Best Setting Lotion for Twist outs???


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies, I need your advice on a good setting lotion to do my twist outs with and are there any that do not feel sticky???
how much of the Aloe Vera do I put into my hair? and is this used on wet or dry hair?
ayoung1981 said:
Well, I know this is not a lotion, but Aloe Vera gel gives great twistouts and does not leave your hair dry or sticky.

i second that aloe vera gel will give you twists outs to die for. what i do after cowashing i just splurge my hair with aloe vera gel when its still soaking wet and wait 10mns for it to be damp but not dry and then twists the next day you untwist and the result is banging:)
I just ran out and bought some S-Curl, I have heard alot about it but never really knew how to use it although I do have a texturizer by S-Curl the one that comes in the single jar extra strenght I had it originally done at a dominican salon she suggested I use gels but, I was a little afraid of the dryness that might result so I never bothered...please do tell am I supposed to use another moisturizer with it or not...
With the Aloe Vera gel i section my hair as usual and for each section i just get enough to do a light coating on my hair and twist

You can do it wet or dry--if you are natural---doing it on dry hair w/ show the most length. (less shrinkage).