
New Member
I would just like to say THANK YOU to all of you for the guidance you provide! My HHJ started last week and I am seeing differences already. When I used to wash my hair and detangle, I would get a handful of hair when I put a comb through it. Today when I cowashed and detangled I only saw two hairs in my comb... yes two! The longest I've been is BSL and that was for a very short period of time because I really wasn't trying to grow my hair or take care of it. I'm currently trying to stretch my relaxer for 6 mos. I'm 10 wks post now. I'm also trying to not use heat and wear protective styles. I'm trying to get my regimen together, which currently includes S-curl, HE LTR, Nexxus, Coconut Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, EVOO, and Castor Oil. I also take Prenatals, Biotin, Garlic Pills, and Tri-Flex. Thanks again everyone!
Welcome to the board!
I think you've picked the best oils to help you along (though I don't really know how oyur using them...).

Best of luck with your hair journey!
Thank you. I'm still trying to figure out my regimen but this is what I do so far...

S-Curl on my new growth and HE LTR on the rest of my hair.
Seal with Coconut oil and Hemp Seed oil.
Castor oil on my scalp every other night.
Pre-poo with Wheat Germ oil and EVOO.
Deep condition with Nexxus Humectress.
I also cowash with Pantene R&N but I don't like it as much as the regular Pantene.

Is this too much?