Boundless Tresses and Alopecia question...


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I'm hoping Naturallady will see this...I bought boudless tresses 2 weeks ago and so far I love it. I love the smell, I love the consistency, and I think I'm starting to see new growth from it...I'm only 2-3 weeks post!

Anyway my mother has alopecia on the her side edges in the front. She lost the hair there maybe 20 years ago because she was continually going between braids and perms with no rest or proper maintenance. She also has fine thin hair which didn't help. Anyway she hasn't had hair grow in those places in 20 years. Is it possible that BT can really help her regrow hair in follicles that have been dormant for that long??

I want to know what you ladies thought and what Naturallady's take is on this before I tell my mother about it.

BTW my sister (who has dreads) keeps stealing my BT!! She says she's going to order some and replace in my bottle what she's taken. She's obsessed with the stuff because of the smell. I'm going to have to get a security box to lock it up in while I'm at work:lachen: . For all I know she's sitting at home squirting it in her head right now!!
I'm very interested in this answer as well. I have the exact same problem that your mom has. I just started using BT for my alopecia, so it hasn't been long enough to judge it yet. I took all kinds of before photos and I'm anxiously waiting to grow the hair in my edges after all these years just so I can do a before / after montage. I hope to inspire somebody someday.
I read a thread last year about a member whose boyfriend has heridtary male pattern balding and started using MTG along with her and his hair came back!!

I told my godfather about it and he got some--but could not take the smell--so he didn't use it long at all.

There was also a lady who put MTG on her dogs bald spot and it grew back too.

Good question though--i wonder if it matters how long the folicle has been dormant?
Hey ya'll!

Yes BT does work for edges that are gone. Dormant for 20 years....cant answer that one b/c I havent had anyone report back to me on that situation but here is a quote from the Testimonials page from a lady I sold some to about a year ago that bought me to tears:

"[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I love the Boundless Tresses Growth Serum!!!! I purchase it for my son who has a patch of hair missing in the back of his head. I'm writing this with tears of joy because my son was very self conscious about his spot(as he and other kids called it). I just knew I had to do something so when I discovered this Serum and used it on his head all the time. I'm happy to say the bald spot was the size of a quarter now it is the size of a dime!!!!! It is filling in nicely and I will keep praying and using it. So one day I can write and tell Naturallady that it filled in completly!!!! Thankyou Naturallady for sharing your blessing!!!! "
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]~Gelati (written Sunday, November 19, 2006)[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I also gave some to my cousins wife who had the same problem that your mother has (OP) and her hair grew back in so there is hope! Its def. worth a try.
naturallady said:
Hey ya'll!

Yes BT does work for edges that are gone. Dormant for 20 years....cant answer that one b/c I havent had anyone report back to me on that situation but here is a quote from the Testimonials page from a lady I sold some to about a year ago that bought me to tears:

"[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I love the Boundless Tresses Growth Serum!!!! I purchase it for my son who has a patch of hair missing in the back of his head. I'm writing this with tears of joy because my son was very self conscious about his spot(as he and other kids called it). I just knew I had to do something so when I discovered this Serum and used it on his head all the time. I'm happy to say the bald spot was the size of a quarter now it is the size of a dime!!!!! It is filling in nicely and I will keep praying and using it. So one day I can write and tell Naturallady that it filled in completly!!!! Thankyou Naturallady for sharing your blessing!!!! "
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]~Gelati (written Sunday, November 19, 2006)[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I also gave some to my cousins wife who had the same problem that your mother has (OP) and her hair grew back in so there is hope! Its def. worth a try.

Thanks Naturallady!

I'm going to suggest that my mother try it. Worse case scenario her edges don't come back...she's got nothing to lose at this point. And if they do I'll be sure to send you pictures!
RabiaElaine said:
Thanks Naturallady!

