Big Chop Tutorials?


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies!!! I am planning to do my own big chop next month and I want to start checking out some videos! So could you ladies be so kind to post any good links or information.... it would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!!
I would say to definitely check youtube. There are tons. I did my big chop by cowashing my hair, applying a ton of conditioner so that I could clearly see the line of demarcation, and I just chopped. It turned out really nice. You can do it. Congrats on making the decision to BC! Can't wait to see pics.
Oh wow, never heard of a BC tutorial, but I am sure they exist. Me and my mom went at it...just soaked my hair and cut at the line of demarcation. It came out even, too. A month later I did hers -- also came out even.
I am sure I can do the top and my husband said he would help me with the back but I am not too sure about that. I saw some big chop videos but it was mostly people showing the results! Oh well I will keep looking....
I did mine myself both times, but I should've gotten someone to help me with the back since I only had 2 inches of natural growth this time around. I had 5 inches the first time and it was crazy easy to see the line of demarcation in the back.
Oh, both of my BCs were done after washing and I had a spray bottle of water and conditioner so i could spray each section to see the line even better.
Thanks ladies! Countrychick did you have a hard time trying to do the back on your own or did you have help?

Hey lady, sorry for the late reply. I'd definitely say that it was hard to see the line in the back, so I just cut a little up under the line back there, and then I had my sister cut off the rest of the relaxed was only a shot tip of relaxed hair left, but I wanted to make sure I didn't chop more than necessary. HTH!