Bad Salon Experiences


New Member
Hey ladies! I'm new here so hopefully this topic hasn't been covered recently! Just wondering if any of you have ever had any bad experiences at salons? Here are a few of mines:

- Being relaxed my someone who apparently did not know what they were doing. She re-relaxed some of my hair in the back where i could not see and it broke off tremendously. She blamed me for not taking care of my hair. Karma got her because the salon shut down about a month later.

- Having a woman eat while doing my hair. Yes, eat...and it wasn't a snack either.

- Being forgotten under the dryer after having a treatment. If I didn't say something I would probably have still been sitting there.

- Going in to get side swept bangs and leaving with blunt bangs.

What are your experiences?
Stylist (Owner) got into a huge fist fight with another Woman over a Man while I was in the chair.

She & I were the only two in the Salon one evening, when this Lady came out of nowhere inside the Salon and started throwing 'blows'

Fist flyin', hair pullin', kickin', clothes tearin' the whole works.

All I could do was move out of the way & pray.:look:

However, I seen the "Guy" at a Chinese Restaurant one day on my Lunch hour about a week before all this with "A Different Woman" (neither one of them).:blush:

After they fought, they both called on their cell phones and told him to bring his punk-A to the Salon:lol:

She wanted me to go to her "Mom's" house and let her know there had been an altercation at the Salon. #hotmess:nono:

This is the stylist/owner which led me to LHCF --- I'll be back with more of her world class drama.
I had plenty, but will only share a couple.

I actually had a hair stylist actually fussed at me with a highly raised voice because I didn't want to cut my hair....I just wanted a trim :perplexed

Another stylist told me natural hair has bugs in it . She combed my hair and wiped it on the floor mat to "kill the bugs" in my hair and suggested that I "do something with that". I walked away from her and got checked bugs of any sort in my hair.:ohwell: I didn't get the twenty relaxer special that day....or ever. :look:
The bug stylist happily suggested I get the relaxer. I guess the relaxer will kill lice that I don't have.
I had a TON of bad salon experiences. There is one in particular that really stands out for me though. I started going to a salon for weaves when I was in college. There was also a lady in there that did eyelashes. The hair stylists and the eyelash lady were friends and would always talk to each other while clients were getting their services and random men would always stop by and whispered things to do them or say really inappropriate things. I really didn't pay it much attention but after the second visit there thought they were probably strippers. Well, I came across an adult film and guess who were the featured stars, the stylist and the eyelash lady. I don't like to judge and didn't let that stop me from getting my hair and eyelashes done by them. While I was in the salon one day, the stylist asked me if I ever modeled? I did when I was a child so I told her yea. She told me she was a model and wanted to introduce me to her agent because I could make good money. That was definitely my last appointment at that salon!
I had a TON of bad salon experiences. There is one in particular that really stands out for me though. I started going to a salon for weaves when I was in college. There was also a lady in there that did eyelashes. The hair stylists and the eyelash lady were friends and would always talk to each other while clients were getting their services and random men would always stop by and whispered things to do them or say really inappropriate things. I really didn't pay it much attention but after the second visit there thought they were probably strippers. Well, I came across an adult film and guess who were the featured stars, the stylist and the eyelash lady. I don't like to judge and didn't let that stop me from getting my hair and eyelashes done by them. While I was in the salon one day, the stylist asked me if I ever modeled? I did when I was a child so I told her yea. She told me she was a model and wanted to introduce me to her agent because I could make good money. That was definitely my last appointment at that salon!

:lol::lol: omg
I had a TON of bad salon experiences. There is one in particular that really stands out for me though. I started going to a salon for weaves when I was in college. There was also a lady in there that did eyelashes. The hair stylists and the eyelash lady were friends and would always talk to each other while clients were getting their services and random men would always stop by and whispered things to do them or say really inappropriate things. I really didn't pay it much attention but after the second visit there thought they were probably strippers. Well, I came across an adult film and guess who were the featured stars, the stylist and the eyelash lady. I don't like to judge and didn't let that stop me from getting my hair and eyelashes done by them. While I was in the salon one day, the stylist asked me if I ever modeled? I did when I was a child so I told her yea. She told me she was a model and wanted to introduce me to her agent because I could make good money. That was definitely my last appointment at that salon!

Lol. I think she wanted to film with you as well.
IDareT'sHair's story reminded me of one of my horror stories.

This woman came in and threw a BRICK at my stylist for messing with her man, while I was in the chair! We both had to duck because it almost hit me!! That was one of the craziest experiences ever. I had to call the cops because someone could've seriously gotten hurt or worse.

Worse was the stylist scratching up my scalp with a comb BEFORE applying my relaxer.

