I am quite fond of.

Well I am THRILLED it went well for you!!!!

Sounds like overall it was a great experience. Maybe the combo of no manipulation of the newgrowth (combing brushing etc.) plus an oil that's on the heavier side was the culprit...

I'm glad it went well tho. I was actually wondering about it over the weekend!
Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

Monday, I took all of my own products to the hair salon. I brought in my own Shampoo, conditioner and leave-in treatment. I was charged $10
Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

Congratulations Ms Kenesha! I'm glad everything worked out well. I was about to send you a note asking how your salon visit went. I absolutely HATE that stuck to the scalp look that some relaxers leave your hair looking after a retouch. Bone straight hair is a no-no for me.

I usually oil my scalp with pure jojoba oil in preparation for my retouches and it works great. On the day of my retouch my stylist also bases my scalp with a scalp protectant creme. I have an ultra sensitive scalp and this combo is working for me!

Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

Pooh123, I'll have to use the jojoba next time. I also based my own head before I went to the salon with the Creme of Nature Scalp Protector, so she asked me did I base my own hair (she could tell) and I said yes, you don't have to do it, so she just applied the base to my hairline and around my ears. It worked really well I was starting to burn a little in the back, I scratched there, but she waited to do the back last because I told her that it's less new growthy there. And she started in the middle like I like, because that's where my hair grows like a weed!
Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

Ms Kenesha the back of my hair grows the slowest too!!! I wonder what's up with that? My crown grows the fastest. I'm seven weeks post-relaxer and I hardly have any growth in the back.

How many weeks did you wait to get this latest retouch?

Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

Pooh123, actually only 4 weeks this time because I had major growth and I was underprocessed on my last touch-up which I did on my own.
Re: Bringing your own stuff to the salon/salon con

The stylists do tend to talk about people who bring their stuff in. I remember sitting in the chair and my stylist was talking to one of the other stylists in the shop bad about one of her customers and called it 'ghetto'.