ATTN CHALLENGE HOLDERS!! I'm using a pass.


New Member
I can't remember which challenge needs a pass and which don't
But I'm on bootcamp and hide your hair
So I'm straightening my hair for my graduation pictures.
But no one will see my length really, as I am pin curling (thats for you Hide Your Hair)
And thats it

Okay thanks!

I love when people break these "hide your hair" challenges!!!:angeldevi

Don't let it be wasted though, post pictures of the style...I wanna see it!:grin:
both of them you can use a pass...the bootcamp you have to do a post in that thread stating what you are using your pass for...i gues this will count though:ohwell:
yea if uve seen my other post then you know that "style" has been a disaster
i have posted pics but its locked until the challenge is over


trimbride said:
I love when people break these "hide your hair" challenges!!!:angeldevi

Don't let it be wasted though, post pictures of the style...I wanna see it!:grin:
trimbride[B said:
]I love when people break these "hide your hair" challenges!!!:angeldevi
Don't let it be wasted though, post pictures of the style...I wanna see it!:grin:

You're bad :lol: :lol: !

I hear you though, I couldn't keep up with bootcamp...I'm too weak. And I have all these pics (that actually came out) that I wanna post because I'm really in love with henna....:look:.