Bella Nutri


New Member
I was reading a magazine and there was the question asked. Here goes:

Q: I just had a baby 8 months ago and my skin, hair and nails are in very bad condition. My skin is breaking out, my hair is thinning and my nails are brittle. What can I do tho help my hair grow faster?

A: If we could snap our fingers to make things happen, think how happy we would all be. Of course, life is not that simple as just the snapping of a finger, however, popping a pill is. In this modernized world of pharmaceutical frenzy there are plenty of options. What goes inside your body is just as important as what goes on the outside. The fact is that hair breakage is evident if hair has been chemically or color-treated. Try to have a healthy intake of vitamins daily. This will help replace anything missed during your meals. Your hair, skin, and nails are comprised of Keratin. This protein can be found in external products such as lotions and creams but these products only give short term aid too all that is damaged. For a long-lasting effect, Dermatologist Dr. Melayne Maclin offers her clients with hair, skin, and nail concerns to use her nutritional supplement called BellaNutri. The supplement contains marine proteins, biotin, and vitaminB5 and patented Bio cell Collogen to help promote hair growth 2-3 times faster and stimulate thin areas to become fuller and thicker. BellaNutri also contains ingredients that help maintain skin and nails. You will see results immediately. For more information lon onto

These supplements are a little on the expensive side but if any of you have used/or is using them please share your experiences. Thanks:)
I have used them and didn't see much growth I still have some left over from a year ago. Dr Maclin herself told me to continue to use them if I would have done what she told me I would be broke I still have the mirror that came with my purchase and some left over in the pink box. I also think bellanutri is the same formula as vivscal they both contain that marine complex.

P.S. Dr. Maclin herself used to sell viviscal she advertised it in hype hair magazine. I guess you'll have to try it to see for your self.

heres the box
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It's interesting that they claim that "you'll see results immediately". I'm wondering if they mean skin and nails or hair results (or all three).