Blessing our children


Well-Known Member
Last night during prayer and reflection, I thought about the sermon my Pastor preached earlier in the day. I always think about what is said and see how I can apply it to my life. I began to talk to God and He revealed to me some thing that a lot of folks tend to overlook. He showed me how in the old testament, the fathers prayed blessings over their kids. It made me look at my children and the blessings we want for their lives. It's one thing to hope for it, it's another thing to actually take those steps to make them happen. I know that God honors the prayers of His people and has given us power through our tongue.

So this week my dh and I are going to bless our children. We are going to talk tonight about the strengths and areas that need improvement in our girls lives. Then we are going to pray. Sometime this week we will call each of them to us, annoint their heads and speak blessings over their lives. We will praise and encourage the positive and pray for their strength to be able to make the needed improvements. We won't speak negatively about the areas where improvement is needed. Instead we will provide encouragement and ways to help. Then we will all gather together holding hands and will pray as a family for Godly strength and guidance.

I think it is important now more than ever for us as parents to bless our children, encourage them, and show them how to serve the Lord. I am thankful to God for placing this on my heart and I encourage you all to not only pray for your kids but to speak positivity and blessings in their lives. Take care Q
Last night during prayer and reflection, I thought about the sermon my Pastor preached earlier in the day. I always think about what is said and see how I can apply it to my life. I began to talk to God and He revealed to me some thing that a lot of folks tend to overlook. He showed me how in the old testament, the fathers prayed blessings over their kids. It made me look at my children and the blessings we want for their lives. It's one thing to hope for it, it's another thing to actually take those steps to make them happen. I know that God honors the prayers of His people and has given us power through our tongue.

So this week my dh and I are going to bless our children. We are going to talk tonight about the strengths and areas that need improvement in our girls lives. Then we are going to pray. Sometime this week we will call each of them to us, annoint their heads and speak blessings over their lives. We will praise and encourage the positive and pray for their strength to be able to make the needed improvements. We won't speak negatively about the areas where improvement is needed. Instead we will provide encouragement and ways to help. Then we will all gather together holding hands and will pray as a family for Godly strength and guidance.

I think it is important now more than ever for us as parents to bless our children, encourage them, and show them how to serve the Lord. I am thankful to God for placing this on my heart and I encourage you all to not only pray for your kids but to speak positivity and blessings in their lives. Take care Q

:yep: also when we holding our babies or when the kids are in bed even if they are sleep we can still speak blessing into their lives...:yep:
This so on time. I guess because of my son's health problems, I have ALWAYS blessed them. Sometimes I get a bad feeling in the middle of the night, and I just go in their room and touch their heads and say "In the Name of Jesus, protect..." I have also been led at times during the day to pray for them and I just go in the bathroom or just close my eyes and pray for them. We are in consecration this week, and I have dedicated myself to praying and fasting for them.
I believe that we are under attack as a family, and the devil WILL NOT have my babies. This thread just confirmed that I am headed in the right direction and I will be concious to do more on their behalf.
God is so great and awesome. I am blessed everyday by my membership to this board.
Thank you Queeny...
This so on time. I guess because of my son's health problems, I have ALWAYS blessed them. Sometimes I get a bad feeling in the middle of the night, and I just go in their room and touch their heads and say "In the Name of Jesus, protect..." I have also been led at times during the day to pray for them and I just go in the bathroom or just close my eyes and pray for them. We are in consecration this week, and I have dedicated myself to praying and fasting for them.
I believe that we are under attack as a family, and the devil WILL NOT have my babies. This thread just confirmed that I am headed in the right direction and I will be concious to do more on their behalf.
God is so great and awesome. I am blessed everyday by my membership to this board.
Thank you Queeny...
No problem. Isn't it great when God confirms something?!! He is so awesome. Q
This is common practice in Judaism. We bless our children.

Beautiful post, btw.
We have done so as well but it is something we want to make a habit of doing to help also with correction and Godly wisdom within them. :yep: Thank you for posting. :kiss: Q

This is so on time. Thank you for pointing this out! Let me get to work with my little ones.
Do it and watch how God moves in their lives!!! Q
Last night during prayer and reflection, I thought about the sermon my Pastor preached earlier in the day. I always think about what is said and see how I can apply it to my life. I began to talk to God and He revealed to me some thing that a lot of folks tend to overlook. He showed me how in the old testament, the fathers prayed blessings over their kids. It made me look at my children and the blessings we want for their lives. It's one thing to hope for it, it's another thing to actually take those steps to make them happen. I know that God honors the prayers of His people and has given us power through our tongue.

So this week my dh and I are going to bless our children. We are going to talk tonight about the strengths and areas that need improvement in our girls lives. Then we are going to pray. Sometime this week we will call each of them to us, annoint their heads and speak blessings over their lives. We will praise and encourage the positive and pray for their strength to be able to make the needed improvements. We won't speak negatively about the areas where improvement is needed. Instead we will provide encouragement and ways to help. Then we will all gather together holding hands and will pray as a family for Godly strength and guidance.

I think it is important now more than ever for us as parents to bless our children, encourage them, and show them how to serve the Lord. I am thankful to God for placing this on my heart and I encourage you all to not only pray for your kids but to speak positivity and blessings in their lives. Take care Q
Thank you for posting this....I bless my son in prayer, but there has only benn a few times have I prayed for his blessings with him in his presence. I think this is a wonderful form of worship and example, I can't wait to bless him in person (He's visiting with family in Los Angeles.)
Thank you for posting this....I bless my son in prayer, but there has only benn a few times have I prayed for his blessings with him in his presence. I think this is a wonderful form of worship and example, I can't wait to bless him in person (He's visiting with family in Los Angeles.)

That is awesome. Posts like this really touches me. :bighug: Q
I know we should and can do this, but I have to continually remind myself to do it. Of course it is a part of our bedtime routine, but occasionally, at night, after they are asleep, or even during the day at nap time, I pray over my babies. When one of them is acting a totally fool. we all hold hands and pray for calm and peace------so I wont flip and beat a kid down is usually the reason.

I think it is a good idea to make it an integral part of our lives as parents to bless our children.
I know we should and can do this, but I have to continually remind myself to do it. Of course it is a part of our bedtime routine, but occasionally, at night, after they are asleep, or even during the day at nap time, I pray over my babies. When one of them is acting a totally fool. we all hold hands and pray for calm and peace------so I wont flip and beat a kid down is usually the reason.

I think it is a good idea to make it an integral part of our lives as parents to bless our children.

Girl I feel you. My youngest, I really love her but she WORKS us. :yep: Q