
New Member
So I've been going to my hair salon for as long as I can remember. I rave about it all the time and suggest it to people whenever I can. But I've also been going to the same girl for about 5 years and before that, another woman at this same salon (she's gone though). I love the way she does my hair and she leaves it feeling great, moisterized, and everyhting else wonderful. She know I hate having my hair bone straight and that my strands are uber fine so she works with it so that I have a lil body when I leave the salon

Now on to my BAD experience. My girl wasn't there. She went home for a funeral.

Hollly crap. I went to her friggin sister instead (I really neeeded a perm) and my hair is unbelievably straight. I kept telling her that I do NOT want my hair BONE STRAIGHT and she kept informing me that it wouldn't be. So when I told her to wash it out, she said my hair hadn't hardly taken in the middel... which is the nappiest of my head. So I waited a few more minutes. Mind you, at this time she proceeds to open her chicken fried rice and stuff her little face. The back of my head was burning, I tell her and she calls me a baby (Now I've known these people for yearrrsssss and she and I talk often but lady, now is not the time) so by this time I got a lil attitude and so she (reluctantly) washed my hair out. SLICK BACK does not even go close to describing my hair. It reminds me of how mama used to perm my hair to the point where it was lifeless and dead. I've been using Mizani for 3-4 yrs and 1) I've never ever experienced burning and 2) I never had my hair be soooo bone straight from it

So yeah to make matters even worse, I was miserable whn I saw my hair (before the rollers) b/c thats not what I wanted and I know whats good for my hair (thanks to lhcf) and she noticed and took offense to it and had an attitude with me and told me I shoulda waited for her sister if I liked the way she did it so much... So I got from her chair and asked the other woman to roller set my hair. Which she did but my girl knows to use the smaller rollers cuz it makes my hair a lil more volumous but it took actual convincing for this woman to use anyrhing smaller than the grey rollers... after all that, she asked me if I wanted a blow out and I was like:evil: my hair is too straight to be blown out so I wrapped it and went upon my way... BOOOOOO

Anyone had their hair overprocessed... How can I recover?????
I think you just baby it as much as possible. No heat, lots of moisture and light protein here and there as you see fit.
And go back to your regular stylist and tell her you are NOT happy. She will probably offer to work with you to get your hair back to the way you know it can be.
I feel so sorry for your bad experience. A member here with a beautiful head of hair had this experience and she is on a one year stretch to repair her over processed hair. Her album is @ and she has a folder for this process. Please take a look!!!!!!:yep::yep:
You can do a protein treatment at your next poo, but it still looks like you have alot of thickness in your roots from the pics.
These things happen . . .

But they shouldn't happen! Whatever happened to "the customer is always right"? Why do beauticians assume we have no idea what our hair needs/wants? Just because we pay for service, doesn't mean we don't recognize good/bad service when presented. And it doesn't mean we don't know what is good/bad for our own hair either. And that was definitely BAD service that OP recieved! Sounds like a case for Judge Judy...LOL!!:grin: Sometimes I wish we could sue these folks when they mess us up. :wallbash:
I'm sorry this happened to you :( it makes you lose faith in hairdressers.

My hairdresser is usually quite good at giving me last minute appointments. I remember requesting an appointment on a Thursday as I wanted my hair done all nice for a date the next day. Unfortunately, my hairdresser wasn't there so I went to another salon, BIG MISTAKE.

I swear the person who did my hair had never washed hair in her life, one shampoo and rinse and that was that, I barely remember a conditioner. I requested my hair be blowdried straight, she was so half hearted about it that I had t show her how to blow dry my hair :mad: THEN, she uses Pink lotion and LOTS of it:nono: and with a straightinng iron and hot comb proceeds to straighten my hair. Can I just say I looked like a hot mess, my hair was stringy. greacy and plastered down my head. I like my hair with swing, ya know? Motion and body like those shampoo ads!

Do you know what the funny thing is... she had the nerve to charge me £50 ($73):mad: I refused to pay it, and she got mad, I got madder and told her she was a disgrace to hairdressers everywhere if she thought she'd done an acceptable job, I then threatened to report her to trading standards, she messed with the wrong one and expecting me to pay that ridiculous amount was the final straw (she zipped it once I said Trading Standards.,.. hmm hmm! LMAO). I left her £15 and walked out. I ended up going home and washing all the gunk from my hair and doing it again which is what I should have done in the first place :rolleyes:

I learnt a lesson that day.... :ohwell:
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I feel your pain too. It will get better, your hair is still lovely. I went through another disaster this year only my middle was overprocessed and my back was underprocessed. I couldn't let anybody see my hair for a few months. I now have a new hairdresser who seems very good. She didn't complain when I said that I don't want my hair relaxed 100%. I was embarrassed to go to somebody else (she pointed out all my hair faults) but it had to be done. Good luck with your hair. :yep: Your hair looks thick to me but have you tried biotin and msm? It really works for me.

Another reason to stay away from the hair salon..You gonna have to grow that out and Stretttttcchhhh your next relaxer.
I'm getting nervous with all these bad experience posts. I have had my share of bad experiences in the past. I am currently wearing braids now and plan to for another 3 months and when its time for a relaxer I want to go to a new stylist because after reading info from LHCF, my stylist was doing a lot of things wrong. So I want a stylist who will give my hair the TLC it needs. I guess what I will do is sit in the salon and observe first. I want to go to a salon my ma goes too now. She says they all do a good job so I will probably start my research now.

