Best Hair Care Books


When I hit waist I stop
I've been looking for a really good book on hair care for the past month but haven't been able to decide. So help me ladies....what exceptional books are out there?
I have read quite a few hair care books but here are some of my favorites:

Healthy Black Hair: Step-by-Step Instructions for Growing Longer, Stronger Hair by Nicole Elizabeth Smith. This book contains great information about caring for relaxed hair. It was such a great read, it took me two hours [or less] to finish it. I also liked that the author gave recommendations [products, vitamins etc.] that were up to date.

Beautiful Black Hair: Real Solution to Real Problems by Shamboosie. The underlying message I got from this book was that no-lye realxers are bad. In regards to my hair, I would tend to agree. Aside from 'no-lye bashing’, there are other useful bits of information presented. He gives a detailed manual on how to relax your hair [and prevent burns], he recants various true-life experiences he has had with hair and he gives product recommendations that I myself have used and can attest to their benefits.

Naturally Healthy Hair: Herbal Treatments And Daily Care for Fabulous Hair by Mary Beth Janssen. This book deals with a great amount of topics such as: methods for styling hair, tools, product etc. The thing I liked most about this book is its emphasis on products and their ingredients. It explains how products work, which ones to use for your particular hair type, what various ingredients do and how to make your own natural products.
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I have many hair care books but my favorite is Let's Talk Hair by Pamela Ferrell (I think that's her name).
the one book that I have that has helped to aid me in growing my hair long is carolyn grays book :The Black Woman's Guide to beautiful healthier hair. The reason why I like it is because she has a step by step guide that you can follow with out doing any guessing. heres her website :
Why Are Black Women Losing Their Hair? by Barry Fletcher

You will learn more about hair and the diseases of our hair than you ever thought possible. You will also learn what you can do to keep your length and avoid thinning, balding hair.
How did y'all know i just got a giftcard to a bookstore?? LOL :D I'm buying Textured Tresses as well as Why are Black Women Losing Their Hair -- both coincidentally mentioned on the forum and recommended by Pookeylou ;). -- jainygirl
Co-signing on Carolyn Gray's Book. This has been the number one book for me because she has very step by step procedures.

Cathy Howse's book has been good, despite her negative tone and annoying product pushing -- I wish that she had included her conditioner recipe that was in her first book as opposed to pushing UBH product on us!

Milady's Guide to Cosmetology -- this is da bomb for anyone who seriously wants to learn how to do their hair themselves. It tells you how to do EVERYTHING and it is the standard textbook in most good beauty schools.

Lisa Akbari: Black Woman's Guide (I think this is the beginning of the title, I am being a bit lazy) A bit about managing new growth. She experimented on her own hair by not relaxing it for about 7 months I believe. Much of this book was on self-esteem.

Anthony Dick: Curl Rules

Shampoosie: Ok. He had a lot of good tips but there a bit too much emphasis on heat for me.

Andre Talks Hair: Pretty good. It was pretty neccary for me to read this to understand all of the talk of hair typing talk that was going on on this board.

Natural Hair Care Book that was mentioned above. It was VERY VERY GOOD

Barry Fletcher's Book: I paid 1/2 price for it. I would have been made if I had paid all 30 bucks.

Philip Kingsley's Hair Bible: Fairly helpful. I am still reading it now.

I only bought the books that I could not find at the Library. If I were to do it again, the books that I would pay money for are Carolyn Gray's, Cathy Howse's and Milady's. They were all helpful though.