Blackpearl81's 2 Year Progress!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies!! First of all, thanks to all the lovely ladies on this board for offering so much information to help us all have the hair that we've always wanted. I have changed my entire routine since finding this site and I now realize that having long hair is a CHOICE and is also accompanied by lifestyle changes from diet to avoiding stress to exercise...I can go on and on. And I have made it my point to share what I've learned with sistas on the street who may not have access to this site. So with that said, I love ya'll!! Happy New Year and Happy Hair Growing!! MBL in 2011?.....:spinning:

JANUARY 2009 (when I first joined LHCF)


JANUARY 2010 (my goal at this point was health before length)




NOW HOPEFULLY I REACH MBL BY JANUARY 2012!!!! Pray for me ya'll! :grin:
beautiful progress! now you know you gotta share your regi!!

Of course.....hmmm, where to start...

*Well first of all, my major change was switching from No-Lye to Lye *Relaxer (Silk Elements). I noticed the change as soon as I rinsed it out!
*I also add EVOO to my relaxer....
*I try to stretch my relaxer for at least 16 weeks....(but it is primary
based on the amount of new growth I have
*Poo once a week (Nexxus Therappe)
*Aphogee 2-minute Constructor after each wash (my hair loves protein)
*Detangle in shower w/Jibere shower comb (seamless!). I also use the
same comb anytime I need to comb my hair during the week (rare)
*Deep condish w/heat after each wash (Silk Elements Megasilk Olive
Moisturizing Treatment)
*Clarify once a month with Nexxue Aloe Rid (or twice a month if
*Hard Protein Treatment after each relaxer (Aphogee 2 step)
*Leave-in: Rusk leave-in (thanks Sylver!)
*Daily Moisturizer: NTM leave-in
*I only seal during the winter, because my hair and scalp gets soooo dry
during those months!! btw, I use EVOO to seal.
*Limited heat usage and manipulation---Always, always, always air dry
and occassional flat iron (unless a special occassion like New Year's Eve
require me to swang!)
*My three low-maintence styles are a single braid to the back, braidout,
and the simple bun.
*Trims as needed (search and destroy method)

I've also started doing scalp massages with EVOO, so we'll see if that makes a sure feels good if anything!:yep:

Oh yeah btw, I DID NONE OF THIS STUFF PRIOR TO LCHF! :nono: I would jus use a cheap poo and condish (like Suave), no protein, blow dry/flat iron once a week or more! No wonder my hair was breaking...
Great progress!! wow your hair looks really healthy. You will most def reach your goal of MBL this year if you keep up the great work
Great progress! Very inspiring, I'm at the length you were in Jan '09. I think you'll be at MBL before 2011 is out :yep:
Your progress is very inspirational. Your hair is beautiful:yep: many times do I have to co wash to get arm like yours:look:
Great progress! Very inspiring, I'm at the length you were in Jan '09. I think you'll be at MBL before 2011 is out :yep:

Yay!! OMG, I hope so!!

Your progress is very inspirational. Your hair is beautiful:yep: many times do I have to co wash to get arm like yours:look:

lol, girl these arms are fortunately a result of good genes....I am sooo not the health/exercise freak! Nor am I a big fan of co-washing lol:lachen: