Back To Texlax


Well-Known Member
Has anyone on gone back to a texturizer or relaxer?

Can you share your pros and cons?
I am considering going back to a texturizer, thanks!
I went back to a relaxer. No regrets. I don't have any issues with relaxers. I have gone back and forth many times. What I won't do is self relax. I want to make sure I get consistent results.
This is the second time I went natural ( BC last august) and the second time I went back to texlaxing. No regrets.

I guess the only con would be the upkeep of having to do it over and over.

The pros for me are that it softened it up and shows my curl pattern more but it's still SO thick. To anyone else they wouldn't even have a clue I have chemical in my hair at all. Every time I go natural I have trouble with styling because I've got too many different textures in my hair and can never make sense of it. And even though the con is the upkeep, I go pretty long between texlaxes because it's not even noticeable that I "need" it done. I go about 5 months easy before I start feeling like the new growth is creating more work for me and changing the look of my wash and goes. I do it myself so I can control how long it sits in different areas. For example The nape is close to 3b so it only stays there for a couple of minutes but the crown is more 4a so I leave it there much longer.

The first time I went natural I transitioned for a year then cut it off. Texlaxed about 6 months later and kept doing it for years. My hair grew to tailbone length. (It took 5 yrs) So another pro for me was that it didn't cause me any issues with growth. When I was relaxed bone straight I couldn't get past apl.
This is the second time I went natural ( BC last august) and the second time I went back to texlaxing. No regrets.

I guess the only con would be the upkeep of having to do it over and over.

The pros for me are that it softened it up and shows my curl pattern more but it's still SO thick. To anyone else they wouldn't even have a clue I have chemical in my hair at all. Every time I go natural I have trouble with styling because I've got too many different textures in my hair and can never make sense of it. And even though the con is the upkeep, I go pretty long between texlaxes because it's not even noticeable that I "need" it done. I go about 5 months easy before I start feeling like the new growth is creating more work for me and changing the look of my wash and goes. I do it myself so I can control how long it sits in different areas. For example The nape is close to 3b so it only stays there for a couple of minutes but the crown is more 4a so I leave it there much longer.

The first time I went natural I transitioned for a year then cut it off. Texlaxed about 6 months later and kept doing it for years. My hair grew to tailbone length. (It took 5 yrs) So another pro for me was that it didn't cause me any issues with growth. When I was relaxed bone straight I couldn't get past apl.
Thanks!! What do you use to texlax?