BKT - advice needed for UK


Active Member
Hi Ladies

I am planning on doing BKT early next year – about Feb time.
I am a bit nervous as I dont know anyone who has had this done but from reading some of the threads I am also excited. My friend is a hairdesser and between us we will be doing the treatment at home.

I would like recommendations from other BKT’ers as to which brand/treatment to use – also as I more than likely will have to buy online (unless someone knows where to get in the UK) please advise recommended sellers/sites.

I have natural 4b shoulder length hair – fairly thick.
Any advice much aprreciated - photos would be brilliant!

Thanks in advance
Jaffa, I think most of the BKT veterans are on the Dreamhair bandwagon these days. I've tried it, and I love it. It doesn't have anywhere near the fumes of the other brands (even the supposedly formaldehyde-free versions), and your hair doesn't feel all coated and heavy. Also, it can be washed out the same day as opposed to the 4-day waiting period that other BKTs (like Global, which I also like, but not as much as Dreamhair). A lot of the ladies also like Rejuvenol (haven't tried it so I can't say Yay or Nay). HTH. Oh, BTW, fabulosity (one of our resident BKT pros) sells samples of Dreamhair. You should PM her for info.