Bone Straight Relaxed-->Too late to Texlax now???


Well-Known Member
I wish I had known about texlaxing. For years I have been bone straight relaxed, like since middle school...

NOW, after I'm a little below BSB... BARELY GRAZING BSL, I see that you get a fuller, more lush look by being texlaxed! I saw this chick on YT named NinaPruitt and her hair is BEAUTIFUL but she is texlaxed... and the ladies on here who are texlaxing... I WANT THAT LOOK!!!

BUT, do I have to chop off all my hair in order to get that look? Won't my hair look stringy and scraggly if I start texlaxing now? Is there a way to make my relaxed hair look like the part I start texlaxing? Why didn't my stylists ever tell me about texlaxing in the last 16 years? Since I was 14 I've been getting straight relaxers... I would have certainly opted for the lush full hair that is evading my straight/semi-fine hair strands...

Is there anything I can do? Or is it too late??? I almost wanna cry...
I am no expert on the relaxers any more but I think you are going to have to let it grow out to get what you want.

Possibly do long stretches between and only then do texalax until you get there.
You can transition in to the texlax. I've seen people on here that are doing it. I can't remember their names. I think their are 2.
yea u can transition to texlax. I've seen it too. You'll just have to deal with 2 different textures. texlaxed/bone straight.

If you want your relaxed hair to look texlaxed, you're gonna have to give it texture. EIther braidouts or twistouts or something. You can't reverse your already relaxed hair. I see you're very anxious to just have that texturized look. But just like going from relaxed to natural. You'll have to wait for the process
Aggie is currently going from bone straight to texlax and she is using braids plus stretching to help get her there.
If you want to keep your length you can, you'll just need to have patience and be prepared to deal with the different textures for a while.
I am doing this as well and I am using weaves and braids to get to my goal. I only have about 2-3 inches of relaxed ends left. See results in my siggy.
I'm transitioning my mother's hair from bone straight w/o body to texlaxed hair w/ body. I hated her hair being so bone straight, it made her hair look so thin. I just trim a little bit every couple months until all the bone straight is gone.
So I WILL have to cut off my long hair eventually to have that full texlax look, huh?
I don't know how in the world I would deal with 2 different textures.. that sounds kinda difficult. I don't know how how I could wear my hair out and down and blend the texlax with the straightened... Man... I wish I had known... my goal was full MBL, there's no way I'm gonna chop now, and I'm below BSB...:perplexed
I am a lot older than you and I did bone straight for over 20 years. I grew out all my bone straight without chopping and now I am totally texlaxed and LOVING IT. He leaves on Affirm Fibreguard Mild (lye) for exactly 5 minutes. You can see my full texlaxed ponytail at

Just clip off 1/8 - 1/4 inch whenever you want,,,it took me about 2 years. You'll LOVE IT.
I am a lot older than you and I did bone straight for over 20 years. I grew out all my bone straight without chopping and now I am totally texlaxed and LOVING IT. He leaves on Affirm Fibreguard Mild (lye) for exactly 5 minutes. You can see my full texlaxed ponytail at

Just clip off 1/8 - 1/4 inch whenever you want,,,it took me about 2 years. You'll LOVE IT.

This is what I want to start doing. I really want to start texlaxing but I don't know how to go about doing it.
It can be done. Just do a long stretch, maybe 12 wks for starts. Then leave the relaxer on for lesser time. Each time you relax, trim a little off. I'm not sure that I'm considered texlaxed, but I'm sure not bone straight anymore. I started having my stylist leave the relaxer on for 15 min tops and now I do them myself. I still have texture left and really see it following each wash after my relaxer. Lady Aggie is in the process now of switching to texlaxed unless she decided to transition. Prospurr4 is another one with thick texlaxed hair.
I transitioned from relaxed to texlaxed kinda by accident, but am so glad I did!I did a long stretch( about a year) when I was pregnant. I was so terrified to relax so I had a whole bunch of NG after I had my DD. It was a pleasant surprise to see my hair with texture again, and when I finally did a touch-up, I decided to texlax. Man, I wish I knew about texlaxing sooner!

The two different textures don't bother me too much because while stretching, my ends get a little fuller and don't look so stringy. I like to wear my hair in a braid, so I don't have to mess with it, but if I want to go straight, I can usually get bone straight with my Sedu, although I really don't prefer that look anymore.

