Body and Moisture Don't Mesh!


New Member
I'm from Philly and us Philly women love our Body and Moving/Swinging hair. I cowash my hair ever 4-5 days just to guarantee lots of body, but I know that moisture is important.

I also feel that when I moisturize my hair or even moisture and seal, my hair is weighed down which significantly reduces the appearance of body and movement.

I still haven't found my staples but I've been alternating between Elasta QP recovery oil moisturizer, Jane Carter nourish and shine, and NTM silk touch leave in. And if I seal I use Jojoba oil or coconut oil.

How do you balance the two in order for healthy hair that is moisturized and has Body????


If you use a really good moisturizing DC, then you may not need to moisturize your hair heavily every day. When I take the time to pre-poo & DC, my hair doesn't really get dry. I just put a little moisturizer on my ends before pin-curling or wrapping. (Elasta QP Mango Butter)

ETA: Sealing is probably what is really weighing your hair down. Try a serum instead of oil if body is that important to you. I stopped using all the 50-million oils people suggest on here a long time ago & my hair is doing fine. I only use oils for pre-pooing.
I agree with Solitude. I think if you can get adequate moisture from other parts of your regimen (pre-pooing/conditioning/dcing) then you shouldn't need to moisturize often.
Bumping for more responses....I'm a fine hair individual and have struggled with trying to maintain both body and moisture! Great question OP!!
I've been flat ironing after every cowash, because thats just my style of choice right now.

I don't know if it's just my season, but my hair has been shedding and breaking like crazy, I was doing protein every weekend and before that I was constantly moisturizing hoping to find a balance but I don't know what it is. I bunned for the first time yesterday, and heavily moisturized and sealed my ponytail and ends.

When I washed it last night I felt like I lost less hair than I had been so maybe I'll try bunning more often, I just hate wearing a bun or ponytail, my face is so round...

I just want to find a balance really bad that allows me to flat iron, be moisturized, and not continue to lose more hair. Its already fine and thin.
You said you cowash but how often do you DC? Do your products have ingredients that penetrate the strands, help to fill in gaps/damage, or provide long lasting moisture?
If after following the above suggestions you still feel you need to moisturize, try Phyto 7; it is very light but very moisturizing.
You said you cowash but how often do you DC? Do your products have ingredients that penetrate the strands, help to fill in gaps/damage, or provide long lasting moisture?

I DC about once a week or every two cowashes, If I don't DC I leave the conditioner on a little longer.

If I want extra body, I use Mizani Bontifying Shampoo and Moisturfuse.

But regularly I use GVP Humectress, I love the slip it gives.

I have other products I'm still trying out but when all else fails I use the Humectress.

(I'll look into Phyto 7, thanks!)

MSA, I'm not sure what you mean by fill the gaps or damage???
I DC about once a week or every two cowashes, If I don't DC I leave the conditioner on a little longer.

If I want extra body, I use Mizani Bontifying Shampoo and Moisturfuse.

But regularly I use GVP Humectress, I love the slip it gives.

I have other products I'm still trying out but when all else fails I use the Humectress.

(I'll look into Phyto 7, thanks!)

MSA, I'm not sure what you mean by fill the gaps or damage???

Well I guess I meant some ingredients (certain proteins, cones, etc) fill in gaps in the cuticle and others temporarily patch the damage. Sometimes that makes it easier to retain moisture.
I'm sorry to say, but you probably aren't going to be able tohave your cake and eat it too.

I have fine hair too, I once thought my hair was thin as well but it's not, when I don't flat iron.

I know from what i've observed about my hair, and am finally coming to grips with is that flat ironing=the opposite of moisturized, dry hair, fragile easily breaking hair. I love flat ironing my hair, but it's fine and I don't believe fine hair can take heat as well as other textures.

I used to be so stuck on swang that I washed, blowdried and flatironed ever 2-3 days so my hair would always look fresh and never sticky. It took about 3 months before I had jacked damaged cracked-out hair and I was searching the internet for help. (LHCF) I ended up having to chop all that hair off and start over from the damage.

I don't do stiff hair so to combat it I dc and rollerset. Even if I want to wear my hair straight, I rollerset it straight. After a rollerset, I don't have to moisturize for about 4 days keeping the body in my hair, but if I flat iron, I have to either co-wash and DC the NEXT day or put some kind of moisturizer on it which weighs it down. (And I just don't deal with weighed down hair) So I avoid all that and just cut out flatironing and my hair hasn't felt better. I have less splits too!
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I agree with this, I have the same issue. I recently discovered deep conditioning and avocado oil is spectacular. I LOVE avocado oil as of last night, it doesnt weigh down but moisturizes spectacularly.... ( just applying to the ends, a TINY amound works wonders)
I'm sorry to say, but you probably aren't going to be able to have your cake and eat it too.

