braids from the start


New Member
Does braids make hair easier to comb? when i first started growing out my hair it was easy to comb but it wasnt long enough for braids yet. I ended up not being able to get braids because i lost my hair on the sides. Is it possible since i've never wore braids and im just laying around on my hair and its drying out that its making my hair harder to comb? Im thinking about cutting it all off and starting over but i would expose my dandruff to the world. anyway i notice that my friends can still comb their hair after wearing their braids.
Yes Dejuan. Make that a resounding YES!

And that's exactly the reason I was nagging you to braid your hair (even just square plaits) at night before you put on your plastic cap and when you wash your hair. Braids stretch your hair so it doesn't shrink or curl up too much. And in that slightly straight state, it won't be so hard to comb.

I know a lot of people with natural Type 4A/B hair, including myself. And I don't know a single one of them with hair more than 2 inches long and with the intention of growing it, who goes to bed without putting it in square plaits. It's the only way I know of keeping your hair tangle free...unless you decide to wear cornrows/braids or twists as a style and leave it the heck alone.

So now I'm really intrigued... Will you put your hair in square braids tonight?
Do tell!

Remember no need to pull your hair when you do them. Be gentle, and moisturize each section before braiding and make sure it's combed well, starting from the ends and moving the comb further down each section till you can comb right through the length of your hair, before you braid. Please be patient take your time when combing. Then put on a plastic cap for the night. Tomorrow morning combing will be so much easier. Unless you need to wear your hair out, I'd leave the square braids in and wear a du rag over your cap or plastic wrap. Only coz the less you mess with your hair, the better for it. And you'll get less breakage.
I agree totally with nonie! Plait it at night and you'll get less breakage and it will be moisturized and easier to comb.
I have 3c hair that's springy and spongy like. If I don't keep it twisted and moisturized, I'll wake up the next morning with tangly, frizzy dreads.
You say your hair is 2"? Your hair is long enough for two strand twists. How about doing comb coils or finger coils. These are great styles that give you hair a rest (and your scalp). They also look good on men! That's what I did for my hair when it was this short. Now, my hair is shoulder length (5-6" measures scalp to ends). I've managed to keep length by wearing these styles and this includes the trims. Oh yeah, as far as combing goes, I NEVER comb my hair. I finger comb, but I never ever use a comb. Combing yanks and tears at my hair. I leave my hair in twist week in a week out. I wash my hair with the twists still in. This has cut down on the breakage and shedding alot! You probably learned this from the hair lady, huh?
i appreciate the help guys but i dont like twists. lol you got to see my hair. If 4C was a hair type that would be my category trust me
Why don't you like twists? Curious... You know the kinker the hair the better for this style. Don't feel bad my dad has 4z lol! His hair just looks like little peppercorns all over his scalp. If he can get a grip on his hair, anybody can.
I would recommend braiding your hair too Dejuan. See if you can get your mom or someone else to help you