Brahmi, Brahmi, and more Brahmi???


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I am thinking of purchasing some Brahmi powder and using that to clean my hair, followed with a conditioner. Before I purchase it I would like to know if anyone has tried it? What were the results? Also how long have you been using brahmi? How many days during the week you use brahmi? I was thinking twice a week! Say a Monday and Wednesdays.

I love Bhrami, it leaves my hair soft, moist, & strong. :yep: I use the powder in my dc, cowashes, and to make tea rinses. I also have Bhrami oil. And yes twice a week is ok when mixed with cond. I would check to see how my hair responded before doing the tea or as a paste mixed with water more than once a week. HTH
I use brahmi and brahmi oil. It is more moisturizing and lengthening than cleansing. I use the paste and I mix in my condish. You can't go wrong with this. Good luck.
I also use brahmi oil and powder for growth and moisture. I use it in a paste, a tea rinse, in conditioner as a cowash and I add it to my henna mixes. Using it twice a week won't cause any harm but as flowinlocks suggested, try it out first, see how your hair responds to it, and if it is not feeling dry, then proceed with the next one when it feels right:yep:. At one point, I was using it 3 times a week mixed with some other powders witrh good results. I find that for me, the powders work best when combined with others as long as there is a balanced mix of strengthening and moisturizing powders. HTH.
Hi Ladies,

I am thinking of purchasing some Brahmi powder and using that to clean my hair, followed with a conditioner. Before I purchase it I would like to know if anyone has tried it? What were the results? Also how long have you been using brahmi? How many days during the week you use brahmi? I was thinking twice a week! Say a Monday and Wednesdays.


OT: Hey bri123, I just see you're from boyfriend is from West Omaha, NE and I just came home late last Thursday evening from there:yep:.
I love Brahmi oil and powder. I like to mix my powder with either Suave Humectant or Tresemme Moisturizing conditioner. Flowinlocks gave some good advice. Good luck and happy hair growing.
Hi Ladies,

I am thinking of purchasing some Brahmi powder and using that to clean my hair, followed with a conditioner. Before I purchase it I would like to know if anyone has tried it? What were the results? Also how long have you been using brahmi? How many days during the week you use brahmi? I was thinking twice a week! Say a Monday and Wednesdays.


I like Brahmi powder, but it's kind of gritty for my liking. I have some stored in my freezer and I thought of two ways to make use of it:

1. I'm going to take some of my brahmi powder and my nettle leaves and let it sit in a portion of ACV for two weeks, strain off the leaves and powder, and use the ACV in my hair rinses and weekly hair washes.

2. I'm going to make a brahmi, nettle, and rosemary coconut oil blend and use it for scalp massages. I have a small slow cooker that would work great for it :grin:.
I am about to starting using Brahmi powder and this look like good information for anyone else who may be curious about using some. Bump..bump..bump.
I use brhami or bringaraj oils organic based in cocnut or sesame oil. Love it I get it from banyan at I used the powders before they work great got alot of growth and length retention bit I got tired of the grit and the rinsing. Hth
Hi. So you still use brahmi?
Yes, but I don’t have time (or patience) to make it myself anymore so I order an Ayurvedic oil blend from blue beautify Online they’re Canadian and all natural. I got that tip from Organically Anna and holistic habits both on YouTube, when you see their hair you’ll know why I went shopping.
Yes, but I don’t have time (or patience) to make it myself anymore so I order an Ayurvedic oil blend from blue beautify Online they’re Canadian and all natural. I got that tip from Organically Anna and holistic habits both on YouTube, when you see their hair you’ll know why I went shopping.
Thanks for your reply. What’s your recipe for your DIY oil? Was their oil better for length retention? I bet shipping is high to the US
Yes, but I don’t have time (or patience) to make it myself anymore so I order an Ayurvedic oil blend from blue beautify Online they’re Canadian and all natural. I got that tip from Organically Anna and holistic habits both on YouTube, when you see their hair you’ll know why I went shopping.
I just look at the ingredients list. I use most of them already! I just saw her channel. Has her hair always been long? I bet she had a beautiful head of hair as a child. Her hair is from from 4c. I do use nettles to drink and in my sprays.