Bought some mesh rollers today. Rollersetters, can you guys help me out?!


Well-Known Member
I bought the ones that don’t have the brush in the middle and some of those duck bill clips.

What clips do you guys use?

Also, when roller setting, do you guys think I can use my normal pre-airdrying routine?

Normally after I get out of the shower, I apply my leave-ins and a serum and let my hair airdry.

Do you think I can do the same, but instead of airdrying, set in rollers and sit under the dryer?

What other tips can you guys give for rollersetting?

(I did check out Macherie’s tutorial on her blog and that helps a lot)
I know a few ladies here rollerset their hair and let it airdry overnight. I shampoo, cond, apply leave-in, a little almond oil to ends, spray with diluted setting lotion , spray with heat protector and sit under a hooded dryer. I sometimes follow with a flat iron to my roots.
if I'm not mistaken, I think it's best that your hair is good and wet when rolling. Otherwise your hair may not hold to the rollers properly. I've airdried and sat under the dryer. I like the end result of sitting under the dryer - I get smoother roots. I also use those regular sliver clips - I tried with the pins and couldn't get it to hold :confused:
Well, I mean I want to skip the airdrying all-together and sit under the dryer instead.

I was wondering if I can do the same PRE-airdrying routine of just applying leave-in and a serum before rolling and sitting under the drying.

I guess I am trying to skip the setting lotion and use the products that Iknow make my hair soft and moisturized at other times.

I use Fermodyl 619 and Pantene Smooth Start cream as my leave ins and then I apply Redken Heat Glide or the Fantasia IC in the pink bottle.
HoneyDew said:
Well, I mean I want to skip the airdrying all-together and sit under the dryer instead.

I was wondering if I can do the same PRE-airdrying routine of just applying leave-in and a serum before rolling and sitting under the drying.

I guess I am trying to skip the setting lotion and use the products that Iknow make my hair soft and moisturized at other times.

I use Fermodyl 619 and Pantene Smooth Start cream as my leave ins and then I apply Redken Heat Glide or the Fantasia IC in the pink bottle.

Oh, I gotcha now. Some ladies skip the setting lotion. I do because setting lotion makes my hair flakey or hard. I do use a leave in (Giovanni Direct or Lacio Lacio), oil (Keymi) and serum (Giovanni Frizz Be Gone serum). I think the routine your have now, will work well when you rollerset. :)
What clips do you guys use?
I use both the pins and slide-in clips, but not both at the same time.

Also, when roller setting, do you guys think I can use my normal pre-airdrying routine? I'm not sure. When I rollerset, I rollerset on soaking wet hair because if I don't, my hair comes out frizzy.

Normally after I get out of the shower, I apply my leave-ins and a serum and let my hair airdry.

Do you think I can do the same, but instead of airdrying, set in rollers and sit under the dryer? Yes, that would be perfectly fine, but make sure that your hair is soaking wet so that the hair could smooth onto the mesh roller. I find that the ends of my hair don't "stick" on the mesh roller as it does with the magnetic. I have to really wet the ends to make it stay as I proceed to roll.

What other tips can you guys give for rollersetting? Please let your hair dry all the way, because if it doesn't, your hair will become frizzy and ruin the style. Applying serum to your hair is fine, but don't overdo it because it could potentially weigh the hair down. Be patient, and it takes time and practice to get it down pat. Don't fret if it doesn't come out perfect the first time.
TSUprincess04 said:
What clips do you guys use?
I use both the pins and slide-in clips, but not both at the same time.

Also, when roller setting, do you guys think I can use my normal pre-airdrying routine? I'm not sure. When I rollerset, I rollerset on soaking wet hair because if I don't, my hair comes out frizzy.

Normally after I get out of the shower, I apply my leave-ins and a serum and let my hair airdry.

Do you think I can do the same, but instead of airdrying, set in rollers and sit under the dryer? Yes, that would be perfectly fine, but make sure that your hair is soaking wet so that the hair could smooth onto the mesh roller. I find that the ends of my hair don't "stick" on the mesh roller as it does with the magnetic. I have to really wet the ends to make it stay as I proceed to roll.

What other tips can you guys give for rollersetting? Please let your hair dry all the way, because if it doesn't, your hair will become frizzy and ruin the style. Applying serum to your hair is fine, but don't overdo it because it could potentially weigh the hair down. Be patient, and it takes time and practice to get it down pat. Don't fret if it doesn't come out perfect the first time.

thanks, TSU. (thanks to all of you actually)

Every time I post an issue here you guys hype me up to try things and to be diligent. I am going to give it a try Friday night. Wish me luck.
I agree that the hair should be soaking wet therefore I keep a spray bottle filled . With the mesh rollers, I use pins and I use duck bill clips with the magnetic rollers. My roots tend to be straighter with the mesh rollers and pins. I seem to have less slippage than with the magnetic rollers.
Sweetalmondeyes said:
I agree that the hair should be soaking wet therefore I keep a spray bottle filled . With the mesh rollers, I use pins and I use duck bill clips with the magnetic rollers. My roots tend to be straighter with the mesh rollers and pins. I seem to have less slippage than with the magnetic rollers.

Do you mean like these:

yeah, pins like those, but I don't use that particular brand. I use the yellow ones, and they don't have that lock thingy on it.
I also roll on soaking wet hair with both mesh and magnetic rollers. I use the pins and end papers for the mesh rollers. I sorta pin the rollers together too. It helps keep them in. I get good sets with both but straighter roots with the mesh rollers.

If I'm wearing my rollerset curly I use Pantene Wrap spray and if I'm going to wrap after I don't use setting lotion.

I totally agree with TSU about making sure your hair is totally and completely dry. I have found that I dry faster with the mesh rollers. One more tip too many products will weigh your set down and sometimes cause your hair to take longer to dry.