Breakage after a fresh touchup!



I just did my touchup yesterday after 14 wks and as I rinsed it out, I loss a lot of hair! Every time I shampooed and rinsed, more and more hair came out. This happens everytime I do my relaxers. I was wondering if it was just me, or is this normal? Thanks!
That sounds really scary, but I don't know if it's normal or not. When I'm at the salon I'm sitting with my head back, so I can't tell if a lot of hair comes out or not! Next time I get my hair done, I'm going to ask!!

I remember when my Mom used to do my hair, that happened to me, but not every time.

I'm sure others here (self-relaxers) can help you with this question!!
this is so scary!!! first tracy, then davine, now cami, i really hope everyone's hair will be back to normal soon!!!

i have had experiences (three to be exact) where immense hair came out after relaxing, and it always resulted in a patch somewhere. getting my hair relaxed is so tramautizing for me, everytime i go, i wonder if my hair is going to fall out this time or the next. since joining the board though, i have to say i haven't experienced one of those disasters. and i hope i will never have to again.

now back to the issue, hair does fall out naturally during the relaxing process, the question is how much is normal? i really can't tell being that i get my relaxers professionally done, and i can't see the shampoo bowl (honestly i think its a good thing that i can't, or else i would freak out)
The amount of hair was approximately around 4-5 clumps. I wonder if it's because I usually don't comb my hair and as a result, that's when all the accumulated hair comes out. I did an Aphogee treatment about 2 wks before hand, but I thought that was supposed to help strengthen my hair. I'm going to do another protein treatment next week. I hope I'm doing the right thing
Maybe it is because you don't comb it for a while before the relaxer. I do my own and usually I have less shedding after the relaxer than before.
Cami I can SO feel your pain.

But never fear - my shedding DID slow down quite a bit this week. I washed today and only got about 20 hairs or so (less than a clump - way less - which I'd been getting too) after using Keraphix and Pantene Intensive Restorative Treatment it's looking good. I'll let you know how it turns out when dry - but the slip of the Pantene really helped. Try something with LOTS of slip next time and see what happens.

you can protein again if you want but follow with a good conditioner with LOTS of slip.

Good Luck chica.
Cami said:
I just did my touchup yesterday after 14 wks and as I rinsed it out, I loss a lot of hair! Every time I shampooed and rinsed, more and more hair came out. This happens everytime I do my relaxers. I was wondering if it was just me, or is this normal? Thanks!

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Do you think the loss is due to overlapping?
I second that emotion Tracy!
i always lose alot of hair when i relax after a long time (which is always usually bc i wait 12 wks or more)
it just seems that my curly roots hold on to shed hair or maybe bc i only comb when wet and even then its very little.
i just think all that hair is being set free in a way. lol