bringing own products to salon


New Member
How many of you do this? Has a stylist ever refused?

I've been thinking about going back to this because the products the use at the cheap dominican doobie spots I go to look suspect at times and I use higher quality salon products when I do my own hair at home.

Also if you bring your own deep conditioner have you found stylist still tried to charge you the additional fee for d/c treatment?

I remember ages ago as a teen I would get my hair done and a hairdresser (AA) I went to would charge an extra $10 for deep conditioners. She would always be sneaky about what she was using but I did eventually catch her using cheap old $1.99 Queen Helen cholesterol:perplexed. From then on I started bringing my own d/c...good thing is she never charged me any extra fee for bringing my own.
I bring my own products to the salon....they don't charge me less though :ohwell: I think it's unfair but there's no way I'm going to use those cheap shampoos and conditioners.
I used to but I used to go to Dominicans and they use to sneak and still use their own products. Used to make me sooo upset because if I wanted to use your products, I would not have bought my own. IJS

I never got charged more, just got those looks like "you think your products are better than mine?"
I asked once and she said no. Meanwhile those cheap products made my hair so angry. She had the nerve to try and sell me that garbage and her "special treatment."

Her extra 10.00 treatment was honey and olive oil. I literally laughed in her face. Do you know how much that cost in real life? Like 63 cents per application.

I would never go to a salon that didn't allow me to bring my own stuff or had stuff I wanted to use. There is no point otherwise.

You go to the salon to enjoy some else's skills. But if your hair responds poorly to products you will never be able to enjoy those skils.

Hair stylist, should style hair..they can keep all that other stuff! If i ever go back I may just come in with freshly wash and detangled hair--get my style and go!
Only the Dominican salons have allowed me to do this. I prefer to use my own poo, conditioner and leave in. Regular salons certainly don't allow this.

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I don't get the ones that would refuse. You think they'd be happy because they're still gonna charge the same price and save not having to use their own product. I'm not even expecting a discount. Both parties win in that situation.
I don't get the ones that would refuse. You think they'd be happy because they're still gonna charge the same price and save not having to use their own product. I'm not even expecting a discount. Both parties win in that situation.

The problem is that they are still buying the products that you refuse to use. Even though they pay like $10 for a gallon of shampoo and conditioner, they are still paying money so you should use this stuff. It's a slap in the face when you don't. So I'm supposed to be content with using garbage because I'm payin for your skills when I wouldn't use garbage on my own time? Stop.

I had a Jamaican stylist charge me $35 for a wash and set and I did not tip her. Your gratuity was included when she charged me $10 for a deep conditioner. AA stylist too, and then they get upset when women flock to the Dominicans. The Dominicans get upset because they add some special ingredient in and think they made a new product. Or play mad scientist with their concoctions. It's a whole circle of wth in the salon world. We need more renieces and bells in our world.
When I go to the salon to get twist extensions I usually bring my own hair milk for them to use while twisting my hair. If I don't, they will end up using Pink Hair Lotion and I refuse to let that stuff touch my head.
Only the Dominicans let me bring my own products. I don't remember if there is a discount for that. Most of the time, the Dominicans use products that I like, though.

American salons? Nope, and that is why I don't go to them. They use products that I KNOW my hair does not respond well to. I had one stylist argue with me about how all hair is alike and that it doesn't matter what products she uses on my hair. Needless to say I never went to her again.
The only product I used to bring with me to the salon was the Sabino Moisture Block. I don't really trust other heat protectants.
When I went to get my hair straightened (probably 2-3 times a year) I would show up with my hair freshly washed and detangled, and the stylist would blow dry and flat iron my hair. I was still charged for a wash and style but my hair was happy. I never really cared what was used on my hair to straighten it, but I got to shampoo, DC, detangle, and apply a leave in before I arrived. They never said anything to me or acted as if that was strange.
I think it really depends on the salon that you use. Many will refuse to use your products either out of ignorance about the products or safety. One flat out said that she couldn't due to her insurance policy (which I CAN understand to a degree).

I would definitely check with any potential salons first and verify if they will use your products ahead of time.
I do. I only go to my local Dominican salon for relaxers but I always bring my own DC & Relaxer (so I can adjust the strength) and my stylist doesn't mind at all.

She charges me a little less as well; I also time her when she applies my relaxer (this she doesn't really like but OH WELL it's my hair lol).
I go to a Dominican salon for a monthly rollerset and wrap and bring my own Tresemme Heat Tamer and Lacio Lacio. I don't mind whatever shampoo and conditioner they use. They've never seemed to have a problem with it.
I went to a place ONCE that shampooed my hair with Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap after a relaxer.... I never went there again...too ghetto
Never had too. When I was a regular my stylist on exclusively used brand names. She use to love Syntonics/Design Essentials on me. She always charged a grip but my hair was always soft and lush so I never complained.
Never had too. When I was a regular my stylist on exclusively used brand names. She use to love Syntonics/Design Essentials on me. She always charged a grip but my hair was always soft and lush so I never complained.

This was my stylist when I went to one. She used Joico and Design Essentials mainly, and sometimes Mizani. I miss her, but I do my own hair now.
I don't - I know that I should but honestly, I don't want to hear any stylist complain about the products I'm using if I ever have to bring up any hair concerns to her. I just rewash my hair days later after leaving the salon to reset my hair. I only go for touch ups so it's really no big deal.
Never had too. When I was a regular my stylist on exclusively used brand names. She use to love Syntonics/Design Essentials on me. She always charged a grip but my hair was always soft and lush so I never complained.

Ha. I wish!!!! Where I went, they use to refill AG bottles so you thought you were getting the good stuff. You learned when your hair wasn't getting that umph it needed. I lost faith in that brand for a while because of that.
I will only bring my own product if it's something a doctor has specifically requested I use (like prescription dandruff shampoo) or if I know a product the stylist uses at a certain step doesn't agree with me (my hair doesn't agree with certain EOs and sugars so I will sub for anything that my stylist that will make my hair or scalp angry).

Otherwise, I'm happy with what my current stylist uses since I use most of it myself at home (Paul Mitchell, CHI, and Design Essentials).
I asked once and she said no. Meanwhile those cheap products made my hair so angry. She had the nerve to try and sell me that garbage and her "special treatment."
Her extra 10.00 treatment was honey and olive oil. I literally laughed in her face. Do you know how much that cost in real life? Like 63 cents per application.

I would never go to a salon that didn't allow me to bring my own stuff or had stuff I wanted to use. There is no point otherwise.

You go to the salon to enjoy some else's skills. But if your hair responds poorly to products you will never be able to enjoy those skils.

Hair stylist, should style hair..they can keep all that other stuff! If i ever go back I may just come in with freshly wash and detangled hair--get my style and go!

I was told this just yesterday, the nerve. I think she is insulted because i seem to know my stuff and she realizes that she can't sell me on garbage.
Like Enexit said, I've never had to. The stylist I visit use and sells brands such as MoroccanOil, Enjoy, Elucence...I've even seen her use Wen on her clients. The stylist I use when I go home to the east coast uses Design Essentials. I'm not paying for services AND taking my own products that I've already paid for.
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I am baffled that a salon would NOT let you bring your own products. Then forget it, watch me walk away.

I have been going to Dominican salons since I was 15. I would think they'd be happy if people brought their own products. They get to keep more of theirs.
I have thought long and hard about this bringing products to the salon thing. It's kinda tricky. If I were a stylist, I'd want to use product combinations that I know, trust and can back. That of course would be the products I offer in my salon. Last thing I want is for product combinations to not work and then the client is upset. Who then would the client blame? The stylist. Using products familiar to the stylist likely provides a level of comfort. Not using products brought in by a client could then lead to a loss of a client. I can view this both ways. Glad I'm not a stylist.

As a salon goer, I allow the salon to use their products in hopes all products play well together.
I don't get the ones that would refuse. You think they'd be happy because they're still gonna charge the same price and save not having to use their own product. I'm not even expecting a discount. Both parties win in that situation.

THe problem is that it's a liability. I don't know what the heck you put in that bottle before you brought it in to the salon. If something were to go wrong, I can always go back to the manufacturer. If something happens with a product that you brought in, I'M LIABLE AND CAN BE SUED. It's just not worth it for me and besides, that's unprofessional. I have purchased different products for individual persons because they liked it better. That's not a problem. But a client is NOT about to put me in jeopardy because they'd rather use some concoction that they made at home. I'd rather lose them as a client than to put my livelihood on the line.
I've wondered about this as well. If it's a chemical service someone is getting, couldn't they just go with what the stylist uses as accessories and have her order the specific perm the client wants? I know people will cringe to hear someone say products are basically the same. Shampoos function the same. Using another one once should not "kill" their hair. Plus, I agree about the liability to the business.