Baggie technique question


New Member
When using the baggie technique are you suppose to rinse it out the day after or can you keep the oil on your hair for a few days, and if you can, how long?
Phia, when I do the baggie technique, I don't treat my hair differently than any other time. I don't do anything different. As a matter of fact, each day when I take my bun out, I spray my ends agin with a little S CUrl and pin it up. I do the same in the morning, twist it, and put the baggy back on. I rinse/wash my hair every two to three days. hth
I keep the oil on for a whole week, then wash all of my hair, cornrow it and put it back in a baggie for another week, and so on
I wash and deep condition every four days, only when it's wash day the baggie comes off other than that it stays on. i wear my hair in a bun all week and sometimes(not often) I might tak just the baggie off and spritz my ends with s- curl moisturizer and seal it in with a big scoop of vaseline and replace the baggie until it's time to wash again. Dont manipulate your hair too much. there is no need to take the baggie down everyday.
Wow, I don't think I could go a whole week with a ponytail in. I have to take my hair down to let my scalp breathe and add more moisture.
GodMadeMePretty said:
What exactly is the baggie technique? I missed that.

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Baggie technique is a way of moisturizing your ends while wearing a protective style. Take a sandwich bag, not the zip one but the fold over sandwich bag, put your moisturizer on, and then put in a few tablespoons of EVOO or vasaline and put your pony tail in it then secure the base with a scrunchie. Then you would put on a scarf or phony pony on the top to conceal it. Your ends are protected and moisturized! I take mine out every night and redo it. I love it!
GodMadeMePretty said:
What exactly is the baggie technique? I missed that.

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Just think back to the Jheri Curl days when we add lots of moisture to our hair and put a plastic cap on before we went to bed. This is the same technique with the actual Jheri-Curl.
I do this after my hair is freshly washed. I wash my hair daily.

Pull hair into a medium to high ponytail, Don't worry if your ponytail is not long. You just need enough hair it get into one. Plus as you use the technique you will notice increase growth.

I used I slightly varied version than the original but it is equally as effective. After your hair is in a ponytail you add extra moisture(I use S-curl) to the ponytail and seal with either extra virgin live oil or vaseline(that's what I am using).

Take a plastic sandwich bag and put it around the ponytail. Wrap the excess plastic around the ponytail. Secure with a ouchless elastic or scrunchie. Some people put a stocking over the plastice but I don't because my hair is well hidden under my phony pony or bun.

Next add your phony tail or bun and secure. No one will ever know there is a baggie under there unless you tell them! It is your little secret!