Luckily I didn't have any chemical burns. Smh at me staying through the whole appt. Hair wasn't even that cute after it was all said and done. I think that was my last relaxer.

I almost wrote a bad review for her on Google. Lol.

ETA: well maybe that was second worse. I nearly forgot one of the workers at another salon stole the numbers off my debit card (I had forgotten it) and bought pizza and a limo rude. The owner tried to make it right, I'll never bad mouth her. But I never went back.
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Well here goes mine.

I had been going to the dominican hair salon for so long I forgot what it was like to wait at other non-dominican ones. So my cousin was getting married and his bride to be wanted everyone to go to this salon in a not so nice part of town bc the stylist was a friend. I went reluctantly, because once Im comfortable with a stylist I dont like anyone else touching my hair. I specifically asked just let me know what you want it to look like and Ill have someone at my shop re-create it, but nooo. I was the last of the bridal party to arrive. First come, first serve. Every one ahead of me (4 ppl) were getting full sew ins, all I needed was my hair styled so I could have the same hairstyle as the other bridesmaids. I arrived at 7pm and I didnt leave until 3 am! My hair wasnt even laid! Ugh, but thats not the worst part.

While sitting there, about half of a block away there was a shooting. people were running down the street in terror and into the salon ducking. The cops blocked off the street and no one was allowed to leave the salon for hours. Turns out a cop was shot and killed. Never again. Went back to the dominicans and shortly after that I started doing my own hair. I dont think I'll ever forget that day.
@IDareT'sHair's story reminded me of one of my horror stories.

This woman came in and threw a BRICK at my stylist for messing with her man, while I was in the chair! We both had to duck because it almost hit me!! That was one of the craziest experiences ever. I had to call the cops because someone could've seriously gotten hurt or worse.


A friend told me this crazy story that happened in a GA salon. She was sitting getting her hair done and a girl came in a threw acid on another girl who was getting her hair done bc she was messing with "her" man. They shut down the salon and it became a crime scene. Apparently the girl went to jail for several years bc of it.
I know it's not funny but I am dying laughing....What a mess!

Can't wait for the rest.....LOL

@Pompous Blue

Blue....Girl....:nono: It was such a mess.

That Woman ran up in there sooo FAST I didn't know if she was being chased by someone or if we were being robbed.:blush:

So after they fought and phoned him they started comparing/sharing notes i.e. dates/times/places that he said he was 'suppose' to be someplace else....then they cried and hugged.:lol:

And told each other it wasn't personal and how good they both looked.

And he wasn't any good and called him all kinds of "B's" and PunkA-MF's:spinning:

I had a word of prayer with them before I left.:lol: Sure Did.:rolleyes:
OMG these stories are hilarious ... Im here :eek: at my PC reading them :lachen:

I have none .... my Salons are boring apparently :rolleyes:
I have to stop reading this stuff at work before I get to something and can't control my laughter. Almost in tears at my computer. So glad everyone made it out of the salons safe. :grin::grin: And once I may go to your salon in the hood once, but that's enough.
The stylist who told me my hair needed to "marinate" in relaxer to get it straight. She used to leave it on for so long and it burned so much. She also did corrective relaxers on my hair twice. My hair was so straight and shiny but that didn't last long. After a few months, my hair looked like someone had taken grocery store razors and stripped it. I wore weaves for the first time because my hair was so damaged that I couldn't even get a short hairstyle. (The stylist's assistant was pregnant and my older relatives had always said that your hair will fall out if a pregnant lady does it. Even though I know why my hair fell out, I still will not knowingly let a pregnant woman do anything to my hair.)

I had been underprocessing my hair, which I thought was a bad thing but when I look back at pics of my hair before I went to her my hair was as long, thick, and healthy as it had ever been. It was just big and took a lot of work. I just went from natural to relaxed last month and I intentionally underprocessed it.
The worst part of the whole story (for me).....even after they called him all kinds of B-A and a PunkA-B & PunkA-MFs......

They both admitted to each other (and me) they both really Loved Him and who loved him the most.:yawn:

Can you beweave it?:dighole:

Anyway...I stood/sat there in total amazement.:rolleyes:

Luckily for me, she had just finished and combing me out/spraying me when the event occurred.
Too many to list, but a few that spring to mind are having to walk out with a chunk of wet hair in the middle of my blow out because the stylist doing my blowout had NO IDEA what she was doing. I posted a video about it here:

This was the wet section v. dry section.

