Attn:MSM users..........Itching?


New Member
So did any of you notice itching of the skin when using this product? I just started using this 2 weeks ago and every now and then I have itching all over my body. Mine is from GNC. I dont have as much breakouts because I love to drink tons of water. But my skin is very itchy at times. Did you guys notice this at all?
I started using MSM about two weeks ago (contained in Whole Foods Hair, Skin and Nails) and shortly thereafter noticed itching on my legs, thighs, feet . . . I've since stopped taking the supplements. I don't know if they were the cause, but my itching has subsided.
I did have a itching problem

I can't tell if it was the MSM because my body reacts to certain foods when I eat too much of it like tomatoes, onions and feta cheese. At the time I started using the Skin and hair formula with MSM I was eating a lot of red onions. I cut out both and I'm going to start taking it again (maybe) or try a different brand. I was using Natrol. I'm kind of scare.

I may just resort to using a Multi, B Complex 100 (which makes my hair grow fast too) and Calcium 600-1000 mg.
Re: I did have a itching problem

sabie19 said:
I have received some itching and my hair has became softer.

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Same here, my hairline even started sprouting more hair. I have to admit, when I started reading about MSM here, deep down inside, I didnt think alot of it was true. Something about "these statements have not been approved by the food and drug...", blah blah blah, that make me feel skeptical about many things. But I see it does work
Re: I did have a itching problem

Some people may have an allergy to sulfur and not know it. All over itching is not normal in any case and I would check with a doctor. Or you may just need to lower your dose. I have read that you have to give your body a chance to adjust to MSM because taking too much too soon can cause adverse reactions.

I just got my MSM today, so I havent started taking it yet. I'm still a little skeptical because I'm breastfeeding and worried about the effect it will have on my baby.

Good luck with finding out what's causing the itchies.
Re: I did have a itching problem


Same here, my hairline even started sprouting more hair...I see it does work

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Really....that's interesting
Re: Attn:MSM users

i experienced itching when i was taking a multi with my hair vitamins. i guess there was too much concentration of certain vitamins cause my skin was on FIRE!!! so i dumped the multi. i'm kinda mad though cause it means that i have wasted $$.
Re: Attn:MSM users

I am expriencing itching with my hair as well...Im not itching today though. I started taking small dosage of MSM but now I take 2 1000mg pills a day. I wont stop taking it just yet Ill wait and see how it goes. Thanks ladies.
Re: I did have a itching problem

dahllia said:...... my hairline even started sprouting more hair

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Mine too!!!
Re: Attn:MSM users

Initially, I did have itching, but after a few weeks it subsided. I drink a lot of water and take vitamin C with my MSM. I too was skeptical, until I noticed that I was able to wwwwaaayyyy past my regular re-touch date. I tell everyone to first talk to a pharmacist or educate yourself on this product BEFORE taking it. As stated, continuous itching might be a sign of an allergic reaction.
Re: Attn:MSM users

I am not an authority on ANY vitamins, but it seems to me that if it's speeding up or increasing your hair growth, that any itching is probably from the follicles increasing inactivity and the nerves are responding- not an allergy, just activity.
Re: Attn:MSM users

What brand of MSM are you guys taking and have you had headaches?