Bad Stylist?


New Member
My best friend referred me to her stylist. I have seen her twice and let her press my natural hair. She's professional, personable and does a good (though not great) job. My friend is relaxed 4b MBL. She shows up at my house yesterday at BSL. She tells me the stylist cut four inches of "bad ends." But I never saw any bad ends. I mention to my friend that maybe the stylist let relaxer get on the already relaxed ends and they became overprocessed. She doesn't want to hear it. Now I'm worried because I have recommended other people to this stylist plus I don't want to see her if she's making these kinds of errors. I admit, since I sent my sister to her, her ends have been looking mighty chewed up. :whyme: Also, the stylist told me she uses only Affirm with lye but now she's using no-lye on my friend. Should I avoid this stylist?
Maybe she can only straighten natural hair, and does not work well with relaxed hair. I use to go to a stylist that was great at pressing my natural hair, but that was all she could do. I'm not sure if you should avoid this stylist, but I definitely wouldn't let her come near my hair with a pair of scissors.
This is the reason why I always hesitate to recommend a stylist. I'm afraid that they'll mess up somebody's hair and then I'll get the blame for it.

Honestly I wouldn't go back or recommend her to anybody else.