BCL & TBL 2013


New Member
Hi ladies,

This thread is for all you ladies that are aiming for BCL and or TBL in 2013.

I have layers. My front sides are just past hip so I hope for BCL by July 2013 and full by Dec. My rear canopy is just past BCL so I am aiming for TBL by July 2013 and full by Dec. I am also in the Classic 2013 for my middle rear layer and the soon to come new up coming FTL 2013 for my longest layer.:drunk:
So come on in and share and support all of us on our way to fuller longer hair.:spinning:

Keep it Growing
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I'm in. I'm between waist and hip now after a trim. I think ill be able to reach tbl by the end of the year
lol butt crack length...i was thinking something like "below classic length" but it might be butt crack length

best wishes ladies!

edit: yeah, now i see it..classic would be longer so lol...
I'm in! I am currently HL and I think I will be (at least somewhere near) TBL somewhere around the first few months of 2013...I will set a goal of full TBL by July 2013 like you did. BCL is my ultimate hair goal!
booty crack length? :rofl: Is that what BCL means to you OP? I was thinking Barely Calf Length or something.
booty crack length? :rofl: Is that what BCL means to you OP? I was thinking Barely Calf Length or something.

I like that barely calf length one. But I think they already use CFL for that length. Yes it is right at the top of the verticle smile as some say. It has an awkward name but for some reason it is a length that most people can obtain and many choose that length. For one you will never be sittting on your ends and it gives the really nice look of being long. When braided it makes a nice waist to hip braid which is all some people want. For curlies it still shows alot of length especially in braid outs. It is also a very sensual length if you go with the natural v shape.

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