Before I purchase the M-T-G...


A bunch of ladies are adding other ingredients to the mix of the
M-T-G. The question or maybe I'll say the concern I have one to my knowledge has yet to post the ingredients of the M-T-G. Has anyone made sure to ask the seller, if mixing EO's and/or natural oils to the M-T-G would make the formula less potent or maybe even cause some type of negative side effect?

Before I started using my WGO...I called the number listed on the bottle to ask questions about adding EO's to thier formula. Well, because the ingredients are listed on the back of the bottle, I kinda felt it would be safe to add something to it to tone down the aroma. In speaking with the representative, he asked that I be very careful of adding different things to the formula as it may cause unknown side effects or not allow the WGO to work properly based on the ingredients they've carefully chosen for the mix.

He said what may be okay to mix together in an empty bottle may work just fine if you know what to mix and what you're doing, but adding additional ingredients to a formula which has been tested and formulated for a specific purpose or use may or may not be a good thing.

I don't know...maybe I'm being too careful...since this is a formula used on horses. :ohwell:
I've added Myrrh, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang to my oil and did briefly consider this while telling myself to be on the lookout for shedding/balding, whatever--anyone know??
Dream, I had the same thought. I don't mix mine with anything, in fact I don't put anything else on my scalp the same night I do the MTG for that same reason.
I don't mix mine either. I think those that mix should be careful when doing so as some ingredients when mixed together can cause negative side effects. Also watch out when heating products that are not specifically meant to be heated. Heat does things to ingredients that my be good or bad. For instance...this is not hair related but did you know that heating anything with aspartame (sp?) is questionable to your health. The properties of Aspartame change when heat is added and it becomes toxic.

Just becareful ladies...what is long hair without your health!!!
i dont mix mine with anything either. im too scared cos i dont want any serious side effects or whatever
Thanks for the responses ladies...I thought I was being overly concerned about mixing other things into a formula which does not provide an ingredient listing on the product. I mean don't get me wrong...I understand about them not wanting to share their secret...but if I'm not mistaken, isn't there a law against products being sold to the public without providing an ingredient listing. I assume because this is made for horses, this law may not apply...but even still, I would want to know what I'm putting on my animal too, especially if I have to put my hand in it...I mean what if it causes my hand to turn green, because of an ingredient, I just happen to know I'm allergic to is not listed on the bottle. :ohwell:
It was sent to my work address. Also its in I don't know if I can post if but if all else fails I can email it to you. I'll check on Monday.
Senimoni is this the same info you have?

I would be glad to send our ingredient list for M-T-G, it's no trouble at all! Sulfur is the active ingredient in M-T-G. Other ingredients included would be a heavy paraffin oil, zinc stearate, cade oil and glycerin.
Somehow I wonder if this is all?