Best Settings for Pibbs 514 Kwik Dri


Well-Known Member
What settings do you use for your Pibbs 514 (or other Pibbs) hair dryer?

I just order my Pibbs 514 Kwik Dri but I haven't tested it. I have lo po, medium density (not thick, not fine) hair. I'm looking to use this dryer for both roller setting and DC's. What time and temperature do you set your's at for these processes? Also, please let me know if your hair is lo/high po and fine/medium/thick.

Maybe 50 deg.... It has such great circulation, just use whatever temp is comfortable for you. All the rest doesn't matter.
Hmmm.... it dries so fast it really doesn't matter. You are going to love it.

That's all I have.
I love my Pibbs 514. I love the circulation, and it does dry quicker than other dryers I've used in the past. I normally set mine at 55 to 60 degrees.
I set the temp anywhere between 40-60* depending on the day. Most of the time right in the middle.
And my rollersets are usually done in less than an hr. Love my pibbs...
I set it to whatever my ears (with ear covers I might add) can stand. I usually set it to around 55 degrees.