Braids: way tooo tight


Active Member
so, my sister-in-law did a beautiful braid job last sunday but she just did it waaaay tooo tight. i was incapacitated for TWO days! this morning when i got up, little bumps were developing along my hairline. MTG to the rescue. nearly 4p and those bumps are gone!
Glad to see that the MTG is working for you. Here is another tip, if the braids are too tight, run some steaming hot water in your Bathroom sink, take a wash cloth, dip it in the hot water and wring out the wash cloth, put it over your head for a few minutes. The steam from the towel should loosen up your braids some. You can also take a steam bath and it should work just as effectively.
If the steam doesn't help you may want to take out the braids around the edges and redo them a little looser. Tight braids can cause hair loss so be careful. My mom lost the hair above her ears this way, and permanently!!!
trinigul said:
so, my sister-in-law did a beautiful braid job last sunday but she just did it waaaay tooo tight. i was incapacitated for TWO days! this morning when i got up, little bumps were developing along my hairline. MTG to the rescue. nearly 4p and those bumps are gone!
Do you have micros or larger ones. And how long do you kept mtg on your braids/scalp. I have micros but I wasn't sure if I should put mtg on my scalp because I usually don't wash my braids.
Boy do I remember those days. Hope you are feeling back to yourself again. To this day, I can not understand why they have to braid those braids so damn tight...It just doesn't make sense...

Enjoy your braid style and eventually not looking as though you are of Asian Decent.....LOL (now come on, you know they braid just that tight to give you that look).

Even though MTG may have solved the problem in the short run, IMO, you should try to get your braids loosened. I made the mistake, years ago, of letting someone braid my hair with strands too small and too tight along my hairline. Sadly, it's two years later and my hairline is barely recovering --- and some areas may never grow back. Just a warning ;) . Happy hair growing.
CinnaMocha said:
Enjoy your braid style and eventually not looking as though you are of Asian Decent.....LOL (now come on, you know they braid just that tight to give you that look). :bookworm:

HAHAHAHAH! U saw me?

blessed said:
Do you have micros or larger ones. And how long do you kept mtg on your braids/scalp. I have micros but I wasn't sure if I should put mtg on my scalp because I usually don't wash my braids.

I have cornrows. I just couldn't sit through all those braids. I put the MTG on my scalp but I'm sure it's on the hair too. It really worked wonders. I'm gonna try to wash these suckers. Check out Den1's tips: a stocking cap and some diluted shampoo.

THANK YOU all for all the suggestions. Y O Y didn't I first cry out for help in the beginning. I guess I kinda did the steam thing. I constantly misted my hair with a mix inspired by Den1: glycerin, infusium, IC moisturizing gel, olive-castor-coconut oil and water. I kept a plastic cap on my head and just kept misting. I'm fine now. I've learned my lesson. NO WAY will these cornrows be done as tight as this. I couldn't even answer my phone. I couldn't laugh (well, if I held my scalp down). If blinking wasn't involuntary, wouldn't have done that either.

Nonetheless, I'm officially on the Braid Buddy Challenge. My first one. YEAH!!
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Damn the tight as braids I say!!

I've decided to go on the braid challenge but I will be doing them myself. I hate having my scalp braided along with my hair.

I've had way too many painful situations with braids that I'm not willing to go through again.