Bill Nye the Science Guy: Parents--don't teach your kids "Creationism"


Well-Known Member
Bill Nye The Science Guy has created a two-minute You Tube video for online knowledge group Big Think in which he defends evolution and ask parents not to raise creationist kids. Nye hosted a popular kids science show in the 1990s. From NBC News via Channel 11’s website:
“Denial of evolution is unique to the United States,” Nye says in the video. After praising the U.S. as the world’s most advanced technological society, he credits that ranking to “intellectual capital we have, the general understanding of science. When you have a portion of the population that doesn’t believe in that, it holds everybody back, really.”
Nye goes on to say that he asks those who don’t believe in evolution to explain to him why they feel that way, and that “your world just becomes fantastically complicated when you don’t believe in evolution…”
“And I say to the grownups, if you want to deny evolution and live in your world, in your world that’s completely inconsistent with everything we observe in the universe, that’s fine,” Nye says. “But don’t make your kids do it because we need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future. We need people that can – we need engineers that can build stuff, solve problems.”

source: HERE


What say you?

Bill Nye The Science Guy has created a two-minute You Tube video for online knowledge group Big Think in which he defends evolution and ask parents not to raise creationist kids. Nye hosted a popular kids science show in the 1990s. From NBC News via Channel 11’s website:
“Denial of evolution is unique to the United States,” Nye says in the video. After praising the U.S. as the world’s most advanced technological society, he credits that ranking to “intellectual capital we have, the general understanding of science. When you have a portion of the population that doesn’t believe in that, it holds everybody back, really.”
Nye goes on to say that he asks those who don’t believe in evolution to explain to him why they feel that way, and that “your world just becomes fantastically complicated when you don’t believe in evolution…”
“And I say to the grownups, if you want to deny evolution and live in your world, in your world that’s completely inconsistent with everything we observe in the universe, that’s fine,” Nye says. “But don’t make your kids do it because we need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future. We need people that can – we need engineers that can build stuff, solve problems.”

source: HERE


What say you?

Why... ? ? ? Why Nye, Why?

Ahhhhhh no small wonder, you're a science guy; you don't believe in God.

satan obviously primed this man to win the hearts and trust of many only as a set up, a trap to add this garbage into their spirits.
Why... ? ? ? Why Nye, Why?

Ahhhhhh no small wonder, you're a science guy; you don't believe in God.

satan obviously primed this man to win the hearts and trust of many only as a set up, a trap to add this garbage into their spirits.

My first reaction is why do the two have to even be at odds (science and religion)? Science is a discipline that allows me to learn and understand the natural world. It cannot answer for me whether or not there's a God, or what truth or goodness are--nor is it meant to.

Gregor Mendel, a Catholic priest, is the father of genetics :)

35 craters on the moon are named after Jesuit astronomers and mathematicians.

Georges Lemaitre, also a priest, was the first scientist to propose what we now call "The Big Bang Theory."

Christianity has a rich and foundational contribution and formation of Western Civilization. One can be a very good engineer, astronomer, or biologist and be a Christian.
My first reaction is why do the two have to even be at odds (science and religion)? Science is a discipline that allows me to learn and understand the natural world. It cannot answer for me whether or not there's a God, or what truth or goodness are--nor is it meant to.

Gregor Mendel, a Catholic priest, is the father of genetics :)

35 craters on the moon are named after Jesuit astronomers and mathematicians.

Georges Lemaitre, also a priest, was the first scientist to propose what we now call "The Big Bang Theory."

Christianity has a rich and foundational contribution and formation of Western Civilization. One can be a very good engineer, astronomer, or biologist and be a Christian.

Amen to all of your post and I do mean 'ALL' :up:

Galadriel... don't they realize that without God, there would be NO science. It's because of God that these scientists have things to discover. All they are doing is discovering what God already knows for after all it is God who created it ALL.

The experiments that we did in science class (remember the water that didn't spill if you turned the glass upside down while holding a sheet of paper to it?), Ummmm, don't these people remember it was God who parted the waters of the Red Sea? AND he parted the waters of the Jordon river when Elijah slapped the waters with his cape?

