Best way to care for natural hair during the winter months?


New Member
Hi I just wanted to know what would be the best way for me to care for my natural hair during the winter months?

Is there anyone who didn't put their hair in a protective style and their hair remained fine?

If you have any winter hair tips please feel free to post :yep:
Protective styling with or without a wig IMO is the best way for length retention and to moisturize with more oils and butters on damp/semi dry hair.
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I baggy more often during the winter; sitting here with a bag right now. I'm also heavy handed with my moisturizer before stepping out doors. A silk (or silk-y) lined hat is a must!
I did protective style with a wig but other times I did it in single braids. I find that properly moisturising and then sealing with a heavy oil or butter really helps me keep the moisture in my hair.
I try to seal with heavier products but this is the first year I will be doing protective styling.

What has been effective for me was keeping my hair covered when I was outside. I'm a big twist out and braid out person and the only time I actually leave my braids or twists in is when I'm too lazy to take them out. I didn't see an ill effects from not protective styling. I also used to flat iron every winter to take advantage of less reversion (although when you live in a snow globe like I do its not too different than any other time of the year)

I also use glycerin during the winter making sure to adequately moisturize although my winters are fairly humid so I'm not too worried about the glycerin sucking moisture out of my hair.

I think you just need to work on being well moisturized and sealing. I believe hair can thrive in the winter without being tied down to protective styling.
Make sure your hair is well moisturized - regardless of if you're in a protective style or not. This is gonna be my first year NOT wearing a weave during the winter months so I'll check in periodically and let you know if my hair is lovin it or hating it lol!

I dont plan on changing my routien very much for winter. Maybe just swap out my BRBC for AOHC since its much thicker. Tis all!
Do same moisturising and deep conditioners, eat well, I would say inrease you Vitmain C, eat more fish and omega's 3, 6, 9 and you will be fine.
Winters can be very hard on a lot of people, especially when they get colds, flu going around. Wear layers of clothing. Keep your body healthy so that your hair health won't be affected.
When wearing berets or woolly hats, put a silk or satin scraf underneath, so that your hair is protected and it would not cause friction with the wool.
on harsher weather conditions (be it summer or winter depending on where you are) I increase the moisture: oil rinses, daily moisturizing instead of every 2-3 days, protection from radiators and the sun, keeping my ends oiled.
I can wear my hair down as much as I like as long as it's not a wash and go (I wear braidouts or twistouts) and as long as I replenish the moisture every single night before bed and sleep with my hair up and protected.
Thanks everyone for your responses :yep:

ProductJunkie when you sealing- what is that exactly? I'm only 3 months post my BC and don't think I want to do braids etc I plait my hair every night and take it out in the morning so wondering if just doing that moisturising and deep conditioning is enough?

AyannaDivine lol keep me posted :)

Valerie will definitely try to.
Thanks everyone for your responses :yep:

ProductJunkie when you sealing- what is that exactly? I'm only 3 months post my BC and don't think I want to do braids etc I plait my hair every night and take it out in the morning so wondering if just doing that moisturising and deep conditioning is enough?

AyannaDivine lol keep me posted :)

Valerie will definitely try to.

Sealing is using an oil or butter to seal in the moisture. You do this as a last step so that your moisturizer becomes "locked in" under the coating of fat!! LOLZ thats the best way I can explain it!