bangs and layers can lead to short hair?


(ignore if posted already) i came across these articles last night when isis provided one of these links for another thread. basically it says that bangs and layers can lead to thinning and slow growth of hair. their reasoning is because hair is constantly trying to reach equilibrium with layers and bangs... which causes it to focus on the shorter areas rather than the whole head. What do ya'll think? I had bangs so im kinda worried about it. Is anyone experiencing slow growth or thinning with layers or bangs?

I read this on the long hair international site and I believe ot to be true. My daughter had tail bone hair never cut only minor trims all her life. She was fourteen and had sort of an incident with her hair. She went swimming in the lake and the water striped her hair so bad. Well instead of taking it out and washing it she went to sleep and it dried. The next day i was at work and she was trying to untangle the one of two braids with water. The more she pulled and it rubbed the harder it got. She litteraly felted on side of her head. When I got home she had a 8 inch mass of mess on one side of her hair. After trying til 3am. we decided to cut it off. So one side was cut above the shoulder. She did not want the other cut. It was so dramatic I let her have her way and figured later she would let it go. She always wore her hair in a bun. Well that cut side grew like lightening trying to catch the other side. in a year it was almost even. But we started to notice that it was thicker than the other side. The other side had done all the shedding and no growth. So technically she was lop sides all over again. There was a huge difference in the thickness. Then a reverse reaction started as the uncut started to thicken up because the thick side had almost reached lenght it started to shed profusely because the body was attempting to match the thickness. This went on for two years and she ended up with brastrap length hair not due to cut. I guess her head felt balanced and it started to fill in more balanced afterthat and the growth was really slow. It has taken her now three years to get to alittle below waist but it is thick again. SO WE BELIEVE THE THEORY!
vangrey said:
(ignore if posted already) i came across these articles last night when isis provided one of these links for another thread. basically it says that bangs and layers can lead to thinning and slow growth of hair. their reasoning is because hair is constantly trying to reach equilibrium with layers and bangs... which causes it to focus on the shorter areas rather than the whole head. What do ya'll think? I had bangs so im kinda worried about it. Is anyone experiencing slow growth or thinning with layers or bangs?


I does not have awareness imho
I agree with Senimoni-this is like saying your hair is aware of itself. I have also never believed how cutting hair, whether it be on the head, legs, etc., affects the bottom of part of the hair. If my hair is "aware" I wish I could tell it to speed up it's growth!!!
I actually made a thread on this exact topic some mths ago. There were lots of good replies! :yep:

Looks like they changed the link of the page to the one that you posted. :yep: Feel free to check it out! :cool:

Layers/Uneven Hair/Bangs Cause Hair to Thin & Grow Slowly???

vangrey said:
(ignore if posted already) i came across these articles last night when isis provided one of these links for another thread. basically it says that bangs and layers can lead to thinning and slow growth of hair. their reasoning is because hair is constantly trying to reach equilibrium with layers and bangs... which causes it to focus on the shorter areas rather than the whole head. What do ya'll think? I had bangs so im kinda worried about it. Is anyone experiencing slow growth or thinning with layers or bangs?

I've had layers twice and blunt cut bangs many times, and my layers grow out very quickly, along with my bangs. I can cut my bangs to my eyebrows, and in 1.5-2 months they are on the bridge of my nose. I haven't had a prob with my hair grew out a lot healthier IMO.
Personally I think that is BS(Not referring to you Vangrey). When I was in HS, I would always cut bangs into my hair and my bangs will grow with no problem. Maybe who ever had that problem was using dull scissors or something *shrugs*
I disagree. Speaking from personal experience, I can look at my hair and see that my shortest layers in the back of my head have caught up to the longest layer in a little over 2 months time. If anything, after having my hair cut into layers, my hair has grown, appears to be thicker, and continues to grow at the same rate before the cut. In my opinion, hair, after it’s been cut, doesn’t have a mind of its own so I don’t believe that statement to be true.
Thanks for the links Vangrey!

Actually, I believe our living cells are aware. The cells of our hair follicles do have awareness, as all of the cells in our body do. IMO, if cutting our hair sends a signal to our hair follicles, then our hair isn't dead as we have been taught. So is our hair still alive? Is that what they are saying?

I don't believe the bang theory to be true, at least not for everyone. I've worn bangs for a long time and have no thinning and my hair is growing at a normal rate. I had to disagree... unless my hair is supposed to grow much faster and I just don't know it! :lol:

I've seen too many long, beautiful thick manes of hair with bangs - look at Nay's hair. Look at your long hair Vangrey with your bangs!
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