Why are people so bent on leaving God out of the equations when God created the very process of equation?

Jesus said that those who deny Him, that He would also deny them, before God His Father.

Mr. Nye better get it right before his water runs out. I'm just sayin'.

I thank God day and night and in between and in between that for all that He had done for me. Why is it so hard for everyone else to give God a simple thank you, especially for science, which is God's in the first place. I can see God looking down from Heaven, just shaking His head, at the limitations of man's empty imaginations. :nono:

I'm tired Precious Gala...I tired of people being so ungrateful and so blind, especially when they do not have to be. Folks know better, 'Gala', they know better. God is not giving them any more stretches with this foolishness. People has stretched God's patience beyond Grace. The bungee cords are dry rotted for many and there is no bouncing back. :nono:

Lord Jesus... How we praise and honour and worship you and all that you are. You are God and none other. Only You.... Only You.... Only You.
I actually get what he is saying though. Some people take the Bible in the most literal sense and if you do, Creationism and evolution are simply incompatible. It is still possible to be Christian and a good scientist.

While I don't think we need to ban the story of creation from Sunday school, parents definitely need to keep it to themselves if they believe in Creationism to the exclusion of evolution because it does create an intellectual conundrum that I believe you have to find an understanding within yourself to get past. I spent a ton of time in prayer during my first year in teaching because I did not want to impress my beliefs on others.
I actually get what he is saying though. Some people take the Bible in the most literal sense and if you do, Creationism and evolution are simply incompatible. It is still possible to be Christian and a good scientist.

While I don't think we need to ban the story of creation from Sunday school, parents definitely need to keep it to themselves if they believe in Creationism to the exclusion of evolution because it does create an intellectual conundrum that I believe you have to find an understanding within yourself to get past. I spent a ton of time in prayer during my first year in teaching because I did not want to impress my beliefs on others.

Parents are the rightful and primary teachers of their children. If a parent wishes to teach his child about God, and that God is the Creator of the Universe, then so be it.

The two are only incompatible when atheist materialist ideology jumps in and declares that because of evolution, that there is no God or God did not create the universe.

Macro-evolution has holes and inconsistencies it needs to resolve, I think. Neither can evolution answer or demonstrate anything about God, because that's not its function.
No truer words spoken...thanks button not enough!

Parents are the rightful and primary teachers of their children. If a parent wishes to teach his child about God, and that God is the Creator of the Universe, then so be it.
Bill Nye can promote whatever theory that he wants to. We know that he is off-based in his view.

But as it was mentioned parents reserve the right to regulate what their kids are fed. Plus, this "creationism" theory will be an epic fail if the parents live out the true thing at home. Children soak up what their parents do and emulate their behaviors. If their parents live the right thing at home and make it an active duty to practice Christianity beyond the church walls, the children will be fine.

Also, if we have praying women like Shimmie and other women who experience some form of results, then these children will never be successful overtaken by the adversary. Eventually, these children will embrace God-like views only.
I actually get what he is saying though. Some people take the Bible in the most literal sense and if you do, Creationism and evolution are simply incompatible. It is still possible to be Christian and a good scientist.

While I don't think we need to ban the story of creation from Sunday school, parents definitely need to keep it to themselves if they believe in Creationism to the exclusion of evolution because it does create an intellectual conundrum that I believe you have to find an understanding within yourself to get past.

I spent a ton of time in prayer during my first year in teaching because I did not want to impress my beliefs on others.

* Nye and those like him...

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Psalm 53:1

In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God .... Psalm 10:4

You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay!
Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, "He did not make me"? Can the pot say of the potter, "He knows nothing"?..... Isaiah 29:16

* What they fail to acknowledge is this:

The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein;

For He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods .... Psalm 24:1

These nonbelieving scientists are USING God's creations without the common courtesy of giving God thanks for it. :nono:

* * * Public Schools are a dangerous place for children and their precious souls. They need God back in the school system and with Daily Prayer....

Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but one who keeps the law is blessed..... Proverbs 29:18

In one translation it says the people run wild --- no restraint.

Schools today are a literal war zone. Children KILLING children and With GUNS and ARSENALS of weapontry. Where is this coming from? A school system that has kicked God out of it's curriculum. One day these fools who have made and enforce these rules are going to end up the victims of their own foolish decisions. It's inevitable, for they are not listening to God's warnings.

:Rose: God has commanded unto to us to PROTECT Our Children with HIS Word :

And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace. ............. Isaiah 54:13

Now indeed:

There are several Christians who are scientists yet they do not allow it to discount God, they see science as what PROVES God and all that He has created in this earth upon which we live. They don't have a problem giving God due honour and glory and credit for what HE has created. :yep:

:Rose: Witnessing for Christ:

It's one thing to force one's beliefs on others, but to share it is what we are commanded to do.

FEAR is what satan has always used to keep Christians from sharing Jesus with others.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God to salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16

God is being left out when He should not have to be.
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Bill Nye can promote whatever theory that he wants to. We know that he is off-based in his view.

But as it was mentioned parents reserve the right to regulate what their kids are fed. Plus, this "creationism" theory will be an epic fail if the parents live out the true thing at home. Children soak up what their parents do and emulate their behaviors. If their parents live the right thing at home and make it an active duty to practice Christianity beyond the church walls, the children will be fine.

Also, if we have praying women like Shimmie and other women

who experience some form of results,

then these children will never be successful overtaken by the adversary. Eventually, these children will embrace God-like views only.

I'm laughing at the bolded above; "experience some form of results" :lol:

Seriously though....

My children... my son and my daughter. I fought 'hell' for them and refused to give up. And it paid off. Yes, I caught all kinds of opposition and criticism , but it didn't and couldn't stop me. My babies lives and their souls were at stake... literally. The devil was out to kill my son with drugs and all kinds of mess.

But God... God and His unfailing love and His unfailing promises and His unfailing Word.... God saved my children.

If any parents are reading this,

You MUST not allow this world to steal your children. It doesn't matter what the laws try to dictate to you. It doesn't matter if other people criticise you... this is about saving your child's / children's lives. Ignore the Job's criticizers and keep fighting for your children with the Word of God. Keep feeding your children God's word and let your children know that they have God's permission and yours to refuse to believe the lies that people say otherwise.

Get in your child's school and demand to know what and how they are being taught. If it ain't of God, file a complaint. Get other parents to join you. Form a group and write letters to everyone involved in your child's education letting them know what your expectations are.

Listen... if that Madelyn O'Hare woman, if the gays, if Roe vs Wade can make such drastic changes in our system, why not you? There's power in you that you never thought existed and you do not have to spend your tax dollars where you are not being accomodated. This is what the gays are using as their entitlement, you can do it as well and succeed. :cup:

Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot protect your child from being taught the wrong theologies. AND you do not have to hide behind closed doors and windows as a prisoner in your own home, keeping the Lord out of the public view. If sin can be so publicly displayed, your faith can just as boldly come out from the shade.

Fight for your babies... God will allow you to win every battle. :love2:
Parents are the rightful and primary teachers of their children. If a parent wishes to teach his child about God, and that God is the Creator of the Universe, then so be it.

The two are only incompatible when atheist materialist ideology jumps in and declares that because of evolution, that there is no God or God did not create the universe.

Macro-evolution has holes and inconsistencies it needs to resolve, I think. Neither can evolution answer or demonstrate anything about God, because that's not its function.


Thanks was NOT enough!

It really boggles the mind how folks act like macro-evolution is a proven fact! I mean, have people really STUDIED it? Half of true scientists dont even believe it anymore (believers and unbelievers)...but somehow it persists in our schools masquerading as truth...

De-NYED! Man get outta here Billy! It's my JOB as a christian parent to raise Christian children! How dare you tell me to keep my beliefs to myself? I mean I get enough of people trying to tell my that I should keep my religion out of politics but now I'm supposed to kick them outta my own home! The nerve!!!

