Best of Both Worlds *singing*


New Member
Feeling like a sell out. Why because I think I want a texturizer...dayum you model-chick and your gorgeous photos. Is the texturizer really the best of both worlds? I am a 4A//B with small coils (the size of a pen spring) I don't know how I'd look with a texturizer and I don't really want to get it done and my hair just look like a HOT MESS! My friend is a 4A with #2 pencil size natural curls and she's thinking about getting a texturizer, but I know my hair won't look the same as hers. So, I guess what I'm saying is A. I love y'all because I know that if I get a texturizer y'all won't think I'm a sell-out and B. Does anyone who has my type of hair have a texturizer and do you have pictures and can you tell me the maintenance on it.

I don't have either, but I remember reading in Andre's book that 4b hair types don't take as well to texturizers as 4a types.

That's just one man's opinion though. I've always wondered about that.
I want one, too. Shrinkage sucks.
But I'm afraid of chemical damage. I think I'm one of those freaks whose hair just can't handle any chemicals. I would feel so stupid if I ruined my hair AGAIN.
I think I'm just gonna have to be all the 4a/b people's ginea big and DO THE DAYUM THANG!
JenJen2721 said:
I don't have either, but I remember reading in Andre's book that 4b hair types don't take as well to texturizers as 4a types.

That's just one man's opinion though. I've always wondered about that.

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I wonder, too. Esp. since that picture from that new hair book Hair Rules of the girl with the texturizer; she looks like a 4a/b and I love the way her texturizer looks. Dayum the Borders near my job for not having the book on the shelf; I don't want to order it yet, I just want to leaf through it.
sassygirl125 said:
I want one, too. Shrinkage sucks.
But I'm afraid of chemical damage. I think I'm one of those freaks whose hair just can't handle any chemicals. I would feel so stupid if I ruined my hair AGAIN.

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See that's why I'm feeling kinda dumb right now; I cut off all my hair and it wasn't even damaged.

Jen_MD, I can see me doing the texturizer/occasional blow out thing and really liking being able to go from curly to straight (I can see you doing it to).
I thought about a texturizer, but I still don't know whether I'm a 4a or 4b.
I checked out Jen_MD's new growth and it looks like we are about the same, but her new growth looks like it may be slightly wavier than mine. I just don't know.

I honestly think I'm a mixture all over. Or maybe it's just the "fineness" of my hair that makes it hard to tell.
Jennifer MD and Kenesha, I'm right there with you! I am SERIOUSLY thinking about getting one. My hair is 4a, and coily. I just want more "stretchage" than shrinkage, and more definition. I also like the option of being able to switch it up. But, I also don't want my hair to fall out. . .decisions, decisions

Jennifer MD, if you do it, tell us about it.
i want a texturizer too! but i dont want it to come out looking like a big fro, i want more defined curls. like i think i accidently texturized some of my hair during my last relaxer, because its nice and curly, and i love it..but if my whole head doesnt turn out that way, ill hate it
I have waves and coils. What kind of hair do I have? And what will a texturizer do to the waves? Sadly, I don't think they will curl up. With the scarf, they go flat and straight.
I think if you have any kind of curl or wave pattern to hair then you should be able to get a texturizer. The way it comes will depend a lot on the strength of the texturizer you choose.

I have(had
) a texturizer and I'm 4a. I have pen spring size coils in the back and sides and (small) straw sized curls on the rest of my hair.
My hair was supposed to be relaxed but came out under processed. Then my stylist decided to "correct it" w/out my permission. Now I'm thinking about growing it out natural again just to have an extremely MILD texturizer put in it. Anyway, here are the few pics that I have available.
password : CMYHAIR

Oh, I forgot about the maintenance. Very simple, it's either wash and go or rollerset for straight or curly looks.

I want more of a natural texturized look like the girl in the book ya'll are talking about. If I ever get one again, I'm going to let my hair grow out, get the mildest relaxer possible and then put oil in that and only leave it in for a little while OR make a trip up to CURVE in NY.

chanteuse - your hair looks lovely. In the first pic, you remind me soooo much of heather headley
Thank Caramel. It's not as big anymore, when I try to wash and go now it just lays down and waves up

Hmm, Heather Headley. Is that good?

