Breakage - What Does It Look Like??


Well-Known Member
i'm lost between breakage and possible hair that was cut off behind my back. so i'd like to know, what does broken off hair look like? does hair break off in even "all one length" type of layers or is breakage typically jagged and of different lengths? can breakage make your hair look thinner? does hair break at different lengths? what does breakage look like??

what are some of the main causes of breakage...and what are some of the best ways to prevent it...(i think i'm hearing people typing the words conditioning....)
does hair break off in even "all one length" type of layers or is breakage typically jagged and of different lengths? can breakage make your hair look thinner?

Typically jagged... ends would start looking scraggly.

what are some of the main causes of breakage...and what are some of the best ways to prevent it...(i think i'm hearing people typing the words conditioning....)

Main causes include overprocessing, double processing, overuse of heated appliances, using bristle brushes, infrequent washing, infrequent deep conditioning and allowing your hair to go for days without replacing moisture.

To prevent breakage take care of the above. :grin: