Basil Growth Oil-- what do you guys think?


Beauty and Fashion Junkie
Good quality carrier oils you can use are almond, sesame and jojoba. Olive was too heavy to work as well w/ the basil.


4 ounces of carrier oil (almond, sesame, jojoba)
10 drops of Basil oil
Saran wrap or plastic shower cap

Note: Depending on the length and condition of your hair you can increase or decrease the amount of carrier and Basil oil appropriately. For example, you can increase the mixture to 8 ounces of carrier oil to 20 drops of Basil or 2 ounces of oil and 5 drops of Basil.

Mix the basil oil into the carrier oil. Heat in double boiler over the stove until the oil is warm to the touch.

Using very clean fingers (important since you want to make sure you don't transfer toxins to your roots) or cotton balls, start at the roots of your hair and apply the basil mixture. Focus the application on the roots and any areas of the scalp that are sore or tender.

Depending on the condition of your hair you may or may not want to extend the oil to the ends. Since my problem was hair loss from the roots, I focused the Basil oil on the root area only.

Wrap your head in a clean plastic shower cap or Saran Wrap. If you have a hood style dryer sit under it for 30 minutes to help the heat open the cuticles. If not, you can use a blow dryer for 5 minutes and direct heat over the top of the scalp. Or you can wrap a hot towel around the top of the Saran Wrap.

Leave the mixture on for 1 hour or more.

I have actually slept in the mixture but the Basil has a strong aroma and it drove me crazy.

To remove the oil do the following:

1. Apply 1 quarter size of gentle shampoo like PhytoCidre, Aveda Shampure or Giovanni 50/50 to the palms of your hands. Pat the shampoo at the roots on top of the oil mixture. Pat the shampoo mixture down the length of your hair.

Step into a warm water shower and direct the water flow on the shampoo mixture. Gently swish the shampoo down the length of your hair.

Repeat the shampoo twice if necessary.

Apply a rinse out conditioner, rinse well and then do a cool/cold rinse to close the cutile.

Apply a leave in conditioner and let hair air dry if possible.

I did this treatment 3x a week for 1 month and noticed significant new hair growth along the hairline after just 2 weeks.

This may not work for everyone but it worked for my situation which was related to extreme dieting and hair loss.

I bought the Basil Oil from an aromatherapist in Dallas who certified that it was 100% real. It is important not to use synthetic oil. It is also important to NEVER use the Basil Oil directly on the scalp. It must be first mixed in a carrier oil.
ok i did some further research and i guess this is a recipe froma book entitled "grow hair in 12 weeks" and basil is often cited in hair growth recipes and hair care treatments for hair growth. I think i am gonna give this a try and I'll post results. Another part of the summer challenge.
I have not tried basil oil yet. Awhile back when I was researching essential oils, I read that basil oil was good for hair growth. How does basil oil smell?