JK, thanks
Parts of my hair are technically "texturized." I wish I could cut off the old stringy ends that are overprocessed (yes, I already chopped my hair, but not as short as I would prefer to rid all the old overdyed/overprocessed mess - but just enough).

And the funny thing is, my last relaxer straightened my hair nicely, but there's still curl left. It's mainly underneath, the top part is weird.
Hey ladies--I would suggest looking on Curve Salon's website ( and checking out the before and afters. Maybe you can find a "hair twin" on there and you can get an idea of if your hair is the type that texturizer could work for. There are (or use to be) a few pics of women on there, that IMO, I thought probably shouldn't have texturized--so check it out. HTH!
Model_Chick you are so right and I didn't want to say anything but some of those women looked better without the texturizer....I hope I won't one of those
But I'm sure yall will tell me the truth if it looks bad.
I thought of getting a texturizer, too, but I don't think my hair can take chemicals. The only time it looked okay & felt strong with a chemical is when I had a Wave Nouveau. It grew to mid-back, but my "trusted" stylist of 2 years didn't neutralize properly & it started coming out in clumps. I don't trust stylists anymore & I'd be too afraid to do it myself (afraid it might get in my eyes or something).
Karonica said:
Dag, I love Curve's befores and afters.

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Me too. If I ever get a texturizer I would probably break the bank and get it done at Curve.
LOL, I knew who she was I just didn't think she was cute! I'm terrible, I know!! She is pretty though, now that I really look at her.
I'm a 3c/4a i took like a year and a half to transition from a texturizer to natural and ended up texturizing it again after 6 months.
Pros of natural hair:Really healthy hair, no shedding
Cons:shrikange, major shrinkage

Pros of texturizer: shows more length, easier shower combout..easier wash and go, less product needed
cons:shedding( before i had none. now there's like 30 hairs a day
I had a texturizer before, after my first time going natural. I am 4a/b on the andre scale.

Overall, I regret the experience for these reasons:

1. With a texturizer, you are only one overlap away from half straight half curly hair. Or, if the person doing it doesn't understand the fact that some people have multiple textures in their hair, the texturizer will come out unevenly from day one.

2. When I got my texturizer, I hadn't fully accepted my own texture yet (I was natural). As a result, I became obsessed with keeping my hair "curly" (which for my hairtype, was more defined coily). I stayed gelling and moosing, and when my hair showed the slightest frizz or *gasp* nappiness I ran and threw a headwrap on a called it a day. It seemed to reinforce my determination to make my hair do something it wasn't meant to do.

3. It felt fake for people to compliment "my type of hair" or "my texture" because it wasn't really my texture.

Anyway, I know many people are happily texturized, so this post was just to share my experiences and offer a different perspective.
Thanks Nubian. I guess it really is important to find the right person to texturize. I never really thought about having different hair textures throughout my hair or even overlapping for that matter. Again, thanks for pointing this out.
CaramelHonee said:
I never really thought about having different hair textures throughout my hair or even overlapping for that matter.

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I can vouch for the multiple textures. You don't want it, trust me.
aameera83 said:
I'm a 3c/4a i took like a year and a half to transition from a texturizer to natural and ended up texturizing it again after 6 months.
Pros of natural hair:Really healthy hair, no shedding
Cons:shrikange, major shrinkage

Pros of texturizer: shows more length, easier shower combout..easier wash and go, less product needed
cons:shedding( before i had none. now there's like 30 hairs a day

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Seriously 30 hairs isn't bad..I think it's normal to shed 50-100 per day..depending upon the person
sassygirl125 said:
Karonica said:
Dag, I love Curve's befores and afters.

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Me too. If I ever get a texturizer I would probably break the bank and get it done at Curve.

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Question: If you go to Curve to have it done at first..won't you always have to go back there for the touchups?
Personally, I would. I'd continue to go to the person that chemically treats my hair (i do this with my relaxers). I would be SO UPSET if i went somewhere else and they overprocessed and mucked up my hair
Karonica said:
CaramelHonee said:
I never really thought about having different hair textures throughout my hair or even overlapping for that matter.

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I can vouch for the multiple textures. You don't want it, trust me.

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Multiple textures truly is annoying. I probably have about three (pen spring, ink pen, and kinky-straight fuzz), but it's getting easier the more it grows out.