Bone Marrow Deep Oenetrating Treatment


New Member
My mother just got this for me because some lady at the gym was raving about it. My mother said that the lady's hair is usually busted but yesterday, it was looking tight, so my mom complimented her. The lady said that her hairdresser in Jamaica, WI told her how to take care of her hair after she moved to the states and this Bone Marrow Treatment by Lamaur is part of her regime. Any reviews on this product? The ingredients are:
water, quaternium-18, hydrolyzed collagen, glyceryl stearate, PEG-100 stearate, cetyl alcohol, lecithin,isopropyl alcohol, coamidopropyl betaine, panthenol, dried beef stock, sorbic acid, imidazolidinyl urea, triclosan, fragrance.
This stuff is the bomb!! However if it's the same kind I used like 14 years ago it stinks like hell! I don't know what kind of fragrance they supposedly are putting in there. But it works like you wouldn't believe. How much does it go for these days? Back then I think it was like 10 dollars for a jar of it and man, was it worth it. If you think of it ask your mom how much she paid for it, I'm curious. Oh, and let me know what you think of it.
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

You ever use a product that is truly superior to anything you have ever tried before? That was the Bone Marrow for me. This stuff made a remarkable difference in the way my hair felt each time I used it. The same way that Wanakee's Constant Care for Ends is superior to anything I've ever used. I had completely forgotten all about it until this post. Now I want to try to buy some, but I want to know how much it is nowadays.
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

Dang...I didnt expect raves like these...Mommy paid six bucks for a 5oz tube. Is it protein? It doesnt smell bad at all...not perfumey but not unpleasant...I hope its the same stuff...any 4A's out there with similar results? Thanx for the feedback MissM and alireno!
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

I'm mostly 4A, 3C on crown and I used the bone marrow about 2 weeks ago. I used it quite often years ago and had forgotten about it too, until I went to the bss a couple of weeks ago. I bought it in the individual package for $1.49 and it still works like the bomb!
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

I use this in my "mild protein treatment" rotation. I follow it with pantene or another lightweight moisturizing treatment. It makes me hair really strong and it gives nice shine too - which not many protein treatments do. I love it and it's a staple. it doesn't smell anymore MissM
- but I remember when it did.

Same product, no stench.
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

Thanx Tracy...I guess I can alternate it with my Keraphix, which I only use one week prior to relaxing....
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

That's another one (the Keraphix) I rotate in that sounds like a fine plan.

Keraphix and Bone Marrow are comparable products IMO - not the same, and they perform differently, but they are meant to "do" the same thing. They just do it differently.

Ok - now I'm not even making sense anymore!
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

You guys got me wanting to try this one!

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Yeah, me too, and MissM, can you tell me more about the Wanakee Constant Care you were raving about?? What is it, a hairdress???? Thanks!!
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

Quoted from
Imparts moisture into the tip of the strand and prolongs the life of the ends. When lightly applied to the ends every day, it is a fast and easy way to safeguard ends from becoming dry

I used to use the constant care for ends and my ends were so supple and soft. While using this I could go a very long time without a trim. The only thing is it doesn't smell the best unless they changed the formula. The only reason I stopped using it because it was a little more than what I wanted to pay($16.95 a jar). I am going to order some when I take my braids out and start relaxing again.
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

This Bone Marrow stuff-does this come in trialpackets? I saw a trial packet for 99 cents in Sally's about a month ago? Could this be the same Bone Marrow?
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

Thanks, dontspeakdefeat!!

Too bad about the bad smell!!!

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Your welcome.
I think the smell is more medicinal not as bad a sulfur 8 though. I tolerated it, actually got used to it. The smell does not linger though, it eventually fades during the day.
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

Thanx joyous...Should I use heat? Is it protein? Moisturizing?

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It is a mild protein. The last time I used it without heat and my hair came out fine. I've also used it with heat and gotten good results. On a personal note I like it better without heat. Try both and see what works best for you.
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

Dang! I just looked at that Bone Marrow Conditioner in the bss last week. I started to buy it but I said that I was going to I'ma have to go back up there and get it. I didn't even bother to open it and smell it because it sounded like it smelled nasty..."bone marrow." ewww!!! It's all good though. I'ma shol go out and buy it today since I gotta do my hair tonight!
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

Thanx joyous...Should I use heat? Is it protein? Moisturizing?

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It is a mild protein. The last time I used it without heat and the results were excellent. I've also used it with heat before and the results were good. On a personal note I like it without heat better.
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

Thanx joyous and everyone else for contributing to this thread. I love this board...
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

I bought me some of the sample packets yesterday...I couldn't find the tube of it. Anyway, I left it on while I was watching Sex and the City. Anyway, it slipped right on out of my hair when I rinsed it out and my hair was really soft. I'll definitely be checking around for the tube. Cause at $1.99 a sample, I might as well buy the tube or jar and save some money.
Re: Bone Marrow Deep Penetrating Treatment

Thanks for the review, kreeme. I think I'm gonna have to get some samples myself.
I've been using this stuff for years. I can't say it enough this stuff is the bomb!!!!. It makes my hair soft, shiny and STRONG. This is one of my core products.
I wasn't going to buy this product but when I went to the bss today I saw it and picked it up. I had it in my hair for about 20-30 minutes and p.u. that stuff stinks
. Once I washed it out, the water in the tub was orange (is this okay? I also have a rinse in my hair so maybe it exacerbated it). Anyhoo, my hair felt like it does after I used humectress...hard and stringy. (Is this okay?) Now I am following it up with my keracare humecto and L.U.S.T. I'm going to go outside now (showercap and all
) and keep this in my hair for at least an hour. I'll tell you how my hair turns out after I wash and set it.
Sorry that Happened Caramel...I was planning to use it this weekend...I notice u have 2b/c hair..I notice that most of the other raves were from type 4's...maybe this is the problem? Miss me luck...and good luck w/your Humecto and Lust!!
Sorry that Happened Caramel...I was planning to use it this weekend...I notice u have 2b/c hair..I notice that most of the other raves were from type 4's...maybe this is the problem? Miss me luck...and good luck w/your Humecto and Lust!!

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I was thinking the same thing.I notice that it seems to work really well on type 4 hair. I've been using it for years with excellent results.