Breaking Ends SoS


New Member
Firstly a big hello, have been away for awhile and just lurking,

mmwwahhh hugs and kisses :love2:

and i hope everyone is having a happy hair journey....

so what brings me out from the shadows? well a little problem with breaking ends and a very dry scalp, have been keeping my hair in weaves which has meant my hands have been out my hair, but have recently got a relaxer which looks good too, but just worried i may have sacrificed my ends through too much weaving and stress of chemical treatment

my idea for recovery is to twice daily; moisturize, seal the ends and then do a saran wrap with heat under a hood dryer for 10mins morning and night, hate baggying as it makes my ends too frizzy:nono:

for my scalp use Aloevera gel mixed with Jojoba oil again twice daily

do you think this will help, or are there any other suggestions i might try other than trimming for my ends and for my scalp all advice welcome

thanks in advance xxxxx
Are you balancing protein and moisture? I was suffering from a lot of breakage of my ends in the past. Once I starting alternating between a protein DC and a moisture DC with each wash, my breakage started to slow down and eventually stop. ORS Hair mayo worked well for me. I used it every other wash. Just something to consider. HTH.
definitely up your moisture and protein levels. if your hair is damaged sitting under the hood dryer 2x a day every day may be too much heat IMO but moisturizing 2x a day is a good idea. oh, and a weave is not an excuse for your hands to stay out of your hair...i learned the hard way!
i know with my hair it craves moisture, might keep the dryer to once a day lol don't won't to make it worse

anymore ideas ladies??
how did you care for your hair while you had the weave in? when you took your weave out, how soon after did you relax? what did you do to prepare your hair before relaxing?

i know you're thinking why all the questions, but perhaps if we pinpoint what caused the issue we can help more AND prevent it from happening again if you choose to get another weave in the future. :yep:

definitely agree to upping your moisture levels. i'm curious to know why you feel you need to sit under the dryer after you moisturize, does the product(s) you're using work better that way?
The scissors can be your friend.:grin: Dead end can not be repaired..
Weave absorbs moister from the hair, you need to spray or apply lotions/oil to your scalp and hair while you have weave/braids.
another option 2 use in lieu of the dryer, is to use a heating cap instead...i used to do this after i would flat iron my hair...i would just wrap my hair up with the saran wrap....put the heating cap on for about 10-15 would lay my hair super flat!!!!...i believe i bought mines from a beauty supply a few years ago & they're inexpensive, quicker to use then lugging that big clunky dryer out all the time...and they get the job done can i say? im LAZY!!!!!....HTH...good luck!!!! :yawn:
The scissors can be your friend.:grin: Dead end can not be repaired..
Weave absorbs moister from the hair, you need to spray or apply lotions/oil to your scalp and hair while you have weave/braids.

defiantely agree that how you take care of your hair under the weave is important as well as how soon after you took out the weave and got a relaxer. If you got a relaxer immediately this may have added to your breaking. Also, to balance moisture and protein.

See this link on how to balance moisture & protein and test your hair strands.

See sistaslick for other helpful articles
thanks ladies for the replies

whilst in weave i tried to moisturize daily and washed weekly,

i waited about 8 days before i put in my relaxer, when i took out my weave i clarifyed and dc'd, then 3 days before i relaxed i just did a dc, then a day before i relaxed i used straighteners to help my roots using chi silk

feel i like i'm doing things right but not getting results :ohwell:
thanks ladies for the replies

whilst in weave i tried to moisturize daily and washed weekly,

i waited about 8 days before i put in my relaxer, when i took out my weave i clarifyed and dc'd, then 3 days before i relaxed i just did a dc, then a day before i relaxed i used straighteners to help my roots using chi silk

feel i like i'm doing things right but not getting results :ohwell:

what did you moisturize with?

i think you're supposed to wait 2 weeks after getting braids or weave taken out before you relax? (someone correct me if i'm wrong :look: ) your hair might've been a bit stressed, you did a lot to it in that week... took out weave, clarified, DC'd, DC'd again but then straightened (i'm guessing with heat?) and then relaxed.

for the most part you do seem to be on the right track though. just keep up the moisture, let your hair rest and recover. :grin:
yea definitely waiting 1-2 weeks would've been best; especially going from 1 extreme 2 the next...almost like when the body goes from hot 2 cold or vice versa; itz like a it needz time 2 adjust...