Sorry about the bad experience :(
I'm getting nervous with all these bad experience posts. I have had my share of bad experiences in the past. I am currently wearing braids now and plan to for another 3 months and when its time for a relaxer I want to go to a new stylist because after reading info from LHCF, my stylist was doing a lot of things wrong. So I want a stylist who will give my hair the TLC it needs. I guess what I will do is sit in the salon and observe first. I want to go to a salon my ma goes too now. She says they all do a good job so I will probably start my research now.

Sorry about the bad experience :(

I thought i was the only one who wants to do this! I just want to call up a stylist and ask "do you mind if i come and sit in on a couple of your services just to familiarize myself with your practices?"

You just need to speak up and not be scared to walk out of a salon.

Even with wet, dripping hair, and relaxer base on your scalp, be bold enough to just get up and walk out.

I think many of us get so desperate to get our hair done for whatever reason(event, hot date, job interview,etc) that we allow ourselves to sit there and take ish just to look presentable.

*** being presentable. Get up and walk out.
I'm sorry this happened to you :( it makes you lose faith in hairdressers.

Do you know what the funny thing is... she had the nerve to charge me £50 ($73):mad: I refused to pay it, and she got mad, I got madder and told her she was a disgrace to hairdressers everywhere if she thought she'd done an acceptable job

Good for u!!! What the heck is wrong with these people??!!! Maybe they :wallbash: hit their head on a wall once too many times
I Your hair looks thick to me but have you tried biotin and msm? It really works for me.

Its a fraud - my hair is crazy fine but thanks!!! and what exactly is msm? And I take biotin (mostly for my weak nails) but what mg do you use in the biotin??

Your story reminds me of my freshmen year of college where I had a really bad hairdresser experience.

My story was similar to yours in that I kept asking her to wash the relaxer out because in my case it was burning and she kept telling me that all of my hair hadn't "taken" yet. She proceeds to walk away, get on the phone and also eat a snack. When I finally had MUCH attitude and told her to wash it out immediately, unfortunately a significant amount of my hair washed down the drain with it. My edges have NEVER been the same and that was 15 years ago!!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

It doesn't sound like you have suffered any chemical burns (thankfully) so as others have said, just baby your hair, do a protein treatment/reconstructor, keep your hair moisturized and hopefully after a few washes your hair will start to feel normal again. Like others have mentioned, I would also let my regular stylist know that I was not pleased with the service while she was gone.

Good luck!
I thought i was the only one who wants to do this! I just want to call up a stylist and ask "do you mind if i come and sit in on a couple of your services just to familiarize myself with your practices?"

You just need to speak up and not be scared to walk out of a salon.

Even with wet, dripping hair, and relaxer base on your scalp, be bold enough to just get up and walk out.

I think many of us get so desperate to get our hair done for whatever reason(event, hot date, job interview,etc) that we allow ourselves to sit there and take ish just to look presentable.

*** being presentable. Get up and walk out.

I completely agree!! I had to learn this one the hard way....By the way, your hair is GORGEOUS!!!!
I thought i was the only one who wants to do this! I just want to call up a stylist and ask "do you mind if i come and sit in on a couple of your services just to familiarize myself with your practices?"

I asked a hairstylist that. Because you always are taking a risk when you go to a stylist for the first time even if someone recommended them to you, so she said "Im not really comfortable with that, but I can assure you you will be satisfied when I do your hair", I didn't end up going to her. Thats why I have a main stylist and about two back up stylists in case I cant schedule with my main one. Because there is always a chance that someone new will mess your hair up.

But OP, it doesn't look damaged to me. Im not a hairxpert but if you DC regulary and like someone else mentioned stretch your next relaxer your hair will bounce back. :)
^^I dont see why they'd have a big problem letting me sit on thier services.

Isn't that what we do when we go there and wait 3 hours to be seated anyway? LOL

I sit right in the little waiting area and watch her doing another clients hair..
^^I dont see why they'd have a big problem letting me sit on thier services.

Isn't that what we do when we go there and wait 3 hours to be seated anyway? LOL

I sit right in the little waiting area and watch her doing another clients hair..

Yeah. And to me a hairstylist who knows that she does hair well, wouldn't have a problem with someone coming in and observing her while she works.
<<hugs> OP.

I've been stretching for the past 4 months. Now I'm scared to get my relaxer in Feb. So many horror stories.
I asked a hairstylist that. Because you always are taking a risk when you go to a stylist for the first time even if someone recommended them to you, so she said "Im not really comfortable with that, but I can assure you you will be satisfied when I do your hair", I didn't end up going to her. Thats why I have a main stylist and about two back up stylists in case I cant schedule with my main one. Because there is always a chance that someone new will mess your hair up.

But OP, it doesn't look damaged to me. Im not a hairxpert but if you DC regulary and like someone else mentioned stretch your next relaxer your hair will bounce back. :)

i remember going to my mother's stylist and asking her a bunch of questions. she was laughing at me and couldn't believe the stuff i was asking her. she stated she never had a client question her like that. my cousin gets an attitude as well when i question her procedures.