I'm going to suggest that my mother try it. Worse case scenario her edges don't come back...she's got nothing to lose at this point. And if they do I'll be sure to send you pictures!
Best thing to do is not hype her up. Just be like "oh yeah...I want you to try this on your edges and see how it works" You know act like its an after thought. Thats what I had to do with my family to get them to try it at first! :lol:
naturallady said:
Best thing to do is not hype her up. Just be like "oh yeah...I want you to try this on your edges and see how it works" You know act like its an after thought. Thats what I had to do with my family to get them to try it at first! :lol:

LOL! Good idea ;)
RabiaElaine said:
Hi Ladies,

I'm hoping Naturallady will see this...I bought boudless tresses 2 weeks ago and so far I love it. I love the smell, I love the consistency, and I think I'm starting to see new growth from it...I'm only 2-3 weeks post!

Anyway my mother has alopecia on the her side edges in the front. She lost the hair there maybe 20 years ago because she was continually going between braids and perms with no rest or proper maintenance. She also has fine thin hair which didn't help. Anyway she hasn't had hair grow in those places in 20 years. Is it possible that BT can really help her regrow hair in follicles that have been dormant for that long??

I want to know what you ladies thought and what Naturallady's take is on this before I tell my mother about it.

BTW my sister (who has dreads) keeps stealing my BT!! She says she's going to order some and replace in my bottle what she's taken. She's obsessed with the stuff because of the smell. I'm going to have to get a security box to lock it up in while I'm at work:lachen: . For all I know she's sitting at home squirting it in her head right now!!

I don't know about alopecia but I wanted to post because of your last comment. About your sister stealing your BT. That is so funny!:lol:
chica_canella said:
I don't know about alopecia but I wanted to post because of your last comment. About your sister stealing your BT. That is so funny!:lol:

Uh huh! Everyday I go home to use it the bottles a little lighter! I told her to get her own...but she's so lazy about ordering things...
RabiaElaine said:
Hi Ladies,

I'm hoping Naturallady will see this...I bought boudless tresses 2 weeks ago and so far I love it. I love the smell, I love the consistency, and I think I'm starting to see new growth from it...I'm only 2-3 weeks post!

Anyway my mother has alopecia on the her side edges in the front. She lost the hair there maybe 20 years ago because she was continually going between braids and perms with no rest or proper maintenance. She also has fine thin hair which didn't help. Anyway she hasn't had hair grow in those places in 20 years. Is it possible that BT can really help her regrow hair in follicles that have been dormant for that long??

I want to know what you ladies thought and what Naturallady's take is on this before I tell my mother about it.

BTW my sister (who has dreads) keeps stealing my BT!! She says she's going to order some and replace in my bottle what she's taken. She's obsessed with the stuff because of the smell. I'm going to have to get a security box to lock it up in while I'm at work:lachen: . For all I know she's sitting at home squirting it in her head right now!![/quote]

Why do I have a visual of a woman squirting head with BT!!!!!!!! Bwahahahahhahaha :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: That is too funny.

I hope it works for your mommy :p Lord knows that has worked for me. About 3/4 weeks post my hair was looking like 8/9 weeks.
Ok here is my rave, I bought this product about 4 weeks ago and have been using it for my daughters Alopecia spot in her head. Prior to us moving from Missouri (military), her best friend there told her she wasn't her friend anymore, we get to North Carolina and she had to wait 3 weeks to start school, she did not like this at all. At the end of the school year I BC her baby hair off, it was totally different from her hair now and she loved it at this time I notice a spot of hair missing maybe dime size at the most. So I was it for about two weeks, it doesn't get bigger but doesn't goes away. I took my daughter to my stylist and her doctor they say the same thing. One day I am reading about BT on LHCF and decide to purchase it for me and her. I run the product pass my stylist and doctor and they go ahead, mind you her doctor didn't want to prescribe any shots or meds for her. So I began to use it one week ago she is with me at the salon and my stylist say girl it is working and I can see hair growing in that spot it is getting smaller. I gave some to my mother in law and she is using it and bought some herself, her thining hair is now showing signs of thickness is what she was looking for.

Now I have to purchase some for my mom, aunt, and uncle; I can't stand that BT I will be broke before all the hair grows back and thicking up.:lol: :grin: :lachen:

But in short yes, it is working for these sitiuations, I can't say the results will be the same, but a little does go a long way.:rosebud: