Bringing out Curls and Waves with Brushes, Combs and Techniques

almond eyes

Well-Known Member
My hair right now has become very interesting. First there were curlies and now I am getting waves and curlies especially in my crown, front and back of my hair. Even my front edges are cooperating. I guess my high porosity hair loves warm water.

I keep hearing about all these brushes that one has to use to make the curls and waves pop. I was using a brush that caused my hair lots of frizz when my aunty suggested that I should use a brush to close up the sparse sections of hair when I had just shaved my hair in May.

I started to notice now in my almost month four that when my hair is wet as I have water trained it, it gets a wave a curl pattern. As I said before I use a mild shampoo everyday and a conditioner. Water only and conditioner wash only doesn't really cut it for me as I have been experimenting. I start off with rinsing my hair with warm water for about two minutes and lightly massage my hair. But I don't wash my hair for like long periods of time I shampoo lightly with a mild shampoo (I like Dr. Bonner's I think the critic acid is good for my hair) for only about two minutes and then condition for about five to ten minutes as my fine strands can't take over conditioning. As I mentioned it took my hair two months to get used to it being washed and conditioned everyday. My hair when it was relaxed was low porosity and now that it is natural it is high porosity as it is genetics and not from any damage.

I use a comb to lightly detangle my hair and comb my hair backwards and then apply my Kinky Kurly Knot today diluted and I started to see some interesting wave and curl patterns and I also may use some Curling Custard as well but my hair has to be very wet. I don't use a head scarf to tie my hair down or else my hair would look too shlacked. But I do tie my hair up at night. And once I place the products in my hair I do not disturb my hair at all or else it will frizz up. My hair stays soft and not hard.

I was wondering about women who have waves and curls what brushes do you use or do you use combs and which ones. What are your techniques?

Almond Eyes
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Denman Brush or fingers. I rarely use a Tangle Teezer.

I do not use combs unless I am doing a roller set.

With the Denman, you put your product in and you take a section of hair. You grab it at the bottom but you have a little bit of hair hanging out. You brush at the ends and then you slowly work your way up. once you get to the top, you can brush normal, I guess but do not start at the top of your head with the Denman. Move on to the next section.

Fingers and Tangle Teezer: I use the same way as a Denman Brush.