Braidouts, Twistouts, or Scrunched


Well-Known Member
For those of you who have did braidouts, twistouts, or scrunched your hair do you have pictures in your albums. My mom tried to scrunch her hair and it look like a wild mess w/ no waves.
hey shatani check out the cornrows out i did today. tell me what you think. also, what products do you use to do yours?
Dolapo said:
hey shatani check out the cornrows out i did today. tell me what you think. also, what products do you use to do yours?
hmm....well THAT particular day i didnt use any product....

these days i would wash and condition, add my salerm and finish off with my whipped butter mix to ensure that it was moisturized really fact im probably going to do that this evening....
lolla2005 said:
excuse my ignorance, but what is a scrunch? :perplexed

How to Scrunch Hair

Do you need to add some volume? Scrunching is a good way to get it.


1. Wash and condition your hair. Make sure you squeeze the excess water out of your hair. To scrunch it, you want it damp, not soaking.

2. Wrap your hair in a towel to dry it a bit. Do not brush your hair. Not only can brushing wet hair cause split ends, but it also prevents you from getting the scrunched effect.

3. Comb your fingers through your hair and make a part as best as you can. Don't worry if it's not perfect.

4. Spray a curl ehancer all over your hair.

5. Put gel in your hands and rub them together to spread the gel.

6. Grab a small handful of hair by the ends and push it up toward the head. Hold it in place for a few seconds.

7. Repeat this all over your head, keeping in mind that the small handfuls yield tighter waves and large handfuls create full, loose waves.

  • Another method is to put your hair, when it's damp and has hairspray, into the highest, messiest bun you can make. When your hair is dry, take the bun out and spray it with hairspray.
  • Fine/thin, naturally straight, or chemically-straightened hair may be resistant to scrunching. If this is the case, apply curl-defining mousse or gel to the hair and curl it using a barrel iron. When the curl is still warm, take the end of the curl and pull it until the hair is straight. Let go once the curl has cooled - it should bounce back wavier and looser than before. Apply more gel, if necessary.
  • For best results, use shampoo, conditioner, and products (gel, mousse, hairspray, etc) that specifically define curls.
  • Never rub a towel vigorously around the ends of hair, because it causes split ends and frizz.
  • Don't put too much gel in your hair in one spot because once it dries, it will turn white and flaky.
  • Don't even think about brushing your hair after you've scrunched it. You will look like you got electrocuted.
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Thanks Foxy! :) I think I wanna try this. But wont my hair be really dry after using all of thses hair sprays?? I mean, I do daily Co washing but STILL. I'll try it and let you guys know how it goes..

thanks again!
Dolapo said:
what is an example of a curl enhancer?

This is the one I used. I was able to get curls (using the scrunch/plopping method) and I am relaxed.

*Shake before using.
*For best results, start with Frizz-Ease Hair Serum
*Spray product liberally on damp hair from roots to ends, distributing evenly.
*Scrunch small sections of hair gently in fist to help create waves.
*Allow hair to air dry naturally or blow-dry using a diffuser with dryer set on low.
*For Touch-Ups or Next Day Wake-Up Call:
*Spray and scrunch on dry hair to reinvigorate curls

Step 4 Style Curly
-Transforms wilted waves & curls into sexy swerves, curves & spirals.
-Alcohol-free formula leaves hair super-silky, never crispy.
-Breakthrough curl perfecter transforms wilted waves and curls.
-Just spray and scrunch for the curls of your dreams - sexy, highly-defined swirls and curls that are soft and silky, never crispy.
-Innovative magnesium-enriched formula penetrates hair to restore elasticity and spring, boosting and enhancing your natural curl pattern.
-Special conditioning and glossing agents help leave hair frizz-free and glistening with healthy-looking shine.
-Non-greasy, non-sticky, alcohol free formula.
I just posted a picture of what my hair looks like after I scrunch it. The picture and steps are in my fotki album. (Sorry about the quality of the pic-will post more later today) I also put in a picture of the products I usually use to scrunch my hair. I was searching for some links for the ladies who had never heard of scrunching before. I'm going to take some more pictures after I do my hair today and post pictures step by step in my album. For now, hope these links on how-to's help and HHG! :)
i got the dream curls and this is what my scrunched hair turned out to be......

:perplexed i dunno if this is what its supposed to look like do you use your scrunching products. like which one do oyu use first and how do you apply it? i couldnt find a scrunched hair pic in your album :( just the products