I have fine hair too, I once thought my hair was thin as well but it's not, when I don't flat iron.

I know from what i've observed about my hair, and am finally coming to grips with is that flat ironing=the opposite of moisturized, dry hair, fragile easily breaking hair. I love flat ironing my hair, but it just can't take it.

I used to be so stuck on swang that I washed, blowdried and flatironed ever 2-3 days so my hair would always look fresh and never sticky. It took about 3 months before I had jacked damaged cracked-out hair and I was searching the internet for help. (LHCF) I ended up having to chop all that hair off and start over from the damage.

I don't do stiff hair so to combat it I dc and rollerset. Even if I want to wear my hair straight, I rollerset it straight. After a rollerset, I don't have to moisturize for about 4 days keeping the body in my hair, but if I flat iron, I have to either co-wash and DC the NEXT day or put some kind of moisturizer on it which weighs it down. (And I just don't deal with weighed down hair)
I have issues with this:nono:. I have to break the habit. Its so difficult to keep find hair from looking thin and greasy after 3 days without letting it be all dried out. So far avocado oil is providing moisture without weighing my hair down....
I tried a rollerset about two weeks ago and it was disasterous, but maybe I'll try again, watch some youtube videos.
Keep trying once you get it down you will love the way your hair looks and feels (shinier and moisturized) and your hair will love you for it.
You should check out this youtube video. This girl has swanging healthy hair. You might want to listen to her hair regimen video.

I'm an Ateeya fan, but I agree that her hair regimen may not be the best for growth.

I'm sorry to say, but you probably aren't going to be able tohave your cake and eat it too.

I have fine hair too, I once thought my hair was thin as well but it's not, when I don't flat iron.

I know from what i've observed about my hair, and am finally coming to grips with is that flat ironing=the opposite of moisturized, dry hair, fragile easily breaking hair. I love flat ironing my hair, but it's fine and I don't believe fine hair can take heat as well as other textures.

I used to be so stuck on swang that I washed, blowdried and flatironed ever 2-3 days so my hair would always look fresh and never sticky. It took about 3 months before I had jacked damaged cracked-out hair and I was searching the internet for help. (LHCF) I ended up having to chop all that hair off and start over from the damage.

I don't do stiff hair so to combat it I dc and rollerset. Even if I want to wear my hair straight, I rollerset it straight. After a rollerset, I don't have to moisturize for about 4 days keeping the body in my hair, but if I flat iron, I have to either co-wash and DC the NEXT day or put some kind of moisturizer on it which weighs it down. (And I just don't deal with weighed down hair) So I avoid all that and just cut out flatironing and my hair hasn't felt better. I have less splits too!

ITA. After I started my HHJ, I was rollersetting often. (I plan to go back to it after I reach APL). That really helps to keep your hair soft & swangin'. I got Macheriamour's rollersetting DVD and a good bonnet dryer. 2 great investments. The bonnet dryer will also helps with deep conditioning. DCing, using a creamy leave-in, and CSI = soft, moisturized hair for me.

If you really want to keep your hair moisturized, you may have to compromise and wear it up sometimes. Maybe you can alternate - a week up, a week down? As much as I love wearing my hair down, I have gotten more serious about protective styling. You can use heavier moisturizers or even let your hair stay moist (wet) when you have your hair up.
I don't believe this regimen is good long-term for someone who wants to grow thier hair to long lengths. :nono: Too much heat and that is just my opinion. Her hair did look nice in this vid though:look:

I would never do this but I assumed the OP was more concerned with swang than anything else so I thought I would post this girls youtube. The girl in the video has some nice looking hair plus she has other vids and she says her hair is healthy. Just trying to help. Although as I said I don't use this routine or follow her adivce.
Hey JusticeMe I live in Philly as well and we do loves the swing.

I use Morrocian (sp?) Oil. It comes out of the bottle thick but does not weigh the hair down. It smells wonderful and my stylist Crystal at Bounce Salon in Olney loves it.

When I do my thing at home I use it sparingly because it is expensive. I also use Spectrum coconut oil. I use only a small amount & it keeps my swing alive & well.
I agree with Solitude. I think if you can get adequate moisture from other parts of your regimen (pre-pooing/conditioning/dcing) then you shouldn't need to moisturize often.

Bumping for more responses....I'm a fine hair individual and have struggled with trying to maintain both body and moisture! Great question OP!!

Real moisture comes from continual use of a good conditioners and leave ins that work for your hair... If you use a good deep conditioner w/ heat and detangling leave in your hair should be pliable and soft :yep: .