BKT idea. What do you think?


New Member
So, at around April or May I am going to stop wearing my wig and wear my own hair out. I am currently natural. Right now, what I want is wash and go semi-straight/curly hair. I have been trying to think of a way that will not harm my hair as much as just a relaxer. I was thinking about using a texturizer to loosen up my hair and then go over it with Softliss. Instead of straightening my hair with the softliss, i would use a curling iron instead.

So, my idea is to break down the protein bonds of my hair and then build them up with the Softliss in the shape that I want my hair.

What do you all think? Do you think that will create wash in go hair like the way i want it?

I want to be able to conditioner wash my hair in the morning, maybe add a little gel, and then go! Basically a wash-n-go. Has anyone experimented with this idea before?
naw i don't think that'll work. breaking down the bonds, then re-building them into a certain shape is what curly perms do. a bkt is just gonna soften the texture a lil bit like a weak texlax. if you haven't already, i'd pm sheba
I'm no expert, but that doesn't sound like such a great idea. Have you ever done a BKT before? If not, I would suggest you do one and see what your results would be. I'm sure our Resident BKT expert (Sheba) will be along to share her knowledge!
LOL @ resident expert! You all crack me up! Well here I am to offer my insight :giggle:

It sounds like you've given this a lot of thought, Loveisinthehouse. But I'm going to have to agree with the ladies and say it's not the best idea. If you texlax and then BKT your hair will go bone straight. You can texlax loosen curl pattern or you can BKT to loosen curl pattern but doing both will straighten your hair bone straight. This is a plus for those that want to bonelax but their hair is too fine to handle it.

If waves/curls is really what you want just BKT healthy natural hair. You'll end up with waves/curls that will slowly revert over time. This is providing you have a curl pattern to start with.

If you don't get enough relaxing of your curl pattern the first time, just do another BKT a few weeks later before the first has worn off. Each layer of BKT seems to weigh the hair down more than the one before, making the curls appear more and more relaxed. And then wears off over time. I think this gives you more control than texlaxing.
I guess its back to the drawing board! I've done BKT before, twice. The result wasn't really what I wanted. Sheba, when you say bone straight, do you mean really really really BONE straight? I could live with it if my hair was very straight as long as there would be a little curl when it air dries.
Sheba just to follow up on this instead of using the flat Irons on high heat, do you think that it would be possible to just blow out the BKT using a blow dryer? I find that my hair has more volume when I blow dry as opposed to flat Iron and I am not that bothered about getting "bone" straight but rather just manageable hair.

TIA :grin:
I guess its back to the drawing board! I've done BKT before, twice. The result wasn't really what I wanted. Sheba, when you say bone straight, do you mean really really really BONE straight? I could live with it if my hair was very straight as long as there would be a little curl when it air dries.

Hey there, Loveisinthehouse, what kind of result did you get? Which product did you use? Was it softliss? If it wasn't straight enough, you could try a different brand. i.e. Global 4% straightens more the Global 2%; Dreamhair straightens quite a bit, etc.

Sheba just to follow up on this instead of using the flat Irons on high heat, do you think that it would be possible to just blow out the BKT using a blow dryer? I find that my hair has more volume when I blow dry as opposed to flat Iron and I am not that bothered about getting "bone" straight but rather just manageable hair.

TIA :grin:

Hey lady, thanks for sending me the PM. I don't think the blow dryer would allow the treatment to bond to the hair. So I'm thinking as soon as you washed next, all the BKT would go down the drain rather than the excess.

I try not to worry too much how my hair behaves with treatment in. Go ahead and flat iron and bond it really well. That way, you can blow dry during regular styling. Only not during treatment application. What do you think?
Yes, I use Softliss. I am not willing to try another brand right now, I'm cheap and I don't wanna buy more lol. I did read that Softliss is supposed to be good for getting the hair really straight.
Hey lady, thanks for sending me the PM. I don't think the blow dryer would allow the treatment to bond to the hair. So I'm thinking as soon as you washed next, all the BKT would go down the drain rather than the excess.

I try not to worry too much how my hair behaves with treatment in. Go ahead and flat iron and bond it really well. That way, you can blow dry during regular styling. Only not during treatment application. What do you think?

Thanks for explainging this Sheba, for some reason I just thought that if the Flat Iron got my hair "bone" straight that my hair would be permenatly bone straight. Now that I know that this is just the processing stage, I might give it a whirl... :scratchchin:

I am hoping to grow out my hair a bit more first before I decide if I want to take the plunge with the BKT...

If you have a tight zig zag you'd just have a slightly relaxed zig zag on healthy 4b hair.

this is also useful for me to know with my mix of 4a/b hair....

ETA: Btw are there any 4a/b naturals whom have had success with BKT you could put us onto Sheba, it would be interesting to find out what brands they had success with.... ummmmm...
Hmm, I'll have to give that one some thought, Stellagirl. I mean, I'm 4a/b natural and I think Brittany is 4b. I've had success with Global 2% and Brittany uses 4%. But all others that come to mind are closer to 3c/4a if they're natural.

This is a good thread to check out, though, since each person lists their experience, what they used, how many passes at what temp, etc: BKT Damage or Satisfied?
Sheba is absolutely right about texlaxing and then BKT'ing. I BKT'd a few months ago over texlaxed hair and it became BONE STRAIGHT for at least 16-20 washes. I never in life had hair so straight. That was not what I wanted, so I tried to let it wear off naturally. It was taking too long, so I purposely stripped it. My natural hair - about 4/5 inches of new growth at the time - reverted completely. The hair that was previously texlaxed is still fairly straight after several months. From now on, I'll only BKT the relaxed ends. I'm trying to hold onto those suckers until I reach MBL!

I want my natural hair to be virgin, so I just lightly flatiron the roots to better match the relaxed ends. Having wave in my hair for the first 6 inches or so at the root doesn't bother me and I don't work outside the home, so it really doesn't matter how it looks day-to-day. I'll continue to BKT the ends every few months until I cut them off in another year or so.

I believe the BKT treatment at the line of demarcation has allowed my relaxer to grow out without any breakage whatsoever.

ETA: I use a non-formaldehyde formula called KERATINA.
Sipp100, I just PMed you. Is there anyone else who did the BKT over textruzied hair? Do you have any pictures of your hair wet or dry without any direct heat? I'm very interested for pictures.
I don't think this is a good idea. There was a member on here who texlaxed her hair in twist in an attempt to get the hair to maintain the twist texture. From what I remember she had problems when she attempted to reapply the chemical because some parts of her hair were exposed to the chemical and other parts were not as they were protected by the twist.

Ultimately, I think this will be very damaging to your strands and it will create weak points in the strands.
My plan wasn't to use twists, I would make sure all my hair was exposed to the chemical, just instead of using a flat iron with BKT I would use a curling iron instead.

I actually kind of got the idea from that member who did that though. I thought it was a good idea, but wasn't what I wanted.
Unless you want to be the LHCF guinea-pig (and risk all your hair), I wouldn't suggest doing anything out of the ordinary with BKT.