As far as Im concerned science and CHristianity are not incompatible because God created science...we're just studying what he did trying to figure out how and why. I don't have to deny the bible and creation to respect good science. And as far as I'm concerned macro-evolution can _/ because it's still struggling for a firm foundation!

Ugh! Yes, this has obviously gotten under my skin...
Galadriel said:
Parents are the rightful and primary teachers of their children. If a parent wishes to teach his child about God, and that God is the Creator of the Universe, then so be it.

The two are only incompatible when atheist materialist ideology jumps in and declares that because of evolution, that there is no God or God did not create the universe.

Macro-evolution has holes and inconsistencies it needs to resolve, I think. Neither can evolution answer or demonstrate anything about God, because that's not its function.

This is exactly what I mean. No one said parents shouldn't teach their children about God. Please re-read what I said. The pervasive attitude that "my parents told me evolution is wrong" is what I have an issue with that. Your religious beliefs ate no excuse to be ignorant to what's going on around you.

Thanks was NOT enough!

It really boggles the mind how folks act like macro-evolution is a proven fact! I mean, have people really STUDIED it? Half of true scientists dont even believe it anymore (believers and unbelievers)...but somehow it persists in our schools masquerading as truth...

De-NYED! Man get outta here Billy! It's my JOB as a christian parent to raise Christian children! How dare you tell me to keep my beliefs to myself? I mean I get enough of people trying to tell my that I should keep my religion out of politics but now I'm supposed to kick them outta my own home! The nerve!!!

As far as Im concerned science and CHristianity are not incompatible because God created science...we're just studying what he did trying to figure out how and why. I don't have to deny the bible and creation to respect good science. And as far as I'm concerned macro-evolution can _/ because it's still struggling for a firm foundation!

Ugh! Yes, this has obviously gotten under my skin...



This is exactly what I mean. No one said parents shouldn't teach their children about God. Please re-read what I said. The pervasive attitude that "my parents told me evolution is wrong" is what I have an issue with that. Your religious beliefs ate no excuse to be ignorant to what's going on around you.

God and Creation have nothing to do with religion. :nono: And a child should be on guard for the lies that are attacking his/her faith.

No teacher has a right to take issue with any child who refuses to accept a lie. If anything teachers are the ones who are 'forcing' the world's beliefs upon innocent children who have no defense. That's just wrong and it has no validation.

What's happening in schools is that children who have been taught the truth from their parents/grandparents/older siblings are now being 'bullied' (that's right, they are being bullied) and made to feel as outcasts simply because they aren't of the same beliefs.

I'm not contending with you TracyNicole, as Christians we cannot allow the world to violate the existance of God which we must teach our children to PROTECT them. We are to put on the full armour of God each day and to teach our children how to do the very same.

Tracy, there was yet another shooting in a school today, actually TWO school shootings. :nono:



This is because God has been 'kicked' out of school... You think not ? ?? It is BEYOND OBVIOUS ... BEYOND. :nono:

Teaching Evolution is a work of satan to distract children from protecting themselves and trust me, the Word of God does indeed protect and fulfill its self, for God is watching over His Word to perform it.

God does not lie, but evolution does. Evolution says there is no God which is indeed a lie. What these scientists are so blind about is that IF evolution did take place, it still needed God's force to evolve. It didn't happen all by it's self.

Baby, we cannot be fearful of standing upon who we are, whose we are and what we know to be true which is God Himself. If a gunman is running crazy in the school (which is what is happening on a regular basis now), what can evolution do to save folks? Not a an 'evolution' thing. However, calling on the name of Jesus will immediately dispatch the power and the presence of God and His angels to move and act on behalf of those in danger.

I don't like what I'm seeing in the Body of Christ. Christians are just accepting anything the world hands them and then we end up with folks in deep trouble not knowing how to get out from under. And why is this? They put God on the dusty shelf when they enter the enemy's camp, the public school system, and wherever else God is not allowed... and they are afraid to let their lights shine. Shining your light isn't forcing your faith down someone's throat, it's leading them out of darkness. Now if a person doesn't want to hear it, fine, keep it moving. However we cannot sit and allow ourselves to be doormats for satan and his cohorts. We're not called to do that. God's Word is very clear about this. :yep:

Love and blessings to you... :yep:
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If you haven't seen "The Truth Project", you need to see it.:yep: It points people to a Biblical Worldview, which also shares information from both Christian and non-Christian.

