Bantu Relaxer users!


New Member
Anyone here have experience using this lye relaxer? I'm thinking about trying this relaxer for my next touch up. I know that they have a new formulation that includes shea butter and I was wondering if anyone has used the new formula yet and noticed any differences from the old one. Thanks!
I haven't noticed any difference but then again my hairdresser in the late 1990's used it until she had to go away for a very long time in 1999. I went through a series of hairdressers, none of whom liked using Bantu, two used Affirm and one used Elucence. All of which had my hair coming out in handfuls. I finally forced one of them to use Bantu but it took me a couple of years before I realized they were leaving it on too long and I got sick and tired of arguing with them. I finally found someone who has a better understanding of my hair and it's thriving.

Sorry for the long answer. But it's the only relaxer I'll ever use unless it's discontinued.


One of my best friends uses Bantu Lye Relaxer (not sure which strength though). I do know that it gets her hair very, very straight. She really likes it.
Thanks simcha, your answer wasn't too long at all. The more info that I can get the better. :) You said that past hairdressers were leaving the relaxer in too long. What strength relaxer did they use and what strength do you currently use?

I'm really interested in trying this relaxer because I heard that it's very good at straightening, unlike some lye relaxers. I have had problems in the past with my hair not getting straightened at all with lye relaxers... even when using super strength. I have EXTREMELY kinky hair and it just doesn't relax as easily as most peoples' hair does. I know that it's supposed to be healthier to leave a bit of curl in the hair but I just don't like how my hair looks when it's like that and I NEVER, nor will I ever, use heat on my hair. I'm hoping that Bantu will finally be the lye relaxer that will actually straighten my tough hair. :lol:
Thanks for the info, Allandra. That's what I'm looking for... a lye relaxer that will actually relax my hair. I'm hoping that it works for me as well as it does your friend. :)
Hi Cindy,

My hair is 2b(?), slightly resistant, fine to normal. My hairdresser uses the Regular strength but only works it through once (quickly) and washes it out. My hair isn't super straight because by the time it's super straight, my hair shaft has been broken down too much and just snaps right off.

I think that's why alot of hairdressers like Affirm and Elucence because they're stronger. Unfortunately, they not only broke down my hair shaft, they broke them off. (I'm talking handfuls)

Although, I do use heat on my hair (limited direct heat) because my roller sets leave my hair too puffy.
I thought about trying Affirm too, but I didn't want to spend $30 for a tub of relaxer that I just might not like. I've read on here that Eluecence was a very mild and gentle relaxer, so I never really considered that because I knew that it would basically do nothing for my hair. I also thought about using the Vitale relaxer.. but I had a bad experience with a Vitale temporary hair color in the past and that put me off all things Vitale. I'm pretty sure that my next touch up will be with Bantu and I'm just hoping that this will be one that I can stick with. Thanks for the responses.
when i was a teen my old hairdresser used to use Bantu. All I remember is fire cause it used to tear my head up and my hair being so straight that it basically stuck to my head.
i used bantu before switching to motions herbal, my hair is really resistant so i tried regular and later switched to mild. It straightens well but the mild sometimes left me underprocessed hth.
Back in the '80s, my hairdressers used Bantu on my hair. It straightens really well, I think. I never had any problems with burning even though I know it is a pretty strong relaxer.