Barely Need Relaxers- HELP!


New Member
Hi everyone! I am new to the forum, and I think it is absolutely WONDERFUL how everyone shares tips! I have been reading them all day!
I find that no one else that I know is concerned about their hair like I am, so finding this forum makes me feel like I now have a bunch of new best friends, and we all have something in common!
I can tell that you know what you're talking about here, so I will share with you my hair dilemma.
I have always cared about my hair, and when I was a teenager my length was all the way to my waist. And when I was even younger than that, I could sit on parts of it! I got my first relaxer when I was in the 10th grade, and every stylist said the same thing: "you really don't need one", or "I won't have to leave the relaxer on for long (usually 5 minutes)", and even "you won't need to get a touch-up for 4-6 months". Well, as I grew taller, my hair got a little shorter, but has never been above my shoulders. However, for the past 8 years, it has been stuck at the same length- a little past my shoulders. Three years ago, I stopped getting relaxers all together, thinking that my hair would grow faster than with what seemed to be too harsh chemicals. (I need to read the different hair types to figure out mine, but it is not kinky, is strong, and easy to straighten, if that helps.)So I found a stylist who is truly into hair care, and not interested in cutting off my hair! My ends are fine, and rarely get dry. So for two 1/2 years, she WARM COMBS my hair after washing it, then flat irons it. She is careful about not applying a lot of heat to my hair (even though it is strong). But for the time that I had no chemicals, it STILL STAYED THE SAME LENGTH! so, tired of the lack of growth (and lack of versatility), I went against my stylists wishes, and got a virgin relaxed in May of last yoer (Exactly 12 months ago). I went to a different stylist to do this, since I figured she wouldn't do it! I never got a touch up after last year's virgin relaxer, I just get the roots warm combed when I see my stylist. (Sorry about the long story, but I wanted to give you some history

NOW- MY DILEMMA: Granted, when I stopped getting relaxers, my ends thickened up like they used to, but I did not see length- just added thickness. So, I figured that I might as well get a relaxer again, but since it has been a year, I don't know if I need a virgin relaxer, or if I shoud just get the roots relaxed?? And, if I do get a relaxer again, I really only need a touch up every 5-6 months... how will the stylist know where to stop the application, asince it will be more new growth than if I re-touched more regularly??
And, is it OK to warm press the roots only in between touch-ups? What is the best, most mild relaxer that also encourages growth, (if there even IS such a relaxer!) Right now I am debating an appointment for a relaxer, or one with my regular stylist (who says I don't need a relaxer at all) and get a press and flat iron again. I do miss being able to leave it wet, and letting it dry naturally, though! But, my MAIN goal is healthy hair, thick again, and to my waist!! PLEASE HELP ME!!
Hi, everyone!

I forgot to add that I stopped using my curling irons four years ago, when I started wearing my hair straight. So I just wrap it up at night, and the only time heat is applied is when it is washed (once a week/two weeks) and on the RARE occasion that I wear a few curls in it.

I appreciate your help, and I see some BEAUTIFUL HAIR in here!!
What is "warm combing"? When i read this, I pictured someone heating up a comb in boiling water or something and then apllying it to the hair. And whatever it is, does she warm comb the roots only, or the whole section of hair.
Did it give u the same results as a relaxer?
Sorry for all the questions, I just never heard of the warm combing method before.
Thanks in advance, there are a lot of helpful ppl on this board, Im sure u'll get the answer ure looking for within only a few posts.
Hi caramelle, thanks for your response! Sorry, I should have explained what I meant by warm combing... (that is what my stylist calls it) But it really is just pressing it, but without getting the comb very hot- just warm. And when I first stopped getting touch-ups, she would only press the roots, then, as it grew out, she gradually began pressing more and more of my hair. Even though it has been a year since I got a relaxer, I stil do get the same results with pressing it as I do relaxing, except I don't wash it myself like I did when I had the relaxer. either way, though, it has stayed at this same length for the longest time.
Thanks for your help!
I don't think a relaxer would be a bad thing, if the stylist would only have to leave it on for 4-5 minutes to get your hair straight. As for whether you need a touch up or a virgin relaxer, I'd say wash your hair at home, and as it air dries, look at the condition/texture of it. If the ends are fairly straight, then you don't need a virgin relaxer. By the way, when you were going to the hairdresser was she trimming your ends? If so, all your relaxer ends might be gone, or almost gone. Good luck!!!!!!
My cousins had the same problem. Their hair was stuck at mid back length for several years. (I wish I had that problem!) They discovered that they weren't keeping their hair properly moisturized and they weren't taking good care of their hair ends.

A few months ago they started wearing their hair in protective styles (buns slicked back with S-Curl Spray) and oiling their ends with Blue Magic Coconut Oil every day. They say they have begun to see some growth for the first time in years.

They are currently transitioning back to their natural hair. Their har type is in the 3 category. They get blow outs every once in a while for a super straight look, but they try to avoid heat. They usually let their hair air-dry using a variation of Carolyn Gray's ponytail method. (They wear three ponytails with juice can size rollers on the length).

Good luck and welcome!
Hi HybridAngel, Welcome to the forum
Since you say that your hair is fine and your ends don't get dry, maybe you just need vitamins that will boost your hair growth if you can, and eat healthy. Try to massage your hair with stimulating oils like jojoba mixed with rosemary essencial oil (you can find them at your nearest health food store)this will activate the blood circulation in your scalp which help your hair growth. I personaly do it every time before I wash my hair. I massage my scalp with oil for 10 minutes then let the oil sit in my hair for 1 hour or more before I wash it.
Condition and moisturize your hair al the time.
Hi Brownie, that was great advice, and I will use it! Actually, I have been clipping my own ends (she only clips a little, but I got used to clipping my own ends due to several other extremely scissor happy stylits!) But, I have not been clipping them as often as I should- just whenever I see split ends, which is once every two months.

Would it be OK if I do get the relaxer, and just have them stop in the middle of my hair (not all the way to the ends)? I will wash it here at home tonight, and follow what you said by letting it dry, then I can see the difference in the texture. Thank you sooooooo much!!

Any other advice? This is such a wonderful forum, and I'm so excited about getting my growth back! I will be sure to share tips that I have as well!
THANK YOU for the fast reply! Is that you in your avitar? Sooo cute! You know, you are right- I wear my hair down every single day (never been one for the Up dos), BUT I am good about wrapping it up every night. So, I will start doing that, and I'm going to the link you provided right now! Thanks again!
Hi Zanna! Thank you!

Your hair is BEAUTIFUL! I love it! And it looks like you have the same length goals as I do, but first I have to get back to your current length. It's so pretty. In fact, it looks as though we might have a similar hair type. What type of relaxer do you get, please, and how often?

Excellent advice, thank you- and I take a multi-vitamin, but you are right- I need to get vitamins that benefit the hair. And what a valuable piece of information about massaging your scalp! I NEVER do that! But I will incorporate it into my ritual right away! Thank you. I have some Olive Oil (hair product) by Parnevu, but I will use the essential oils that you suggested.

You're from beautiful Martinique?! I have French in me, and my new husband (our one year anniversary is this month) is creole! We have a small property on Saint Marteen (I've never been yet, we're going in June!) ANyway, thank you for the WARM WELCOME!
I think it would be fine to get your hair relaxed only half way down your head, but first, MAKE SURE that is where your unrelaxed (virgin) hair is. Just make sure you don't overlap. Some people around here also suggest coating your relaxed ends with Vaseline (Petroleum jelly) before you get your hair done, so the ends aren't reprocessed/re-relaxed.
HybridAngel, watch for the flashing of a letter at the top left corner of your page, because I am sending you a PM.
My hair is like yours....The post about protective styles hit home....Between the daily or almost daily rinsings and protective growth has taken off. I was stuck a shoulder length for a while(we even had a thread about this). But once I started doing the protecrive styles I started getting more works. Ask those ladies who are bra strap and beyond.
Oh, welcome!
Thank you so much, sweetcocoa!
I actually put my hair in a bun today and actually left the house in that style
for the first time in my life! (OK, so I have put my hair in a ponytail maybe 15 times in all of my adulthood,
but a BUN? NEVER!) I just wanted to get started right away with the wonderful tips everyone is giving me on the forum (Thanks!
) And it wasn't so bad! It took me around two hours to get used to my neck actually feeling the air
, and my head felt lighter, but I am used to it already! After years of wearing it down, this is a big change for me, and I will be so happy when I begin to see results!
Is that you in your avitar? Sooo cute!

[/ QUOTE ]

I wish! She's a little girl that was in the book "Kids Talk Hair".
welcome, hybridangel
I would suggest you give your hair a chance to thicken up, get healthier and thrive b/4 thinking about a relaxer esp. if it is fine type. But I agree with the ladies 150% about moisture and keeping the ends protected you'd be surpised how much growth you can get from just those 2 small changes.
Do searches and ask questions cause someone is boound to know the answer or where to find it.
Hi Lucia!
Thank you so much for the warm welcome, and thanks for the good advice. I will follow it. And yes, I am doing the searches, and finding threads for EVERYTHING!! This is wonderful!
Hello LavenderDutchess!!
I like your name! <font color="purple">PURPLE </font> is my favorite color! Thak you much for the welcome!