
New Member
Hey I saw a show this morning and they were talking about how bangs are back and they were giving people bangs. Now I want some! I have hair about an inch past my shoulders the same length all over my head in a wrap. I'm tired of parting my hair on the side or in the middle so I think I'd like the bangs. I trim my own ends and I think I can trim some bangs. I just don't want to pay someone else to cut my bangs too short or the wrong way. And I don't want to wait in a salon forever for a 5 minute transformation. Has anyone cut their own bangs before? Can you give me some tips/suggestions that may make it easier?

I'm excited
3 Things I have learned about bangs.

1. Use sharp scissors. This is so you don't split your ends up, and so you'll get more precise cutting without a thousand jagged edges (yes, I've cut my bangs with those little school scissors before like an idiot

2. Make sure your parting is accurate. When I was younger, I parted my hair from ear to ear to simply make a bang. This "bang" took up half my head. You may want to make a small part and cut. If the bang isn't full enough, then you can add some more hair to the group.

3. Don't cut the length off at once. Make short snips so that you don't overcut. I've gotten anxious to cut a bang, made my mark and cut, only to realize I had cut my bangs too short.
I heard this too. I won't be joining in on this bandwagon. I'm so "over" bangs. I think they look tooooooo young. And they take too long to grow back after they're cut. Uggggh. Think twice.
If you want bangs without the commitment, then you should try one of those bang hair pieces.Never had one myself but I've seen them in hair magazines and i believe Deborah Cox sometimes wears them.