I wrote about it on my blog here:

Calling my Latina friend to translate for me while at the Dominican salon (that I'd used off and on for years when relaxed) because they were giving me crap about my request that they be gentle when roller setting my natural hair and use my leave-in. They understand English perfectly fine but tried to give me a hard time. I had gone in with blown out hair. I was upset enough to walk out (and I had walked not driven) but it was winter and I had wet hair. A forum member was in the salon that night and agreed that my hair was not difficult at all. It does look intimidating once it shrinks but it's not hard to rollerset.

Going in for a touch up and trim and coming out with inches of hair gone.
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OMG! Y'all got some horror stories! I have nothing to add other than stylists taking my hair out with weaves (both sew in and glued), over processing of relaxers, people eating and making me wait until they finish before starting on my hair even though I was on time. I've been at the salon from 3 till midnight before, etc... these were all mostly at ghetto salons. I used to think male stylists were better, nope! They're just as bad.

So, on those rare occasions that I do go to a salon I'll go to this upscale one with minimal wait time and they know what they're doing. I don't mind paying a little extra for the great service.
A friend told me this crazy story that happened in a GA salon. She was sitting getting her hair done and a girl came in a threw acid on another girl who was getting her hair done bc she was messing with "her" man. They shut down the salon and it became a crime scene. Apparently the girl went to jail for several years bc of it.

Yep! I remember seeing this on the news!
I didn't find these events "bad", but you might...

1. At my Dominicans uptown... I've been going there since I was a teenager. If you're there at the right time in the afternoon, the Cuchifritos man comes through and takes orders. E'erybody body be up in there grubbing, stylists, customers, shampoo girls... :lol:

2. At my other Dominican spot... I was there late on a Friday night, like, 7-8pm. Do you know these chicks took out bottles and started pouring drinks?? And dancing around!! Salsa'ing with each other and ish!:rofl:

Very polite of them to offer me a drink as well. :yep: Which I took. :look: :lol:
I didn't find these events "bad", but you might... 1. At my Dominicans uptown... I've been going there since I was a teenager. If you're there at the right time in the afternoon, the Cuchifritos man comes through and takes orders. E'erybody body be up in there grubbing, stylists, customers, shampoo girls... :lol: 2. At my other Dominican spot... I was there late on a Friday night, like, 7-8pm. Do you know these chicks took out bottles and started pouring drinks?? And dancing around!! Salsa'ing with each other and ish!:rofl: Very polite of them to offer me a drink as well. :yep: Which I took. :look: :lol:

Sounds fun and lighthearted !!

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Sounds fun and lighthearted !!

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Yeah, to me too, but I hear so many complaints about stylists eating and being social on the job around here... you never know how people might take something. :look: Or maybe that's just when black stylists do it. Ionno about these chicks sometimes. :look:
Wow, the stories here, LOL! Mine are relative dull though my old hairdresser used to smoke and eat meals right over my head while she was doing it! Most of the clients were middle aged/older so you had to deal with the church gossip and the women talking about the "stories" on TV. :sleep8:

There was the street guy that would come in (probably daily) selling bootleg video tapes, Gucci bags and Piaget watches.

I didn't complain because my hair was straight as an arrow when she was done. :look:
@IDareT'sHair's story reminded me of one of my horror stories.

This woman came in and threw a BRICK at my stylist for messing with her man, while I was in the chair! We both had to duck because it almost hit me!! That was one of the craziest experiences ever. I had to call the cops because someone could've seriously gotten hurt or worse.


:lachen: at the emoticon
I didn't find these events "bad", but you might...

1. At my Dominicans uptown... I've been going there since I was a teenager. If you're there at the right time in the afternoon, the Cuchifritos man comes through and takes orders. E'erybody body be up in there grubbing, stylists, customers, shampoo girls... :lol:

Mmmm I could go for some cuchifrito right now!

My stories are the typical.

People eating/talking on the phone/etc while doing my hair. Being seen hours after my scheduled appt even though I was on time. Going in for a trim and leaving with 6+ inches missing. Chemical burns... the usual nothing too crazy that I can remember

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The Salon I went to when I first graduated from College had a shop of HOT :heated: High End Boutique Clothes in the back that you could even put in Layaway.

I always had a Layaway bill with them. Layaway = 2 Weeks Max:lol:

They even made a dressing room in the back:look:

Sometimes they would even have Mink/Fur Coats, Purses & Jewelry. (Could not put in Layaway).

A Friend of mine's Dad bought her Mom a Mink Coat and then got scurrrrd cause it was "Hot" and took it back.:nono:

Them "Boosters" were mad. :lol: They brought stuff in from all over the Country.:look:

The Owner of the Shop would buy all the 'stuff' and had it in the back of the Salon in a whole other room separate from the Salon on Racks according to dress size.:drunk:

You had to be 'asked' by the Owner. Errrbody couldn't just go back there to Shop.:lol:

Upon "Invitation" Only.:lol: