Attention Mane N' Tail Users....


New Member
I dont know if anyone knows this or not..but
has MNT 6 for 19.99 (yeah, you heard me!) The 12oz bottles! Or larger. NEVER RUN OUT OF MNT AGAIN!!!...They have the original shampoo/conditioner/ deep conditioner/detangler/braid sheen/hairdress.... the list goes on and on. I got it figured...w/tax/shipping (2 day light parcel) it'll be 30.62 for six 12 oz bottles of MNT Original Conditoner!!
I know it's hard to believe...but look I tell you look!!!! (click on link)
Thanks so much Tammiematthews! :clap:

When it was on sale at Rite Aid a few weeks ago, all of the stores I went to were out of the shampoo, so I just got the conditioner. Now I can stock up at the sale price and not worry about driving all over for it!!