It's so good that it will make you see that what you thought you knew, was somewhat wrong. Powerful, thought-provoking and it will help you to be able to share the Gospel in a whole different way!

Here is a trailer from the Truth Project:
Shimmie said:
God and Creation have nothing to do with religion. :nono: And a child should be on guard for the lies that are attacking his/her faith.

No teacher has a right to take issue with any child who refuses to accept a lie. If anything teachers are the ones who are 'forcing' the world's beliefs upon innocent children who have no defense. That's just wrong and it has no validation.

What's happening in schools is that children who have been taught the truth from their parents/grandparents/older siblings are now being 'bullied' (that's right, they are being bullied) and made to feel as outcasts simply because they aren't of the same beliefs.

I'm not contending with you TracyNicole, as Christians we cannot allow the world to violate the existance of God which we must teach our children to PROTECT them. We are to put on the full armour of God each day and to teach our children how to do the very same.

Tracy, there was yet another shooting in a school today, actually TWO school shootings. :nono:



This is because has been 'kicked' out of school... You think not ? ?? It is BEYOND OBVIOUS ... BEYOND. :nono:

Teaching Evolution is a work of satan to distract children from protecting themselves and trust me, the Word of God does indeed protect and fulfill its self, for God is watching over His Word to perform it.

God does not lie, but evolution does. Evolution says there is no God which is indeed a lie. What these scientists are so blind about is that IF evolution did take place, it still needed God's force to evolve. It didn't happen all by it's self.

Baby, we cannot be fearful of standing upon who we are, whose we are and what we know to be true which is God Himself. If a gunman is running crazy in the school (which is what is happening on a regular basis now), what can evolution do to save folks? Not a an 'evolution' thing. However, calling on the name of Jesus will immediately dispatch the power and the presence of God and His angels to move and act on behalf of those in danger.

I don't like what I'm seeing in the Body of Christ. Christians are just accepting anything the world hands them and then we end up with folks in deep trouble not knowing how to get out from under. And why is this? They put God on the dusty shelf when they enter the enemy's camp, the public school system, and wherever else God is not allowed... and they are afraid to let their lights shine. Shining your light isn't forcing your faith down someone's throat, it's leading them out of darkness. Now if a person doesn't want to hear it, fine, keep it moving. However we cannot sit and allow ourselves to be doormats for satan and his cohorts. We're not called to do that. God's Word is very clear about this. :yep:

Love and blessings to you... :yep:

I'm going to leave this at you are entitled to your opinion. I happen to have the view that Christianity and belief in God are not incompatible.

Furthermore, taking God out of the equation is not the only problem in our schools. if this is your belief to each his own. I'm not fearful of my faith. Funny how it's a parents right to protect and instruct their children and not a teacher's place when I would say the great majority of children aren't raised by their parents. In my opinion, that's the real problem in this country.

I wasn't there when they wrote the Bible and honestly we can cling to the belief that every word in there is the literal truth but I will say this, corruption and evil have been spreading through this world since the fall. Who is to say how He literally fashioned this Earth and our being. That a day consists of 24 hours when in fact time is a man made concept? I pray and ask for the correct path forward to be revealed. In my most humble opinion that gives me far more comfort sleeping at night, than getting caught up fighting over the words of man.
I'm going to leave this at you are entitled to your opinion. I happen to have the view that Christianity and belief in God are not incompatible.

Furthermore, taking God out of the equation is not the only problem in our schools. if this is your belief to each his own. I'm not fearful of my faith. Funny how it's a parents right to protect and instruct their children and not a teacher's place when I would say the great majority of children aren't raised by their parents. In my opinion, that's the real problem in this country.

I wasn't there when they wrote the Bible and honestly we can cling to the belief that every word in there is the literal truth but I will say this, corruption and evil have been spreading through this world since the fall.

