Braiding & woman's story (long)


Well-Known Member

Okay, so I took out the twists on Sunday. Combed out small sections slathered with conditioner while taking down the twists.

Pre-pooed with conditioner (Suave coconut).

Diluted shampoo wash while still plaited. Conditioned with two different conditioners, including DDTA. Patted with microfiber. My hair looked at me like ""b" please--is that all you got?" Hair was tangled to be darned, like I'd never detangled it at the start. :ohwell:

I decided to fight my hair--I threw everything at it I had--olive oil, honey, aussie slip, Motions lavish conditioner, Shea butter, Kerafix, Humetress. I put a plastic cap on it. Hit the conditioned hair with some heat. Went to sleep with it. My hair kept bounch each off each one like it had a deflector shield. :perplexed

Next morning, tackled it. My hair laughed, and laughed and laughed. :lachen: "B," is that all you got?" Denman 4. Tortoise K-cutter type, detangling comb. I manged to get some semblence of detangled hair and tried to twist it, for my long awaited twist out. My hair must of had hair memory, because it kept trying to retwist into the smaller braids. After I'd stuck 4-5 braids in it, I looked like Miles Davis or Jazzy B from Soul II Soul--it was a straight mess with all these little loops along twists and it felt like wet wheat.

Took me about 3 hours to get my hair in some semblence of okayness (I seriously considered calling in sick yesterday with bad hair day illness), and it still wasn't "okay," you know? I had a thick bun with three shrunken braids that looked like poop (literally).

Lots of lessons learned on this one! Chel: 0. Chel's hair: 1. I feel like a battered person. I can laugh today, but then again I'm walking around my hair like it beat me. Photos of my trials & tribulations in "Hairperience II."
I'm sure that you already know that you can thank the relaxed ends for the tangles;)

But your new growth looks good :)
MeccaMedinah said:
I'm sure that you already know that you can thank the relaxed ends for the tangles;)

But your new growth looks good :)

Thank you about the new growth MeccaMedinah...I am LOVIN' the way my new growth is coming in, and it's one of the things that's keeping me hanging in there.

:cry2: It was my first time not retouching after getting braids, so I just didn't know! I didn't know my hair was not gonna be happy! :(
Cheleigh said:

(I seriously considered calling in sick yesterday with bad hair day illness),
Sounds familiar :sekret: :lol:

I'm glad to know that you were able to detangle without cutting/chopping. Best wishes