Braid Wearer's


Okay so fall has arrived in the DC metro area and as I do every year I've started wearing braids. Every year I usually get braids around Ocbtober and wear them in different styles through April or May. Normally at the end of the cycle, I cut it all off and go back to my signature Halle style. Except this time I'm NOT going to cut it off. I'm going to let it grow out for a change. Currently, my hair is just grazing the end of my ears. Think bob style.

Anyway, I never really adopted a braid "regimen" if you will. I just wore the braids, oiled my scalp when necessary. Removed the braids after 6 weeks or so. Washed my hair, did a quick conditioning and then got it rebraided for another 6 weeks or so (depending on the style. cornrows usually lasted about 3-4 weeks. micros 6. singles between 6-8). But after being on the forum for a while and adopting some of your methods, I wanted to create some kind of regimen for myself. I didn't do a search so forgive me if this has already been discussed.

My question is, what do YOU do for your hair while in braids? Is there a special braid spray you use or do you create your own? When you take down your braids to prepare for more, what do you do prior to the application? Deep condition? Aphogee treatment? Just trying to gain some ideas from experienced braid wearers. Gotta get serious this go around because I want nice healthy hair for the spring time. I don't want all my efforts to go to waste. So any advice would be helpful. TIA.
I use my own spray - aloe vera juice and glycerine. I mix it in a 8 oz apray bottle, about 4 oz aloe, 2-3 oz glycerine, and the remaining 1-2 oz I fill with add ins like essential oils and alittle filtered water.

I never DC'd in braids b/c I hate wasting my stuff on synthetic hair, but I did use a cheapy con like VO5 or Herbal Essences on the bottom 2/3s. I shampoo once a week with my shampoo in an applicator bottle so I can reach my my scalp easily, and sometimes after rinsing add a little oil to keep them soft.
I use my own spray - aloe vera juice and glycerine. I mix it in a 8 oz apray bottle, about 4 oz aloe, 2-3 oz glycerine, and the remaining 1-2 oz I fill with add ins like essential oils and alittle filtered water.

I never DC'd in braids b/c I hate wasting my stuff on synthetic hair, but I did use a cheapy con like VO5 or Herbal Essences on the bottom 2/3s. I shampoo once a week with my shampoo in an applicator bottle so I can reach my my scalp easily, and sometimes after rinsing add a little oil to keep them soft.

No I meant deep conditioning AFTER you take them out. You know, before you go to get them redone. I wouldn't deep condition in synthetic (or human hair) for that mattter either.

You know its funny because I have some aloe vera juice mixed with glycerin that I use on my braids now. My scalp is still dry so perhaps I need to add another oil. Like jojoba since they say that favors our own scalp sebum. But thanks for tip Soliel.
I have my braid regimen in my fotki.... but basically I use StaSofFro as my braid spray.. oil the scalp with MoeGro Oil every night.. wash with organix tea tree mint once a week.. use sheabutter 2x a day
Hey sweetie,

I plan on getting braids soon and am working on my regimen. My plans are to get them in 6 weeks and follow the crown & glory method and keep them in for 8 weeks, take down/condition, and rebraid. I am thinking that my regimen will look something like this:
-poo weekly with diluted poo in applicator bottle
-deep condition weekly
-cw weekly or daily(depends on how much exercising I do b/c I sweat in my head first and it is usually drenched when my work out is over)
-oil scalp nightly with megatek and ovation
-spray braids with braids spray(haven't decided on one yet but I plan on going to the bss soon and will see what they have)
I have my braid regimen in my fotki.... but basically I use StaSofFro as my braid spray.. oil the scalp with MoeGro Oil every night.. wash with organix tea tree mint once a week.. use sheabutter 2x a day

You know I use to use sta sof fro all the time!!! Its amazing the little things we forget when all these other products come along. Thanks for the reminder.
You can see in my fotki but I do my own braids with wet and wavy human hair and I definitely DO recommend that you DC with your braids in. Why? they get dry no matter how much you spray them down with spray or sleep with a satin cap especially or I would say rather moreso in the winter and I live in DC. I make my own braid spray - water, glycerin, castor oil, EO's, SAA. I spray my hair down 2x a day and seal with either sweet almond oil or coconut oil and I wear my satin cap like it's going out of style when I'm home. I DC with cholesterol and add lots of goodies many of which are in my spray bottle. When I wash my hair with braids I do so with my hair in 4 large braids and I use only ACV, cream of nature, or baking soda and water. I sit for 45 minutes with heat and then rinse out the DC. I use cantu shea butter leave in and seal that with coconut oil and I always let my braid air dry. You can look in my fotki for pictures. My hair has really thrived since Ive been doing it. Even though it looks wild because of my transitioning. When I take my hair out of braids I do wash and then do a protein treatment - either Joico K-pak reconstructor or Aveda Damage Remedy and I follow with a moisturizing conditioner - the cholesterol mix but I'm trying to find a natural line that will replace this awaiting my Hairveda DC as we speak! Hope that helps the link to my fotki is in my signature ifyou want to check out my regimen under may madness i think....

I also use Bee Mine everynight rubbing it into my scalp prior to spraying it down and sealing

The Grow Afro Hair Long website is a great one to check out; another poster alread posted a link. Also, if you do a quick search there are A LOT of threads on this subject. Try searching for "braid regimen." I am also adopting this/weave routine from now until next Spring so I wish you the best of luck. I know wearing protective styles is what has helped my hair get to the length it is currently at.
ooh - I'm glad I stopped in this thread, because I just got braids and think I will incorporate this to my transition a lot.