Who is to say how He literally fashioned this Earth and our being. That a day consists of 24 hours when in fact time is a man made concept? I pray and ask for the correct path forward to be revealed. In my most humble opinion that gives me far more comfort sleeping at night, than getting caught up fighting over the words of man.

But aren't you doing the same by taking the words of man regarding evolution? Again, I'm not contending with you. Not at all. :nono: You say you weren't there when the Bible was written. Are you saying you were there when the man-made theory of evolution evolved?

Nevertheless, I'm not going to deride Galadriel's thread; you disagree with the Word of God and that's your choice which I will leave alone. :yep:

Take care.
I'm going to leave this at you are entitled to your opinion. I happen to have the view that Christianity and belief in God are not incompatible.

Furthermore, taking God out of the equation is not the only problem in our schools. if this is your belief to each his own. I'm not fearful of my faith. Funny how it's a parents right to protect and instruct their children and not a teacher's place when I would say the great majority of children aren't raised by their parents. In my opinion, that's the real problem in this country.

I wasn't there when they wrote the Bible and
honestly we can cling to the belief that every word in there is the literal truth
but I will say this, corruption and evil have been spreading through this world since the fall.
Who is to say how He literally fashioned this Earth and our being.
That a day consists of 24 hours when in fact time is a man made concept? I pray and ask for the correct path forward to be revealed. In my most humble opinion that gives me far more comfort sleeping at night, than getting caught up fighting over the words of man.
If you don't believe the Bible, which IS God's Word, then there is only one thing I can say....I hope you come to know that God loves you and desires for you to be with Him for eternity.

Praying for you.

If you don't believe the Bible, which IS God's Word, then there is only one thing I can say....I hope you come to know that God loves you and desires for you to be with Him for eternity.

Praying for you.


I'll always accept prayer. Don't get what I said confused though. There is a difference between having faith in God and absolute faith that a book you read is a true and complete representation of the word of God. My gaurd is always up. There have been many edits to the book we have modern day and I believe you must be guided by the Lord moving in your spirit and use the gift of discernment, which we have received through his grace. Now that's that for me. God bless!
Galadriel... I want share this with you and how on time the Lord has used you to post this thread. :yep:

My babygirl (she's my baby grand and a pre-teen :spinning: ) she loves reading the book of Job. I mean of all of the books in the Bible, she put off TV and started reading the book of Job this summer. And she's in Florida where she could have gone anywhere to have fun. But she chose, to study her Bible. Gala, my baby's LOVE God's Word and you should hear them pray... they ain't playin' games. They truly love the Lord and have no shame in sharing the love of God with others.

Guess where she is right now in the chapters of Job? : Guess... :giggle:

Job 38... The Creation Chapter... The chapter when God stepped in and started speaking to Job.

May I post it? I mean this is just too awesome. :yep:
I'll always accept prayer. Don't get what I said confused though. There is a difference between having faith in God and absolute faith that a book you read is a true and complete representation of the word of God. My gaurd is always up. There have been many edits to the book we have modern day and I believe you must be guided by the Lord moving in your spirit and use the gift of discernment, which we have received through his grace. Now that's that for me. God bless!
Prayer is a great thing to do!

No, I'm not confused by what you said...I completely understood. If you have a guard that is always up, you will not be able to receive the Word in its fullness.

If you read any book, and believe what it says because it was written by someone that may share your worldviews, than surely you can believe the Word of God, the Bible, because it was written with you in mind:grin:

Will continue to pray for blessed!
If you don't believe the Bible, which IS God's Word, then there is only one thing I can say....I hope you come to know that God loves you and desires for you to be with Him for eternity.

Praying for you.


I had to leave that comment alone. I just couldn't believe if I was seeing what it looked like. :nono:

Sis, my babygirl is reading the book of Job and I was too through when she told me she was not playing until she finished. She loves reading her Bible.

I'm so glad our children know God (yours, mine and many of our sisters here on this forum.) And it's not forced upon them. Our children know the truth and the truth reigns in their hearts and has set them free.

