Best Detangler-For Curly Hair? And Post partum shedding...shedding


New Member
Well I think I have lost more hair in the past month than ever. I'd think I was a chemo patient if I didn't know better. Is there anything you can do about post partum shedding? Or just deal with it? My 4 year old son, I never lost any hair but with my last son...I'm shedding like a puppy!

I was previously I die hard heat girl until this post partum shedding started, now I try and keep my hair in a bun but when I take it down, I can almost pull hair out without even combing. Any suggestions?!

Also I have 3a/b? curly hair that gets super tangled after I CO or wash and air dry, when I attempt to comb all the tangles and snargles...its just a big loss of hair. What's a good detangler for curly hair? Any suggestions?!
Nope. Nothing you can really do put just let nature take its course. It is just hair that you did not shed during pregnancy, so don't think you are going bald. LOL! Anyway, just be gentle with your hair and I'd suggest that you comb your hair before you wash it so it won't tangle up too bad from the shedding hair. I am going through the same thing so I feel your pain. Cheer up. It will stop after a few months.
shortdub78 said:
Nope. Nothing you can really do put just let nature take its course. It is just hair that you did not shed during pregnancy, so don't think you are going bald. LOL! Anyway, I just be gentle with your hair and I suggest that you comb your hair before you wash so it would tangle up too bad from the shedding hair. I am going through the same thing so I feel your pain. Cheer up. It will stop after a few months.

I agree. After my son was born, my hair shed for about 6-8 weeks after that my hair was back to normal. Try to keep it moisturize and be very gentle. You will be fine.
MissScarlett said:
Also I have 3a/b? curly hair that gets super tangled after I CO or wash and air dry, when I attempt to comb all the tangles and snargles...its just a big loss of hair. What's a good detangler for curly hair? Any suggestions?!

I have to slather conditioner and oil on my dry hair before washing and gently detangle with my fingers then wash my hair in 4 braids. I also comb my hair out full of conditioner under the shower stream too. Washing in the braids and detangling in sections is what helps keep major hair at bay on wash days for me.

For post wash, Motions Nourish Leave-In spray is a nice detangler.