Bestest wash ever! (small pic update)


old head
I took pictures of my wash today. I think my hair is getting longer although I can't really see it in the pictures. I can tell when my hair is totally wet in the shower that there's more of it than when I first chopped almost a month ago. Anywho, here's what I did today:
*pre-poo with burt's bees avocado butter--didn't really time it, maybe about 40 minutes or so; enough time to clean my room and wash some dishes...

*shampoo with elucence moisture benefits

*condition with elucence moisture balancing conditioner--I'm almost out! :eek: Time to re-order! I was going to not order yet and try to use up a couple other conditioners I have, but I already know they don't work as well as my beloved elucence and I want to keep my regimen consistent. Plus I need a clarifying shampoo to use every once in a while and I figured I'd try the elucence--may as well get more conditioner while I'm ordering...

*let hair airdry as it is for a while

*apply giovanni direct leave in to damp hair

*airdry a little more

*apply jojoba oil and tie down with scarf

My hair is still drying now. It's soooo soft! The elucence con + giovanni leave-in + jojoba oil has been consistently making my hair uber soft for the past couple weeks. I think I've found my holy grail! At last! :weird:
*Dee* said:
lovely updates!! how are you liking your natural hair blackcardinal?? :)

It's great! I play with the little coilies all day :lol: And I've become addicted to washing it. I'm really trying to minimize manipulation as much as possible so I can retain length as it grows. So even though I wash it about 3 times a week, I try not to comb and brush and stuff a lot.
I mostly wear it loose with a bandana or scarf (like in my avatar pic). It's simple and doesn't require me to mess with my hair too much. I'm looking forward to getting some good growth! :yep:
Beautiful hair! I'm really feeling when you say you play with the coilies all day long. I did the same for a long time after my BC.
You look so cute with that scarf around your hair! when did you cut off your relaxed hair? how long did you transition without the big chop?

happy hair growing!