Praise God.
Most worldly wisdom will deny Creation because it is contrary to their nature. The Bible says a physical man can't understand things of a spiritual nature. Also, worldy wisdom is foolishness with God. Satan, the god of this world, promotes the opposite of truth. This is why it is up to parents to teach their children the truth about God. They also need to watch things their children read and learn in school. Evolution is taught as a doctrine in schools. It is preached about in wild life shows and is accepted as fact in the world. This doctrine has made the world more demonic. They feel like they are accountable to no one but themselves. :nono: In fact, if you don't believe in evolution, most in higher eduction give you the side eye.:ohwell:
Most worldly wisdom will deny Creation because it is contrary to their nature. The Bible says a physical man can't understand things of a spiritual nature. Also, worldy wisdom is foolishness with God. Satan, the god of this world, promotes the opposite of truth. This is why it is up to parents to teach their children the truth about God. They also need to watch things their children read and learn in school. Evolution is taught as a doctrine in schools. It is preached about in wild life shows and is accepted as fact in the world. This doctrine has made the world more demonic. They feel like they are accountable to no one but themselves. :nono: ..

In fact, if you don't believe in evolution, most in higher eduction give you the side eye. :ohwell:


The bolded.... this is sooooooo true. :lol:

I am soooo serious. I go to Whole Foods and other health food stores and I'm telling you, many of the folks who shop in these stores are 'evolutionists' and they dress weird and talk weird. Everything is about the 'Universe'. What the Universe has to say ... what the Universe has to offer. I mean these people are straight up granola and nuts and raisins with this Universe craziness. I have to ask them, where is God who created the Universe?

That's when they look at you (I need Nice & Wavy's Samuel Jackson gif) with a major side eye and they walk away real fast in a scurry (scared and hurry). :lol:
I had to leave that comment alone. I just couldn't believe if I was seeing what it looked like. :nono:

Sis, my babygirl is reading the book of Job and I was too through when she told me she was not playing until she finished. She loves reading her Bible.

I'm so glad our children know God (yours, mine and many of our sisters here on this forum.) And it's not forced upon them. Our children know the truth and the truth reigns in their hearts and has set them free.

Praise God.



The bolded.... this is sooooooo true. :lol:

I am soooo serious. I go to Whole Foods and other health food stores and I'm telling you, many of the folks who shop in these stores are 'evolutionists' and they dress weird and talk weird. Everything is about the 'Universe'. What the Universe has to say ... what the Universe has to offer. I mean these people are straight up granola and nuts and raisins with this Universe craziness. I have to ask them, where is God who created the Universe?

That's when they look at you (I need @Nice & Wavy's Samuel Jackson gif) with a major side eye and they walk away real fast in a scurry (scared and hurry). :lol:
I actually get what he is saying though. Some people take the Bible in the most literal sense and if you do, Creationism and evolution are simply incompatible. It is still possible to be Christian and a good scientist.

While I don't think we need to ban the story of creation from Sunday school, parents definitely need to keep it to themselves if they believe in Creationism to the exclusion of evolution because it does create an intellectual conundrum that I believe you have to find an understanding within yourself to get past. I spent a ton of time in prayer during my first year in teaching because I did not want to impress my beliefs on others.

Creationism is great when it's taught in Sunday school or parochial school where it belongs. The problem is people trying to crowbar Creationism into science curriculums in secular schools. Creationism is not science, it's religion. These two fields of discipline have no reason to cross streams.
This is exactly what I mean. No one said parents shouldn't teach their children about God. Please re-read what I said. The pervasive attitude that "my parents told me evolution is wrong" is what I have an issue with that. Your religious beliefs ate no excuse to be ignorant to what's going on around you.

That God is the First Cause, the Intelligent Designer and Creator is a fundamental belief of Christianity. So to tell someone not to teach their child that God is Creator, is to tell that person not to teach about God.

As for your comment regarding religious belief and ignorance, this is exactly the type of bigoted mentality that I disagree with. Many scientists throughout history have been deeply religious, and some of them were priests or clerics.

Because God created a stable, natural world endowed with goodness, we believe in studying, examining, and understanding it.