I say go for it, if you want to give it a try. I wish you luck and hope you love texlaxed hair as much as I do!
there is no way i would cut off my hair just to texlax..which is still relaxing. if anything i would just stop relaxing for awhile or stretch a lot if i wanted to thicken it up.
Well I started off natural and found out about texlaxing through LHCF and my hair has reached it's longest length of 1 inch above BSL now. So...I'm happy with texlaxing. I'm natural in the nape because that area does not respond well to chemicals. :)

I say, go for it. Do a 12 week stretch of NOT relaxing and then texlax. I apply the relaxer in under 3 minutes and smooth my edges only and rinse. It all takes about 8 minutes tops! I use Mizani Butterblends (no-lye). But I am on a six month stretch and will be converting over to a lye relaxer from now on for my yearly texlax. :yep:
Well I started off natural and found out about texlaxing through LHCF and my hair has reached it's longest length of 1 inch above BSL now. So...I'm happy with texlaxing. I'm natural in the nape because that area does not respond well to chemicals. :)

I say, go for it. Do a 12 week stretch of NOT relaxing and then texlax. I apply the relaxer in under 3 minutes and smooth my edges only and rinse. It all takes about 8 minutes tops! I use Mizani Butterblends (no-lye). But I am on a six month stretch and will be converting over to a lye relaxer from now on for my yearly texlax. :yep:

Just out of curiosity, why are you deciding to switch to lye now?
there is no way i would cut off my hair just to texlax..which is still relaxing. if anything i would just stop relaxing for awhile or stretch a lot if i wanted to thicken it up.

:yep: One mistake with texlaxing and you can be right where you started from.

I wouldn't cut my hair either.
I wish I had known about texlaxing. For years I have been bone straight relaxed, like since middle school...

NOW, after I'm a little below BSB... BARELY GRAZING BSL, I see that you get a fuller, more lush look by being texlaxed! I saw this chick on YT named NinaPruitt and her hair is BEAUTIFUL but she is texlaxed... and the ladies on here who are texlaxing... I WANT THAT LOOK!!!

BUT, do I have to chop off all my hair in order to get that look? Won't my hair look stringy and scraggly if I start texlaxing now? Is there a way to make my relaxed hair look like the part I start texlaxing? Why didn't my stylists ever tell me about texlaxing in the last 16 years? Since I was 14 I've been getting straight relaxers... I would have certainly opted for the lush full hair that is evading my straight/semi-fine hair strands...

Is there anything I can do? Or is it too late??? I almost wanna cry...

Nina is one of my favorite YouTubers. She has great tips and can stretch for a very long period of time. She is now nearly 30 weeks post-relaxer. I am barely making 20 weeks. I really think it depends on hair type and density. I have very fine hair that is medium density. Nina has very thick hair that doesn't look like it breaks easily. I figure that you have to do what your hair tells you to do. I'm amazed at how she can texlax and still manage to stretch for so long. Most people I know who are texlaxed cannot stretch more than 8 to 12 weeks.
there is no way i would cut off my hair just to texlax..which is still relaxing. if anything i would just stop relaxing for awhile or stretch a lot if i wanted to thicken it up.

Right.... because, correct me if I'm wrong Sylver, stretching relaxers 17-26 weeks (2-3 relaxers a year), will help thicken your hair because you have fewer instances of relaxer run-off on your already relaxed hair even if you are already bone straight. Am I understanding that right?
there is no way i would cut off my hair just to texlax..which is still relaxing. if anything i would just stop relaxing for awhile or stretch a lot if i wanted to thicken it up.

This is true. My goal is to continue to only relax every six months or twice a year. This latest stretch has been going well for me. The problem with trying to texlax for my hair is that it is already very fine and extremely fragile. My hair breaks easily, so handling too textures at that rate wouldn't work for me. However, as I learn more about what my hair likes and what it doesn't like, I am finding that it's now doing what I want, getting thicker and healthier. I think I can get my hair to do well without going the texlaxing route and risking the progress I've already made. Your advice about reducing manipulation, combing, etc. is helping as well to slow breakage and excessive shedding.
I appreciate all the responses... I'm just remembering, my husband was not very happy with my look when I tried stretching once before... after 18 weeks he actually came to me and asked me if I needed money to go to the salon or something... I think the best way for me to stretch may be in braids or something... but do you think that my ng will break or tangle easy in braids?

Also, can somebody tell me what is the difference between lye and no lye relaxers?
I'm texlaxed. Sometimes it drives me nutty but it is one of the BEST things I have ever done for my hair. I am suffering from postpartum setbacks at the moment, but will continue to be texlaxed, as I nurture it. At my best, my texlaxed hair was thick and strong. And I'm sure it will get back to its texlaxed glory.

I agree with the ladies who say to just transition into it. As long as the hair you have is healthy, then leave it be and work into being a texlaxed head.
I transitioned from bone straight to texlaxed without cutting. I still have a small middle portion that is straight from when I let my stylist try and texlax my hair and the Mizani was too strong. I stretch my relaxer 10-12wks. Texlaxing is the best thing I have done for my hair to help me get some thickness