Attempting a wash n go..Any tips?


New Member
Since every told me to stay away from weave I'm how to do my own hair...I am attempting a wash n go. I am mostly 4b with I believe some 4a in the middle I am not sure...I heard eco styler gel works well... Is a wash and go better on wet hair or dry hair?
1. Definitely wet hair...I don't know that it would be a wash and go on dry hair...

2. Don't forget a moisturizer- dry wash and go's can wreak havoc on the strands of hair (a good leave-in conditioner should do the trick)

3. Some like to use gel, others don't...I don't (except if I'm doing a puff to smooth my edges)- the leave-in is enough for me...For the first day wash and go, I do use a denman to get the leave-in evenly distributed and then for the subsequent days, I just refresh with H2O and EVOO...
My tips:

Hair dripping wet when product is applied

Do not towel dry, just squeeze excess water from tresses. Towel dry = frizz.

Once you're done styling, don't touch until dry. Touching = frizz.

I always layer conditioner, then moisturizer, then gel (when I use gel).

Good luck!! :)
Hey OP - I'm not sure if it qualifies as a wash n go (by definition, it wasn't quite as easy as "washing" and "going" lol), but here's what I did:

-detangled with condish
-DC'd overnight for 14 hours (I figured I needed the extra moisture for the extra coil definition)
-Applied my leave-in
-Mixed up some left over MJ CM, ecostyler gel and castor oil then applied to sopping wet hair and shingled

Below is a pic of my results. The style lasted about 2-3 days with daily water spritzing...could've lasted 1-2 more but I didn't like that crunchy feeling my hair had. Wasn't too bad, but I like very soft, touchable hair and this wasn't it. Anyway, the DH liked it lol.


Consider using a curl enhancer like products from Aveda's Be Curly line, Miss Jessies Quick Curls or a really good moisturizing leave in. I would wash/rinse then apply the curl enhancer, a light film of oil or a creme, style and go.

Just be careful though, I think of WnG's as a quick way of delaying good hair practices from the morning to the evening. What I mean by this is, just because you hair is styled nicely for the day, this merely delays the maintenance you need to do from that morning til the evening time. I can't go more than a day or two (at max) with a WnG before you can run into problems with single strand knots (SSKs) and other issues. So be sure to follow up at night with proper maintenanc (i.e. combing and or putting your hair up in a wrap).
Definitely wet hair and find out what products work best on your hair. I tried a number of different curling products and gels and finally hit on Aveda Be Curly products. They work like magic on my texlaxed hair!

Have fun experimenting!
I got this tip from Elle (Quest For The Perfect Curl) Make sure your hair is well moisturized, this helps reduce shrinkage.

For me, I moisturize and then seal VERY well with a shealoe mix. This keep the strands defined and separated so I don't get tangles and such.

You can also try twist outs, eventually my twist-outs start to look like wash n go without all the extra work. :)